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Latest revision as of 06:51, 18 July 2020

Well, she's probably too small for you to actually stick it in, but you would really like for your stuff to go inside her pussy. "Hey, Sandra. Lift up for me a little, huh?" You ask, repressing your impending orgasm as much as possible so it can go where you actually want it to go. Sandra seems confused, but she steadies herself on the table as you fumble around a bit and get her knees up on either side of your legs so you can adjust your cock. Unfortunately, the change in position also causes her pants to snap back up and get in the way. You loose a lot of your impending excitement just having to futz around with all this stuff, but eventually you get her pants back down as you have her lean her butt back at the correct angle.

You start stroking your cock, trying to get back to the state where you are ready to cum, when you hear the front door opening. You look up and see Maria walking in. The panic makes you loose your boner almost instantly as you hastily stuff it back into your pants, zip yourself up, snap your pants back, and then yank Sandra's pants and underwear back up all in fast and panicked movements. You are immediately thankful for the fact that the table was covering most of your actions, otherwise you would have been caught for sure.

Maria looks around the small house, taking in the sight of Masha who was just watching you and Sandra from the couch, and then looking over to you as you are just settling the last of the incriminating evidence.

"Oh, hey!" Maria says with a blossoming smile on her face. "Sandra, could you please leave him alone? Go sit with Masha for a little while!" She says with a harsh edge to her voice.

"But... but.. we were just playing!" Sandra complains.

Maria gives an exasperated sigh. "Well, I think he is tired of playing right now. You need to learn how to take a hint! Now get!" She growls after physically pulling Sandra out of your lap.

Sandra gets upset by this and stomps her foot very hard on the floor. "IT'S NOT FAIR!" She yells, and then stamps across the room over to sit on the couch next to Masha.

While you are still in oh-shit mode, wondering whether or not you've been caught, Maria takes a seat next to you and gives you a sad expression that could easily be interpreted in hundreds of different ways. "I'm sorry about that." She says. "Kids can be a real hand-full. I'm guessing that wasn't quite what you were expecting, huh?"

"Uhh..." You don't really know what to say to that. You were just seconds away from shooting a load of your spunk into her 4 year old daughter for Peet's sake! What the hell are you supposed to even DO with a situation like this!? "Well, it was Ok." You offer helplessly as you continue to try and scan her for information about how pissed she is.

She returns your stare and gives you a very unhappy look. She lets out a deep sigh. "Look, I'm really grateful for the babysitting." She says. "This was my first day out to treat myself in a very long time, it felt like I managed to get a piece of my life back. I'm sorry if the girls were misbehaving for you, I would really like for this to work out. I... I promise I can make this up to you. I really hope you're not having second thoughts after experiencing what little terrors they can be first-hand." She directed a very unhappy glare toward the girls on the couch with those words. Did that mean... you're in the clear?

"Oh, no no! I was fine, really!" You tell her awkwardly as you try to make sense of things and catch up with what's going on. "I'd love to babysit them again!" You say truthfully as you're still sweating bullets.

She gives you a relieved seeming smile. "Really?" She says. "Well, I'd definitely appreciate that if you could. I was afraid that getting your first taste of what kids are really like might sour you to them. Guys like you are... not that common. I'd really like for this to work out between us." She gives you a weak smile and gently touches the back of your hand.

Well, seems like you somehow dodged the bullet on that one!

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