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I have now applied balm to all the bruises. It will ease the pain in time, and we will be able to take her to the meeting with school counselor tomorrow. Her swollen lip will be visible, one more reason to come snooping around our family. She tries to move her legs, but her pants are knotted tight around her ankles. I start pulling them back on but stop before scraping her damaged skin with them. I pull them completely off instead. She looks at me.<br />
I have now applied balm to all the bruises. It will ease the pain in time, and we will be able to take her to the meeting with school counselor tomorrow. Her swollen lip will be visible, one more reason to come snooping around our family. She tries to move her legs but her pants are knotted tight around her ankles. I start pulling them back on but stop before scraping her damaged skin with them. I pull them completely off instead. She looks at me.<br />

Latest revision as of 20:06, 16 May 2024

This is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/I. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest. />

Contest, Loli, M/g, F/g, incest, nepi, tod, dubcon, viol

I look at the tiny bottom with pity. Although my favorite thing is on the other side of the little girl´s body, these round buttocks form the most beautiful shape in the world. My fingers approach hesitantly, then start moving light as a feather on the silky soft skin.

met her in a hotel bar in Memphis. She said she needed a ride anywhere, the farther the better. So I took her home. All the way across the ocean.

Mariah was beautiful but seemed broken somehow. Her red hair was immaculately done, and she dressed better than anyone else in the joint. Still, something in her resonated with the melancholy I was experiencing at the time. I was attracted to her, and of course I thought it would lead to us having sex eventually. But I was in no hurry.

For a woman looking like her, she brought surprisingly little luggage to her new life abroad. She said she wanted to leave everything behind. I found it romantic. Not romantic in a romance-kind of way, you see. I mean it in the true sense of the word, as if she had something unknown to bring into my mundane life. And as time was to prove, that´s what she indeed carried with her.

She loved it when I called her beautiful, and I still think she is. She forced a new, more open side out of me, and we had a lot of fun times with my friends and colleagues. We received some friendly teasing for being inseparable, holding hands all the time in the least. So, when it was noticed that she was pregnant, everyone assumed that it was my doing. In fact, we were cuddly back home too, but only with our clothes on. I had never gotten to see her naked. Clearly someone had.

She told me that she was ready to move out if I was not comfortable with it. I said that of course I wanted her with me, and the new baby too, but I needed to know if there was something else in her past that I should be aware of. She said that there wasn´t, but refused to tell me more.

I scheduled an appointment for her to maternity check-up. She came back moody and silent. I expressed my concern, but the baby had seemed healthy. It was a girl. This seemed important to her. That night she undressed completely to bed, telling me in the process that she had been taken by force back home. And as a result, now there would be another girl, whose life would eventually be spoiled by some horny bastard.

I held her in my arms and tried to assure her that together we would keep the child safe. When she felt my pubes on her skin, she retreated to her side of the bed. I was being naïve, she said. A female in this world would just have to be prepared to be a plaything for the stronger sex.

“The world is full of shit, and the sooner a child learns that, the better.”

“Don´t you think that by giving her a loving and caring start, she would be ready for anything that life throws at her?”

“That´s what I got, a happy childhood, and look where it got me. I know that some women can put it behind them, and not become a wreck like me. How does one become rape proof?”

“I saw a French film years ago, can´t remember the name. In it a woman compared rape to a car theft. You don´t keep valuables in the car for someone to take it. So, she wouldn´t hold anything valuable in her pussy. I thought that was a devastatingly sad idea.”

“But there is something to it. Maybe it´s not such a big deal if you are used to being touched there.”

Finally naked together in bed, and she could not bear my touch. Furthermore, she made it clear that she thought the sex act barely tolerable at best. I retreated to the bathroom, too depressed to even masturbate. I would help her through the pregnancy and the start with the baby, then find myself something else.

It was decided that the baby would be delivered by c-section. There was some medical condition that would have made normal childbirth risky, but I suspect she made it up to avoid contact to her private parts. I was with her in the operating room, trying to comfort her, hearing the sounds the surgeons made behind a green cloth. I could not stop myself imagining the instruments cutting into her body in order to dig new life out of her. I felt a nauseating helplessness. The sound of a baby crying was strangely out of place in this theatre of clinical professionalism.

The newborn girl was given for Mariah to hold for a moment, then they continued to sew her back together, and I was showed out with a baby. She felt almost weightless in my arms. There was some cleaning and measuring, then we were left in an empty room together. They suggested I should take off my shirt and hold her, with just a diaper on, skin to skin so she could feel the warmth and hear my heartbeat. I was not expecting that, but it made sense, the baby had spent all her life surrounded by the sounds of her mother´s insides. She was calm, perhaps slept a little. There was some faint hair on her head that had looked dark before she was washed. Now I saw that it was very light, with maybe a trace of red from her mother. I hoped she would get to keep that lively color. Sometimes her eyes were open, sometimes not, but I could not determine what color they were. Her weight and length were long gone from my brain, but I hoped we would get them in writing to satisfy the curiosity of our friends. I tried to keep her warm with my arms, as well as make sure not to drop her.

Sitting in that murky room, her warmth against my chest made me relax. All day I had been following orders, not quite understanding what was happening, but now I was holding a brand-new human in my arms. She could become anything. She would be here long time after I was gone. Unless I messed something up, that is. A huge responsibility was waiting for us, but now I could just sit there for a little while, holding her. There was something sensual in her smell. Having been part of the body that I was so frustrated for not being able to enjoy, she had been conceived by the very act that made her mother unreachable to me. I could feel that my penis was hard, but I did not have any desire to do anything with it.

Back home we dedicated our lives to keeping the little one alive. Eating, burping, hygiene – everything demanded an effort from us when she was awake. When she slept, we frequently checked that she was breathing. At night, it was my job, at the first hint of a cry, to bring her to Mariah for feeding, change her diaper and rock her back to sleep. Lack of sleep made us both forgetful and emotional.

I guess all that work did it for me. The baby girl became the most important thing in the world. Looking at me, smiling, holding my finger in her fist - all contact with her filled me with love. No more planning to leave; if I couldn´t be with her, I would just worry myself crazy over her. Hiding my face behind my hands and coming out again made her laugh. So did blowing raspberries on her tummy.

“You should lick her pussy now.”

Mariah had come beside me as I was immersed in entertaining the little one. The girl was naked now, I had just removed a dirty diaper and washed her. I looked at the tiny slit between her legs. She had a pussy in there, just like a woman, only so much smaller. At first it had seemed weird when I saw between those puffy lips, but it had only been me not thinking it through. It would not just magically appear there later. But touching it in a sexual way, that was too much.

“She must learn that it is not hers to keep.”

Mariah licked her finger, then pushed it between the girl´s tiny labia. She got all quiet mid-laughter, then started whining irritated. I knew that next up would be bawling full blast.

“Try to combine it with something good. Like while you breastfeed her.”

“You know how often she shits herself while eating.”

“Usually soon after, I think.”

I picked the baby up and comforted her in my arms. When she stopped complaining, I put her back on the changing table. I made faces for her, whispered in one ear, then the other, and soon she was happy again. Then I licked her slit gently and returned quickly to entertaining her with funny expressions. She kept laughing, possibly hadn´t even noticed. I had not pushed my tongue inside, just slid on the surface of her labia. It was very soft, did not really taste of anything. I blew a raspberry on her tummy, then licked a little deeper in her vulva. I traced it with the tip of my tongue, found the tiny little pussy hole, inner folds, clitoris. It did not taste like a pussy, just the fresh flavor of clean skin. I could hear her laughter stop. I risked a few more licks, making sure to moisten the area with saliva. Then I rose to see her reaction. She seemed baffled, but seeing my face up close, she smiled and reached for me with her arms. I picked her up and held her by my chest, giving little kisses on her head. There were tears in my eyes.

“Right. You should do that every time you change her.”

“She´s only three months old. She won´t remember anything of this.”

“She is learning how to interact with us.”

I suspect Mariah did not really think that it would make a difference that early in the baby´s life. What she was doing was teaching me to touch our daughter. It worked too. It became a part of our pleasant moments together for me to lick her pussy. After some time, it seemed to have a calming effect on her. Sometimes it led to her pissing into my mouth, but it did not matter too much. Her piss did not taste that bad. Living only on breast milk, even her poo was almost odorless. Soon I learned the signs and usually got away in time.

We decided to name her Thana Ellen. Film buffs both, we searched for names of strong females. Mariah went for an obscure rape/revenge flick Ms.45, I wanted to balance it with a more ordinary name in case Thanos would be a thing when she went to school. As Thana gained motoric skills, she started to hold her legs up for me during our unconventional dad/baby moments. I still had second thoughts, but our family seemed to be locked into the project of bringing up a rape proof girl. I had heard it told that strangely an infant’s memory gets practically erased at the age of three. I don´t know if I believed it, but in my mind, it was still possible to back out of this before we had to think about day care or school.

While breasting her, Mariah tried to feel Thana´s pussy. We had an open diaper underneath her to avoid messy surprises, while a spit-moistened finger found its way between her legs. It started well enough, but then the saliva dried away and the baby started to show signs of discomfort. Baby balm lasted longer, but soon Mariah decided it was not worth the hassle. Instead, she had me get my prick out and put it in the little one´s mouth. It was another border for me to cross, but as my glans rubbed against Mariah´s breast in the intimate baby-milk-smell, I could not help getting a little aroused. When I was half hard, she pulled the baby off her tit and turned her mouth to the tip of my dick. Our little princess started sucking hard, expecting to continue her disrupted lunch. She did not get milk of course, got me fully erect though. As precum reached her mouth, her tongue started moving on my glans and her sucking became a rhythmic slurping. I looked at it in horrified fascination.

“Oh my god this is bad. I gotta pull out now, before…”

“No, go on. We need to start trying other foods for her anyway.”

As I got near to orgasming, I had to fight the reflex of moving my hips. It was a painfully slow build-up that led to me shaking in her mouth, my whole body covered in sweat. When sperm finally made its delicious way from my contracting balls, through my pleasure filled penis and into her little throat, there was so much more of it than there is normally mother´s milk. It filled her mouth and splashed out around my cockhead. I pulled quickly out and took the couching girl on my shoulder, patting her butt and back. My cock was still shooting cum as she burped and puked a mixture of milk and sperm on my back. I put her back to her mother´s arms to continue feeding and retreated to clean myself.

Thana Ellen learned to walk just before her first birthday. A month after that, she started putting different words together like mama-milk or teddy-hug. One of these combinations was daddy-dick. Hearing that, Mariah tried briefly to start calling her bitch or cunt. She reasoned that if that´s what she would be eventually called anyway, then this would take away power from the words. I had a difficult conversation with her, stating that since I did not see Thana as either, I would never call her those names. And neither should she, because naming things effects in both ways. Mariah agreed, but it was a reminder for me of how differently she saw the world.

Once more I considered going to the authorities. If Mariah was harmful to the child, she should be taken from her. But somehow, I felt that as a man I owed her something for what that other man had done. It did not help that most of actual child molesting had been done by me. It had started to feel alarmingly good to cum between those small lips. And licking Thana´s pussy - now I sensed a taste there, and I had become dependent on it.

Thana grew to be even more amazing. Her hair darkened closer to the auburn of her mother and some freckles appeared above her nose. A laughing, dancing, walking and talking little girl posed another problem for us. How could we keep her from telling someone about what went on back home? Mariah got us some more time by staying home with her. When the girl stopped eating from breast, I did not give her my penis to suck any more either. We kept the licking practice going even after she had stopped using diapers. I did it every night in her room and we called it tucking her into bed. Should she accidentally mention it to someone, it would sound all innocent. No matter how much she had struggled to postpone bedtime, she would lay down on her bed and spread her legs for me. Sometimes she turned away after first touch, sometimes she hung her feet over my shoulders and rested them on my back for a long time, babbling away her little girl stories. I was always grateful to be offered her most private parts, and when she occasionally ground her vulva fervently against my face, only to fall asleep within seconds of breaking contact, I had to stay and stroke myself to relief, feasting my eyes on her.

At the age of 5, she started getting wet deep between her inner labia. When I first felt it on the tip of my tongue, it was like the first taste of wine. I knew immediately what it was, and despite the minuscule amount of it, I was intoxicated. It was fresh in a way that I had never experienced, still full of feminine sex. Soon there was more of it to be coaxed out from deep inside her. And one night I found her all slippery and wet as soon as she got in bed. We had clearly taught our daughter to appreciate sensual touch. Would it help her to cope with a sexual assault? I had no idea; it might even hit her harder. If only Thana could stay like this, our little angel that we could protect forever. Loving her, worshipping her beauty, pleasuring her body.

I was so preoccupied with lapping her delicious juices, and out of her sight slowly stroking my dick, that she noticed something was different. Her hand came to carefully investigate her girl parts.

“Daddy, what is this? Why am I all wet there?”

“That´s the lubrication your body gives out to be pleasured better. Feel how slippery it is, can you find the good spot with your fingers?”

Her fingertip dipped very briefly on the fluid. I saw her grimace like when trying some new food.

“Sweetheart, it´s ok. See how much I love the taste of it.”

I did a long, greedy lick all through her vulva and looked at her, licking my lips. Not really convinced, she slipped some more on her fingers and moved them over her clitoris. Soon her fingers came back for more and she started rubbing it harder. I concentrated on her vaginal opening, sticking the tip of my tongue against it. I managed to get my pants all the way off to properly stroke my cock. My tongue was not really in, but I could feel her girl hole contract around it. She gave a little shriek and pushed against my face, then went all limp on the bed.

I noticed Mariah standing next to me when she spoke.

“See how good daddy makes you feel.”

Thana did not open her eyes. She just nodded with a smile.

“You should make him feel as good. Get up, dear, and Thana, open your eyes.”

As I stood up, my hard cock looked grotesque over her tiny body. It throbbed and oozed precum. Thana looked at it apprehensively.

“Sit up and take it in your hands.”

She complied a little reluctantly. The shaft must have felt slimy and weird to her, but her touch almost made me shoot my load. I let out a little moan.

“That´s it, dear. Move your hands up and down. See how he likes it.”

She did it, concentrating on the task and trying to keep the touch to the precum at minimum. Then she looked up at my expression. She grinned and stroked faster. Her freckled face beamed with joy over this new game.

“Good girl. Now take the tip of it into your mouth.”

She looked at it and frowned. I did not want her to do anything unpleasant, but the idea made my cheeks feel hot. Looking back at my face, she must have seen a weird expression, because she started to bring her tongue slowly closer to it, staring at me with a glint in her eyes. When her tongue hit the underside of my glans, I pressed my eyes shut and tried my best not to come. I heard her laugh a little, and the tip of my dick was enveloped with warm softness. I opened my eyes to see it disappear into her tiny mouth, and her hands still stroke the shaft. It was too much for me. I tried to give a warning and pull away, but all that came out was a breathless grunt. Mariah pressed herself against my back and reached her hands around me to hold Thana´s head in place. She even pushed me a little forward as my cock shot a load of sperm into our little girl´s mouth. Even then she did not let go.

“Now you must swallow it.”

Held in place by her mother, my dick still spasmed in Thana´s mouth and the suction of her swallowing made the next loads feel even more spectacular. Some of it leaked from the corners of her mouth and ran down her chin. At last Mariah let go of us. I dropped down on the floor, resting my head on Thana´s lap. When I finally caught my breath, I looked at her.

“Thank you dear. That felt fantastic.”

Mariah had a more practical concern:

“You must start doing that before you brush your teeth in the evening.”

We used normal terms with her now. We had told her that what we did together was forbidden everywhere else. So, if she went for a sleepover, she would have to have pajamas on, and no touching her friends´ fathers. If she told someone, she would be taken to an institution. And raped there, Mariah added. I wondered if it was a good idea to threaten her like that.

Mariah gave us tasks at bedtime.

“Try to take it down your throat. Your rapist will push his dick there by force.”

“Take this chopstick and put it in your pussy hole. That´s where the cock will go when you are raped.”

“Sure dad can do it. You won´t have control with your rapist either.”

When we were alone, I told Thana that it was not all that certain that she would be raped. Most girls did not, but unfortunately too many did, and that´s what mommy wanted to prepare her for. Deep inside I was afraid that maybe it would be me that ended up violating her, seeing the way I got more and more into illegal sex with our child. As a precaution I stopped all alcohol use, and whenever she did not want sex play, I made sure to leave her alone.

After the chopstick there was a toy unicorn´s horn, and after that, a plastic toy bean. With each of these, she asked me to insert them while she masturbated until a climax. It was a surprise for me with the plastic chopstick at first, and I had not prepared by getting any lubricant. I used a generous amount of body lotion, then noticed wetness in my pants and wiped the thing with my precum. I even pushed it some way inside my cock hole before prodding her pussy with it. It went in easily, my main concern was not to push it too far. That was not the problem with the other, wider objects, and before she started school, I managed to penetrate her with my little finger. That time I did not give her time to start rubbing herself but enveloped her clit with my mouth. I sucked the little nubbin and licked its tip while feeling her pussy squeeze my digit harder and harder. I listened to her little squeaks and when I judged she was just about to come, I started moving my finger in and out. I tried to locate her clitoris from the inside and rub it with the tip of my finger, while still licking and sucking it. When she came, her legs wrapped around my head so tight I thought she would break my neck. Right then, with a mouth full of her little girl pussy, I would have died a happy man.

Our plan was to make our Thana used to being touched in her private parts. I got all carried away with trying to pleasure her, but Mariah and I agreed that it should still work. Would someone hurt her there now, she could remember the good things about sexual touch. Not exactly the original idea of making the private parts of her body less special, but I, at least, thought this was better.

We failed to see the flaw in what we taught her about sex. It felt good, it was ok to want it - that´s what every kid should learn, right? The first day in school, aged six, she went to another first-grader, a boy somewhat smaller than her, and pulled his pants down. Everyone around was so shocked, she managed to suck his little dick into her mouth before the grown-ups got around to pull her away. The boy was crying by then, but she insisted later that he had had a boner.

That´s it, I thought when they called me, we´re going down. Mariah had already been contacted and she had taken Thana home. No doubt they were wondering, where she got such an idea, and what we did home when no one was watching. Fortunately, a WhatsApp group of second and third graders was found, and it contained porno. Some teachers had seen the older kids play with their phones around the first graders just before the incident. I left my work early to return home and try to figure out a way to avoid consequences. I did not think much about the act itself; Thana would just need to be reminded about what was normal and what wasn´t.

Mariah took it much more seriously. To her, our little angel had turned into the kind of criminal she despised the most. When I got home, the house echoed with sounds of spanking and screaming. I found them in the bedroom. Thana laid belly down on the bed, pants around her ankles and her mother whipped her hard with one of my belts. The girl cried in desperation and pain, not even trying to avoid the punishment. The skin on her buttocks and lower back was lined with red stripes, and I saw a bruise on her lip. I tried to calm Mariah, but she just pushed me away. I approached again, she turned at me and raised the belt with a mad stare in her eyes. She was reminded of the horror that had befallen her years ago, and she felt betrayed by her own flesh and blood. I retreated to another room.

I stood by the door listening until the crying stopped. Still I heard the slaps of leather against skin. I rushed in and held Mariah. She struggled for a long time, then dropped the belt. As I let her go, she said:

“Fine. You fuck the little bitch then if she wants it so bad.”

Mariah left the room and slammed the door. I looked at our little girl crying quietly on the bed. There was no blood, but the skin was bruised in many places. There was some skin balm on Mariah´s bedside table. I took it and started to carefully apply it on the broken skin.

So, Thana Ellen, there it is. Why your mother took it so hard today and hurt you so. Why your biological father is never mentioned. And that´s why we have done the things with you the way we have. She wants me to put my penis into your pussy now. But that´s going too far. I could not hurt you like that. We can just wait here a little, and later not say anything about it. If we try to tell her something, she will know that we lie, but just stay quiet, and it will be ok.”

I have now applied balm to all the bruises. It will ease the pain in time, and we will be able to take her to the meeting with school counselor tomorrow. Her swollen lip will be visible, one more reason to come snooping around our family. She tries to move her legs but her pants are knotted tight around her ankles. I start pulling them back on but stop before scraping her damaged skin with them. I pull them completely off instead. She looks at me.

“Dad, did I rape that boy? I thought it could only be done to girls.”

“No, dear. You touched him inappropriately, that´s not the same thing.”

“Will mommy hate me forever?”

“Oh no."

She asks that question so frightened. I realize that the way I just described her mother was largely affected by the emotions I have about her beating our child. Surely Thana remembers all the closeness with Mariah, falling asleep together in the middle of a bed side story, all the times those two laughed themselves silly at my expense?

"She is upset about what you did, but she loves you. You are our little princess. We can´t help but always love you.”

“What´s going to happen now?”

“I think there will be a lot of discussions in the school. If they are any good at their work, it should be all right in time. If not, we´ll just have to find you a different school.”

“So they won´t come to take me away?”

“No. They will suspect us for sure, and they´ll ask you questions many times. But just remember what they are after, and think before you talk, and this will blow over.”

She rests her head on the bed. It has been a long day for her. I sit next to her and stroke her hair. I´m not feeling quite as confident as I want her to think. This could be our last day together. She turns back to me.

“Daddy? I think it would be best if you did what mom asked.”

“But sweetheart, you are too small. It would hurt you so much to even try, especially now with your sore bottom.”

She rolls over on her back and grimaces in pain as the sheets rub her broken skin. I help her back on her tummy and caress her shoulders. Muscles on her back feel stiff.

“Let me tuck you in, princess.”

She giggles a little. I push her left leg up, bending the knee. Now I can see underneath her buttocks. There is her pussy, the little opening looks like a dark hole between the folds of skin. I push my face between her legs and stick my tongue into that tight hole. I can feel the muscles of her legs, all tense from anxiety.

I rub some more balm into her damaged skin. Her position reminds me of tending to her when she was little. It was always the same. Does she have a fever? Stick a thermometer into her bum. Is she in pain? Push some medicine in there. The baby´s muscles relaxed when I did those things. I always wondered about that reaction, but never looked it up. Now I coat my little finger with the ointment and push it against her butt hole. It goes in surprisingly easy. Thana lets out a startled little sound, then falls lower on the bed. I raise her rear end carefully and part her labia with my tongue. First it is a little hard to reach her clitoris, but she lifts eagerly her butt up high. I move my finger carefully inside her rectum as I manipulate her sensitive spot with my lips and tongue. She is very easy to arouse now, maybe it´s because of all the conflicting events of the day. Soon I can feel her anus contracting against my finger. I pull it out and suck the clit harder. She pushes against my mouth, then falls back down on the bed. A few seconds later her butt rises back up.

“You can put it in like this.”

I feel the opening to her pussy, relaxed now after her orgasm. I´m a little clumsy with my left hand, but the right one had a finger up her anus a few minutes ago, and we don´t want any bacteria where they don´t belong. My index finger is maybe twice as wide as the pinky I used earlier. I can get it in, but I feel a little resistance all the way. Thana doesn´t say anything, and behind her like this I can´t see her expression. I kiss her bum hole and pull out of her.

“We can try it the other way. But you don´t really need to, it will be easier when you are bigger.”

“I want to try at least. But I can´t lay on my back.”

“I´ll get on my back, you come on top of me.”

I lay on the bed and hold my dick straight. First she straddles me on her knees, but has to stand up and crouch on top of me to get high enough. After some painful contacts with her knees and elbows, I get to admire her beauty over me. Her mouth is curled in concentration as she positions her pussy on the tip of my cock. She seems determined to get this done. Her frowning face is so cute, some freckles have spread down to her chest, and the contact to her warm flesh makes my cock leak crazy amounts of precum. Still, I think this should be more fun and less effort. I sit up, ruining her good work so far and making her fall down on my thighs. I kiss the corner of her mouth and whisper:

“What a sexy little lady you have turned into.”

I lick her nipple a little, making her ticklish, then take her under her armpits and hold her up. She reaches down and moves my dick to her opening. I lower her a few centimeters and feel her weight on my dick. It would bend away, but Thana´s hand holds it straight, and there is nowhere else for it to go but into her tiny hole. I feel my glans slowly being enveloped by the hot, tight grip of her vagina. She grits her teeth and closes her eyes for a while, then relaxes.

“Are you ok, honey?”

She nods. I lower her a little more, feeling my cock tip spread her open as it advances inside. She lets go of my dick and puts her hands on my shoulders, holding herself in place. I release slowly my grip on her and caress her back.

“Good girl.”

She looks at me in the eyes, smiles quickly and crouches lower. My penis worms its way deeper, then stops. I can see that it hurts her in a different way now. I move my hands to her chest and force her back up a centimeter.

“That´s it. Now you are full of me. Stretching your pussy more would just hurt you in there.”

“But my rapist would push his dick all the way in.”

“A rapist would hurt you anyway. There´s no point in doing it now.”

I lower us carefully to the bed and start moving slowly in and out of her. I´m not that deep inside, so it is no big movement. Still it feels like heaven. The heat of her body against my abdomen, her lightness on top of me – this is so good it makes me want to cry.

“Thana, I love you so much.”

She turns to look at me a little surprised. Having her body pried open like this is probably not as ecstatic to her as it is to me.

“Am I hurting you?”

She shakes her head. I lift my knees up behind her.

“Sit up, dear, but watch out that it don´t go in too deep. You can lean on my thighs.”

“Why, dad?”

“First, I want to see my cock going into your beautiful pussy. And there´s another reason.”

She lifts herself to sitting position, both feet on the mattress on each side of my stomach. It is a sight to behold how my cock head spreads her little pussy wide open.

“Now you can control how deep it moves in your vagina. And you can rub your pussy to feel good.”

Her fingers find her clit and I feel the muscles inside her pussy tighten. She moves up and down, straining her legs, and I try to help holding her thighs. I can see it in her face when she comprehends how this new kind of contact can give her pleasure. Slowly she gets more aroused, then she drops herself lower, burying my cock a few centimeters deeper, and cries in pain. She moves back up and starts building toward climax again. I can see the determination grow in her eyes as her pussy starts contracting. Before she has time to hurt herself again, I take hold of her and press her against my body. Thrusting in the safer depths of her love canal, I fill her throbbing cunny with my hot semen. She wraps her arms around my chest and stares into my eyes as I shoot another load into her. I hold her tight and enjoy the aftershocks of giving her all my love.

Our bodies and minds connected, I know that this bond can never be taken from us. Hugging her, I try to wordlessly make her feel the same. This is good. It´s going to be all right. Slowly my cock grows smaller and slides out of her. She sighs and climbs up my body to give me a kiss, then relaxes on top of me and mutters:

“Thank you daddy, now I´m ready.”