Yet Another Fantasy 2.0/Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: A golden visitor

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Long red hair, bound with a golden band in the back to form a loose tail, billowed in the ethereal wind that blew through Dreamspace. Yellow-Orange eyes set in a face that was cute yet dour scanned the seemingly endless plane. The crimson cape and sleeveless dress of scarlet and gold whipped about the mature elfin body as she rode a phoenix whose coloration made it all but impossible to tell from the dress. Dream bubbles flowed past the girl as her lips slipped from a pout into a full fledged frown. The Golden Wizard was, if not ancient, then older than almost anyone she’d ever heard of, and one of the reasons she’d managed to outlive even those a score of months younger than her was because she was endlessly curious and wandered constantly, seeking ever after the secret that would explain… explain everything… or at least give her more time with which to seek that most elusive of secrets.

The problem with being, as many had called her, a prying meddler with no respect for a Lich’s privacy or the sanctity of other people’s libraries, was that sometimes one discovered mysteries almost as intriguing as the grand mystery, or (even worse) a mystery that might, just might, lead to a clue to that greater mystery. Time was a relentless pressure, so distractions were always a risk… and yet, how could one know which paths led to the truth and which were mere follies? This was one of those times. Two hours ago, deep in an ancient pre-break ruin, she had found a stone tablet engraved with markings that had some troubling implications. As a master wizard, she had come across prophets of both the ancient and recent sort with their auguries of doom more than a few times; all of them had all been proven to be less than reliable… and (thanks to her) they were all quite dead now. Still, The Golden Wizard was the studious sort, having inhabited this world for just over fifty months; and she’d seen many a thing in her days that had led her to believe that fate was less happenstance and more enemy action.

The thing that was making her frown now was not, however, the implications of the tablet’s engravings, but rather the amount of time this accursed distraction was taking. The thread she’d found had been promising, yes, but had it been promising enough to justify the travel time? It had been almost thirty minutes since she’d entered the Dreamspace, since she’d cast the spell of tracking while standing on one of the upper continents, and she’d already passed the sun and moons! Had she realized that the thread would lead her down to the lower half of the world, she might have reconsidered.

She was just beginning to consider turning back when a massive black circular wall loomed before her, and her frown deepened into a grimace. She knew of this wall and what it meant. This was the Ashland Desolation, the End of All Things, and a place she had long ago sworn never to return to… but the small thread she had been following continued right to it, a tiny clue that could lead her to her doom… or her destiny. Bringing up her interface, Sandra flipped through to a more precise tracking spell, one hand gesturing and moving the interface pegs on the spell diagram while her other hand gripped the massive gold staff topped with a solar planisphere. “Soul Tracker: Dreamspace!” she shouted, and a silver band of energy pulsed out from the tip of her staff. Moments later a return ping came, to which her staff responded with a second pulse. “Directional Fix Acquired,” the staff intoned, and Sandra grimaced, but firmed her jaw. She was doing this. Banishing her lingering doubt, she redirected her phoenix towards a landmass slowly resolving in the distance, her frown returning to a dour pout as she recognized it. Bascage Plate, the lowest continent in the world, the one that scrapes forever along the surface of the Desolation.

That revelation stirred worry in her heart; it could be no coincidence that her spells had led her here of all places, back to where it had all begun. Sandra continued to follow the silver bands and pings of energy, homing inward on the continent, seeing the density of dream spheres gradually increase, though had she scooped up every dream sphere on the entire plate to count, she would have found that they numbered less than half the population of even the smallest of the cities she’d visited in recent times. Her flightpath steadied down, tracking in towards one of the towers, its shape little more than a shadow of its real world counterpart, and at its base appeared what seemed to be a small town, though these things were not always certain in Dreamspace. Minutes later she came to a stop, her phoenix hovering above a pair of closely pressed dream spheres, two girls sleeping together. With a snap of her fingers the red and gold firebird shrank down to a red lustrous pearl then winked out of existence, while she herself slowly floated above the two spheres, studying them intently. The sphere to the left brought a slight blush to her cheeks, for in it a cute mature girl was dreaming of sitting at a table upon which a dessert elf youngling was splayed out, covered in various confections that the dreamer was partaking of. The dreamer must have quite a creative imagination to come up with such a luscious thing.

Sandra felt a tightening in her rather tiny panties as she felt her clit heat up. An elf girl of that appearance would have quite a hard time getting anyone to treat her seriously rather than try and get into her skirt at every opportunity. Dour lips pursed, yellow-orange eyes shifting to the other dream sphere as her feet settle upon the surface, her destination at last arrived at. She turned to regard the second dream, and her gaze took in a landscape in miniature, a disparate set of armies facing each other. Plush bears, biped machines, fully armed and armored knights, dancers in scraps of transparent gauze for clothing... they were all figments, dozens upon dozens of figments acting out a dream battle. The wizard nearly missed the child, as she had been reclining on a snowy mountain the size of a sofa, a mass of white silken hair covering much of her body. Upon seeing her face and her skin, the red head became distinctly aware that the other dreamer had not created her fantasy out of whole cloth, but was, in fact, picturing this second dreamer. Despite the tight pressure of her tiny panties, Sandra’s clit rose up above the edge, filling out to full mast and tenting her dress robes as she raked her eyes over the child, ears tingling and flicking.

“Hel-” The words on Sandra’s lips were cut short as the child met her gaze with bright intelligent eyes.

“You’re not a figment.” the little elf stated, rising up from her bed on the miniature mountain-scape. Long white hair was pulled about her body, held in place by slender arms, making Sandra wonder if the child understood the concept of nakedness. “I won’t let you in,” the child added, wariness in her yellow eyes as they tracked towards the bottom of Sandra’s dress, causing the red head to pull her cape across herself in turn.

“That is a very good idea, though dreamers have some advantage over... visitors.” Sandra spoke as she gazed over the simulated landscape. This child was not merely dreaming, but rather manipulating her dream-state to her liking, having the figments entertain her. An interesting thought, but not completely unheard; children did have such powerful and active imaginations. “I am Sandra, The Golden Wizard, Master of the Arcanum, and I have followed a trail that has led me here.” Sandra had expected some reaction, though not out of ego. She was one of the four heroes that had brought an end to the Delta War eighteen months earlier, and gossip about heroes had a tendency to travel faster and farther than logic might dictate. But no, the desert elf’s gaze was steady, lacking any sign of recognition in those odd yellow eyes, making Sandra more and more self conscious, deeply aware that she should probably reorient herself instead of standing on the dream bubble and giving the child an unfiltered look at her erection. As the mage in red and gold shifted to hover in the mist parallel to the landscape in the dream, the child finally spoke up. “I live with my mother outside of town, some distance away. Except for my mother’s future partner, we have not had any visitors since I arrived a few months ago.” The child’s small sweet voice did not help Sandra gain any control over her erection, though the way the child was speaking did tear her thoughts away from her embarrassment. Communication within the dream realm was closer to telepathy than it was to waking speech, and a child would normally be more understandable yet still maintain a childish manner. Not so with this strange child.

Sandra stared back at the girl for a long moment, judging her. There was every chance that she was looking at some future genius, though it was up to the Goddesses themselves to determine what she was going to be a genius of. It was curious that the girl used the word-thought "arrived"; as if it had more meaning then coming from a continent foreign to Bascage Plate. Sandra filed that away to ponder later, lest that distract her too much. “Then you will have seen or heard little regarding our world, certainly nothing that would have drawn me to you. That leaves only one possibility, that you will have witnessed something in the future. It would be a world shattering event, one I could easily find by scrying your future, without delving into personal matters. May I do so? May I cast a spell and peer at this future event that has led me to you?” Sandra’s words were careful. Where this truly a child, she could perform the ritual without the girl’s permission. Sunder past her likely non-existent resistances. But that would be as shocking to the child as being raped by a monster and would have lasting effects the rest of her life. If she was not merely a normal child, the spell might rebound upon the caster or even link the two of them together in mind or spirit. No, better to seek permission and avoid the risk. “Yes,” was the child’s single word response. The elf girl wasn’t merely consenting, she was pressed up against the dream sphere’s barrier. Sandra could see the eagerness in the girl’s face and that ass length mass of white hair had fallen away to reveal a slender petite frame. Sandra’s mouth watered as she gazed at the smooth, slightly toned expanse of mocha skin, the plushness of the girl’s sex the... Sandra cut her thoughts off there and swallowed, her mouth suddenly wet with lust, her member harder than she’d ever felt it, already oozing pre-cum that was staining her dress. This child’s beauty was dangerous, both to herself and others.

The red and gold mage floated a few paces away from the dream sphere and brought up her Interface, quickly flipping through the various interactions and drilling down to the divination spell she needed. She released her staff to let it float nearby as she grabbed at the Interface pins on the complex spell diagram before her, words and phrases pouring from her lips to aid in cross linking portions of the diagram. “Probe deep into the future. Gaze through the pages of time. Reveal to me this pivot of time: Crystal Vizier!” As she uttered those words of power, multiple layered overlays of magic formed around the child’s dream sphere. Some circular, some square, and others of more complex shapes, with symbols and runes glowing brightly. At the apex of the spell’s energies, Sandra’s view of the world shifted.

There was pure whiteness, not from a lack of color, but from powerful intense energies within the vision. Two hulking forms approach each other, their shapes washed out in the raw power of their passage, only their eyes visible, trailing matching colors of energy in their wake. One set glowing a fierce bright yellow, the other set glowing a somber but no less bright orange. A charge built from the one with orange eyes, a charge that it unleashed upon the one with yellow. Such was the raw power that some of it leaked through Sandra’s magic and crashed into her, shattering not only the scrying but also the tracking spell, and still the power did not ebb. It smashed into her defenses and as she lost consciousness, she was sent tumbling into the gray mists.

Pretty blue eyes opened to take in the morning light. Lips pursed into a pleasing smile. Memories of last night returned to Hana quickly, bringing a wet heat to her depths. She let out a sweet luxurious moan as she tightened her grip around the soft warm... pillow? A pout came to her lips as she scanned the bed, the creature of her desire nowhere to be seen. Of course she wouldn’t be in bed, she was Suri’s daughter after all, and did everything she could to please her mother. Hana drew in a deep breath of air through the pillow. The dark elf’s scent was still upon it, the lightest, most subtle hint of chocolate. Squeezing the pillow between her thighs and within her arms, the engineer ground her sex against the plush surface as she continued to breath in that scent. Oh how she wished that little minx was still in bed with her. She would have had seconds and thirds and... Hana let out a low chuckle. She’d not had a little one in dozens of months and, when she finally did, it was with a toy elf. Laughing she threw the pillow to the side and spread out on the bed, her soft form naked as the day she was born. After several long moments of just laying there, trying to bring her libido under control, she climbed out of bed, and pulled on a soft nightgown. Nothing her pretty kitty would ever wear, but Hana was all about practicality in her clothing. After a quick visit to the bathroom to empty herself out, she went on the prowl, hoping to discover where her guest had gone. She hadn’t gone far before she was halted in her tracks, standing in the door of her kitchen. Hana wasn’t a slob by any means, but she'd rather do work projects for the town or the guild than organize living quarters. Thus, her kitchen was normally a bit disorganized, and in need of a good cleaning. That was no longer the case.

Not only was every surface virtually spotless, all the cartons and boxes and cans were neatly arranged and sorted, though not in any order the Mechanic might have used. The cleanliness was, perhaps, to be expected, given who’d raised the child, but the sorting… and the meticulousness of it… it all served to slightly unnerve Hana.

She chuckled to herself. Suri’s daughter was certainly an odd one, but surprises like this were more and more to be expected from a child that rarely talked, and when she did she sounded mature beyond her months and had a strange, but adorable, accent. The girl was also nowhere in sight. She considered searching for the child, but her nose guided her to a covered tray, whereupon she found toast and eggs and some fried bacon leaf scraps. That precious little thing made her breakfast without being asked to! With a laugh she picked up the tray and began to chew on its contents as she made her way through her house, finding that little idle hands had been very productive indeed. The floors had been freshly swept and mopped and the furniture dusted. All the books and knick knacks straightened. And (as she reached the laundry room) she found that the clothes washing machine she had built was running. Hana just stared as her laundry tumbled and sloshed behind the thick crystal lensplate. How did that child figure out how to operate such a complicated machine? Sure, she hadn’t gone out of her way to make it hard, but there was a sequence of valves and levers that had to be pulled to get it to cooperate and they weren’t exactly labeled nor was there an operations manual lying about. She’d ment to write one up, but never gotten around to actually making any of the machines to sell, so it hadn’t felt important.

The engineer pattered on bare feet through the house, heading past the entry foyer right for her garage and workshop, the last place in the building the child could be. And there she was, sitting on one of the stools by the workbench, that massive mane of silky white hair all but hiding the rest of the child from the rear. Worry rushed through Hana as she darted forward.

“You shouldn’t touch my tools, some of them could..!” Hana came to a stop, finding the little mocha skinned elf girl was sitting quietly by the bench with her arms crossed simply looking at her tools, and that none had been pulled in for examination. “Oh... you didn’t touch anything... that’s good.” She let out a grunt of pent up air and sat down next to the child, setting her tray down on the workbench’s flat surface. Hana looked over to regard that adorably impish face in profile. Those yellow eyes were open and focused upon the tools and she appeared lost in thought, for she obviously hadn’t heard a word the mechanic had said. But no, the purse of those soft pretty lips and the slightest furrow of brow let the engineer know the child was simply picking and choosing her words before she spoke. Suri had warned her not to rush the elf; she would end up just waiting even longer to get a response. “I wasn’t given permission to touch your tools, Hana. So I didn’t.”

The soft lilt of that childish voice brought a sudden fierce hunger to Hana’s loins, but it was quickly dosed as the child turned to regard her with an all too intense gaze. There was a strange unnerving iridescent flash to those too bright orbs as the light caught them just right. And it seemed they were all together too bright, catching too much light in the shadow dappled workshop. Hana gulped, while something primal wailed in the deepest part of her mind. “Y-yes... good girl!” Hana barked out with a strained laugh. “Could you... She struggled to find words, and said the first thing that came to mind. “Could you clean my tray and wash it?” Those yellow eyes tracked over to the tray and the child slid off the stool, picking up the tray without a word and pattered away, her bare feet making tiny slapping sounds as she retreated back into the house.

Hana let out a gasp for breath once the little one was out of view, one hand pressed to her breast, feeling her heartbeat thumping in her chest. What... what in the underworld was that? She’d been surprised by those eyes in the past, but she’d never seen them stay that bright for that long. That’s why... that’s why Suri wrapped the girl’s head in the scarf, not to hide her face, but those damn eyes. Yes… the waitress yesterday... yes that’s why she screamed like that. Oh... poor child, those eyes were going to get her into no small amount of trouble. With a frown, she turned to her work bench, and looked over her tools. Suri wasn’t the only one that could be a good mother. Her future wife had mentioned that the child spent a goodly amount of time staring out into the wasteland... She scanned the bench, and (after some consideration) began collecting bits of scrap from her supply, thoughts whirring and clicking as her idea began to take concrete form in her head. She got to work, cutting up pieces of leather, affixing a buckle here, drilling holes there, fitting small panes of glass together in a wire frame. Some time later, a drink was set down by her, but she was so focused she simply took it up and drank it before returning to this project. Hana carefully dripped resin between seams, picking up another drink set beside her and emptying it in turn. Then she fumbled around for a tool and, before she could find it, the exact one she needed was placed in her hand.

Hana paused, sitting back from the bench, and looked over to find the desert elf perched back on the stool she had earlier vacated. The engineer was quiet for a moment, palming the tool in her hand. “I thought you were just following me around like a lost little chick every time I came by to do repairs and maintenance… but you’ve been paying attention to everything I’ve been doing, haven’t you? ” Hana asked, a smile forming on her lips. A pink flush rose upon those dark ears and they began fluttering nervously. Before the child could speak, Hana had set down her tool and pulled the little one into her arms, drawn her face up to her own, and captured her lips. The older girl drew the breath out of the younger one as she slipped her tongue into the other’s mouth, questing for that sweet taste as her hands roamed over that lithe little frame. Hana was surprised how quickly she had scooped the little one up, but the sweet muffled moans from the toy elf only emboldened her, bringing more desire surging through her belly. A hand finally slipped beneath the thin dress the child was wearing, cupping that precious little pussy, and slipping a middle finger between lovely pouting lower lips. Delicate folds greeted her finger tip and Hana’s womb squeezed in pleasure as she eased her the digit further in, feeling the tight channel of flesh grip her finger as she sank it deeper and deeper.

The white haired girl’s hipped buck as Hana’s fingers slipped further in, joint by joint, until it encountered a spongy dome of flesh. Oh how the Mechanic wished the goddesses had granted her a cock, but in all fairness the lack of cock had saved her from... She shifted her focus back to the moaning elf flesh in her arms, best not to dwell on bad memories. She pumped her finger, feeling that tight channel of flesh tremble and squeeze. Hana was still amazed how sensitive the child was, after just a few pumps the girl was crying out into her mouth, her hips bucking against the probing hand. Hana held her tight, continuing to finger fuck her future daughter through this climax and into the next as she ground the heel of her palm down on the jut of the child’s mons. One finger was joined by two as the mewling moaning elf girl crashed through perhaps her sixth climax. The engineer kept going, watching those yellow eyes drift upward as the little one lost herself in the pleasure. Fingertips located a pad of flesh on the roof of the elf’s pussy, and dug in, sending yet another climax through that delicate lithe frame, producing the most intense cry from the toy elf as she went slack in Hana’s arms.

Pulling her lips away, and drawing her fingers free of the child’s drooling snatch, Hana sucked them clean of that sweet nectar. Shivering with pleasure of her own, she hefted the girl in her arms and returned to the bedroom, where she laid the little one out to rest. Knowing how she’d reacted in the past, Suri’s daughter should be out of her hair for a good hour or two. Rising up, Hana palmed her own belly, luxuriating in the pleasure she had felt playing the little one like an all too adorable flute. Oh, she had a good six to nine months before things changed... but she truly hoped she was around for the girl’s first heat. By that time Suri and she should be officially a couple, and Hana was sure she could convince her future wife that all three of them should share a bed together when the elf came of age.

Suri scanned the scroll once more, making certain she understood everything it contained, then glanced over to the aviator, swiveling her cat ears forward. “I’ll have everything prepared for their arrival!” she shouted over the thumping blade of the gyrocopter. “But remind them that I have an older child with me, and I will be quite cross if someone tries anything funny.”

“Vunderstood mistress innkeepah! Ve’re an above ba’d trading compan’ah. Za captains keep t’yght ships!” The aviator thumped a hand to her chest. Her words were partially snatched away by the beating blades but they were so mangled by her thick upper world accent that it was hard to tell what was missing.” When the girl returned her hands to the controls, the blue haired innkeeper took that as her cue to step back and give the flying machine all the room it needed and then some. The blades beat harder and harder, and then, with a roar, the machine of brass and iron lifted up off one of the inn’s two landing pads like a dragon out of legend, rising up into the blue sky above. And then it was away. Suri’s ears flattened to keep the sand and grass out, her skirt whipping about, baring her lace stocking-clad legs a few times before it settled down again. The cat girl clutched the scroll to her chest and turned, heading back towards the inn. Then, a sound made her pause. Was the gyrocopter coming back? Had the pilot forgotten something? After a moment, she realized what the sound must be and smiled to herself.

What she’d initially mistaken for the sound of the flying machine rapidly resolved itself into the familiar chug of her lover’s steam engine. She looked on, past the inn’s sign, and sighed happily. The sign hanging above the entrance of the inn did have just a bed engraved on it, but the magics imbued into that symbol interacted with her interface to show her the glowing blue lines of text and graphics displaying a cute vision of herself, one that winked in a loop and welcomed visitors to the Center Cliff Inn. It had cost a pretty penny, but it always made her day to see it, and it had paid for itself several times over.

As the steam-engine walker came to a stop, Suri ran past the front of the inn and into her lover’s arms. Hana had leapt from the controls, the engine still venting its steam, and with a laugh she scooped the catgirl up in her arms and gave her a deep, passion-filled kiss. The blue haired innkeep purred at the sweet taste on her lover’s tongue. It coaxed her to work her own tongue even deeper, entwining it with that of the older girl. It was some time later before they both came up for breath and Suri gave Hana a light thump on the head. “You’ve been playing with her all the way back?” she accused, a deep pout shaping her adorable lips.

Hana tried to appear downcast at the admonishment, but couldn’t maintain the facade for more than a couple of seconds. She lifted her head, an extremely naughty grin on her face. “Oh no love, since before lunch.” The cat girl mewed in annoyance and glowered as the engineer gave her bottom a good pinch and danced away before she got another thump. “I would have stopped if she had asked!”

With the scroll in one hand, Suri planted her fists on her hips, her tail swishing back and forth, ears focused on her misbehaving lover. “She’s not going to say no. She might know how to, but my daughter is all too eager to please.” She lifted her skirt, showing off her lace covered calves. “Now take a good look. But that’s all you’re getting. I was going to show you more... a lot more… as a reward for restraining yourself, but it looks like you couldn’t manage that.”

Hana uttered a strangled sound as the skirt dropped back down, glancing over at the steam engine and the dazed occupant upon it. “Uhm... damn...I..” There was a soft thud as the blue haired girl collided with her, uttering a deep purr with an equally deep hug. “Oh, I am a fickle creature!” Suri groaned. “Any other day I would have followed through on that punishment.” Normally round eyes shifted into vertical slits as the cat girl’s tail swished back and forth, an intense heat pulsing from her womb. “But the moons have other ideas.” She nipped her lover on the ear, almost biting through the flesh. “Put the girl in her bed... and then hurry to room one.” The blue haired girl stepped away, rushing back into the inn.

Hana stood outside the building, a befuddled expression on her face, for several moments before she scrambled up onto the steam engine and collected the napping elf.

Leroy opened her eyes, ears twitching as she heard soft mewling from somewhere nearby. She looks around in confusion, snuggling into the softness of her bed. Her bed? Leroy sat up as the waning sunlight painted the room in soft reds and growing shadows. A delicious shiver ran through her, her bladder aching sweetly from fullness. She lowered a hand to rest on her tummy, then a rush of heat washed through her as she recalled the events of the day, and what Hana had done with her… to her. She squeezed her thighs together as a wet heat builds up, and she licks her lips. While her ears and cheeks burned with embarrassment, she realized that she’d loved every minute of it. She looked around as she heard that warbling panting mewling again, but her eyes stopped short before she found the source of the seductive sound, focusing instead on some items resting on the nightstand next to her bed. She slid over, legs swinging over the edge. A long silver jewelry chain. Three tiny keys. Two buttplugs, one a fair bit larger than the other. A gnarled thumb sized capsule next to a small device made of wood and crystal. A pinky sized tube with a twist stopper on the end. A small wooden box with a small scroll bound to it. A small pair of goggles with half a dozen interchangeable lenses.

She reached out with delicate fingers and picked up the goggles, sliding them over her head and eyes, and tightening them in place. They fit her perfectly, though she noticed that they reduced the brightness of her view a little bit. A small smile crossed her lips. Leroy would have to thank Hana... later. Right now, if the mewling was any indication, the two older girls were all too distracted. She’d had her fill of pleasure for the day; she’d leave the love birds to their fun.