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Revision as of 23:33, 25 March 2023

When the kids are finished eating, they rush off to the cabin while you hang back. You gather their plates and bring them to where your mom and Aunt Clara are washing up. Then, dressed for swimming, the herd of children stampedes out of the cabin and off toward the river. Now is your chance to finally be alone.

If only it were that easy. You watch Nicole beat you there, and she has Lizzy with her. You take a moment to look for somewhere else you could jerk off. Most of the adults are sitting at a table talking. That means there must be an empty cabin somewhere. It would be hard to explain if someone walked into their cabin to find you jerking off. You could figure out where your parents are staying and pretend to be napping if they come inside.

"Justice!" Uncle Willy calls you, "Stop standing around and come take a seat."

You sit beside your dad and listen to Uncle Willy dominate the conversation. You don't know much about politics, but it is clear everyone only agrees with his wild takes to avoid an argument. So you are trapped there, not listening to the conversation. Instead, you watch his hairy belly shake every time he laughs and wonder if this man owns a shirt. Out of everyone here, he is the last one you want to see topless. Yet, you haven't seen a shirt on him since he got off the bus. He might not have been wearing one then. You know he was definitely wearing one when he got on the bus. Probably.

Aunt Clara interrupts to collect Uncle Willy's plate for him. She momentarily pauses beside the table to watch Jet and his girlfriend run off, arm in arm. "Those two are so sweet. Jet really found a winner with that Hannah girl, didn't he? She is just so personable, already getting along with the whole family. I wish Jet wouldn't try so hard to hide away in that cabin, but I guess us old folks can get in the way of their young love."

"Young love. I sure miss those days." Uncle Willy muses, "Can you imagine what kind of trouble we could have got up to if we had a cabin like that to ourselves when we were together?"

Aunt Clara takes his plate and walks away. Uncle Dave coughs loudly.

Uncle Willy acts offended, "You're not still jealous, are you? That was ages ago! Besides, you married her in the end. So what if I got inside her first?"

Your dad speaks up, "Please, Will. There are children present." He tilts his head toward you.

Uncle Willy just chuckles, "Like he cares. You can't shelter kids from sex. They'll learn about it one way or another. Better to learn from family than from a stranger or the internet, right? That said, I guess there's better and worse ways, even within the family. I can't count the number of times me and Sarabell forgot our door doesn't lock, and Wade walked in on us."

Your dad leans into you and whispers, "I think he's already been drinking. It's a good thing your mother isn't around."

Uncle Willy calls out, "What are you saying over there?"

"I just said you would think Wade would learn to knock eventually."

"Yeah, the boy's not too bright, not like Gem. She learned her lesson real quick, I'll tell you what. Little girl's eyes went wide as saucers the one time she saw her daddy's asshole. Now she knocks on every door. I swear I caught her knocking on the cupboard in case some mice were getting it on in the cereal. Guess she's not all that bright neither, especially since she still opens the door before she gets an answer. Who knows what's going on inside that kid's head."

"Maybe you need to fix your locks." Uncle Mike suggests.

Your dad points at you like he's got something for you to write down, "When we get back home, remind me I need to fix your sister's door."

"What about her door?" you ask.

"Have you noticed it doesn't always latch right? Well, a few days ago, I had just finished making lunch and went to let Emma and Asha know. When I knock, it pushes the door open, so I walk in. The girls scream. They were playing doctor, and the only thing either of them was wearing was Em had that old toy stethoscope around her neck!"

Uncle Mike laughs, "That's the way kids should learn about these things. Playing with other kids, not getting scarred from walking in on their parents."

"I suppose that could be right." Uncle Willy admits. "Though there's not much for a pair of girls to learn from each other, is there?"

Aunt Becky finally speaks up, "Oh, you poor boy! There is so much for young girls to teach each other. How do you not know this?"

Uncle Willy ignores her comment. "Justice, you sure been quiet over there. Handsome boy like yourself, I bet you got a 'young love' of your own, don't you? No? Come on! Well, in case you haven't noticed, there's someone here has her eyes on you."

"Yulee is only seven." Aunt Debbie states, "She's not in love. She talks about wishing she had an older brother all the time. I think she likes having someone to look after her the way she's always looking after her sister."

Uncle Willy grins, "Little girls do love their big brothers, don't they, Mike?"

Uncle Mike stands up and claps you on the back. "Hey, Justice, we should probably help your mom with all those dishes."

Looking around for an excuse, you see Nicole and Lizzy leave the cabin. "If you don't mind, I could really use a nap. Running around with those kids all morning wore me out."

Your dad stands up. "I'll help. You go rest, Jay."

Everyone is eager to escape this conversation with Willy. So as you get up, the rest of the table finds their excuses to leave. Finally, you make it to the cabin and find solitude. Stripping down to your boxers, you crawl inside your sleeping bag. You slide your boxers down your thighs and grip your cock.

Visions of everything you have seen since yesterday pass through your mind's eye. Thinking about the kisses a couple hours ago gets you rock-hard. Your sister's lips were so soft and-You don't want to think about your sister right now. Nicole is better. You saw her boobs last night. You also saw four girls strip each other naked just before that. They're so young, though. You don't care. It was hot. Emma's pussy looked so smooth. You should have kissed those lips. Damn it! You're thinking about your sister again.

You saw other pussies too. You even touched Gem's! She's practically a baby, though. May isn't much older, but she at least talks to you and doesn't wear a diaper. She seemed happy to hike through the woods naked yesterday. It probably wouldn't be hard to get her naked again. You even saw her up close when she was stuck in the window. Yeah, that's the image you're going to get off to. You imagine her hanging in the window again, with her butt and pussy in your face. You're close, ready to cum.

"A fish stole my panties!" The door slams shut behind May. She runs up to you, wearing nothing but water in her hair.

"Why are you naked?" you ask. Your eyes are locked on her crotch.

She makes no attempt to cover herself. "A fish stole my panties!"

"How did that happen?"

"I didn't have a swimsuit, so Yulee and I went swimming in our underwear. We were in the deep water when I felt something them off me. Yulee was the only one around, so I looked at her, but she pointed at them, already swimming away. So I tried to catch them, but the fish was too fast. I didn't know what to do, but Yulee told me I should come and get you for help."

"What about your other clothes?"

"Oh yeah! They're still on the rock."

"Why didn't you put them on before you ran through camp naked."

"I guess I forgot." She laughs.

"Well, let's find you some new clothes, then we can go get the ones you left." You stuff your still-hard dick into your boxers and crawl to May's bag. You look inside and don't see any clothes. "May, this is your's and Yulee's only bag, right?"

She nods.

"So, where are all your clothes?"

She leans over your shoulder to see what you mean. Her wet hair drips down your back. "Hmm" She stands up and turns around. "I think they're right... here." She spreads her arms out to the whole room. The floor is a mess of disheveled sleeping bags, littered with clothes and toys. "We were trying to find our swimsuits," May explains. "Emma and Beth dumped their stuff too. Beth found her suit."

"Does that mean Emma didn't find hers? Is she swimming in her underwear?" You're starting to wish you went swimming.

"I think she's sharing Asha's bikini."

"How does that work? Nevermind. Let's just find your clothes." So you pick up a pink pair of underwear and hand it to her.

"I don't think these are mine." She puts them on anyway, and they are clearly too big, so she takes them off. "Maybe these," she bends down and picks up a purple pair.

"I think those are Yulee's."

She puts them on, and they don't fit right. "I think you're right. How did you know that?" She presses herself against you and looks up accusatorily.

"They're all she was wearing at the firepit last night."

"Oh yeah." May backs off and drops the underwear.

You hold up a pair of boy's briefs, "How about these?"

May laughs, "Those are Brayden's!" She snatches them out of your hand and tries them on anyhow. "They don't fit!" She takes them off again.

May tries on several different undies without success. Eventually, she repeats a couple of them, and you start to think she likes putting them on just so she can take them off. You sit down to watch her model everyone's underwear for you. When she bends next to you to grab some, you give her a playful smack on the rear. She yelps and runs away, but after determining the latest panties are not hers, she comes close to you to bend over and pull them off. You reward her with another spanking, and this becomes the new game. After each article she models for you, she presents her bottom for a smack. Several undies later, your strikes begin to linger, and you add a little squeeze at the end.

May tries on every undergarment she can find at least twice with no success. Finally, she figures someone must have put it back in the wrong bag, so she riffles through other people's bags. Digging through Bethany's suitcase, she wiggles her bum at you, inviting you closer. You gladly accept her invitation, crawling up and pinching both cheeks. She squeals and scampers over to Nicole's bag.

You follow her over and cup her tiny butt in your hand. She leans back into you, so you slide a finger lower between her pussy lips. You're surprised to find they are slick. While you rub her, you spot a bit of pink fabric caught under her knee. You pull it out and recognize the undies May slept in last night. Not wanting to end what's happening, you ball them up and hide them in your fist.

"What is this?" May stands up. "Is this supposed to be underwear?" She holds up a black thong.

"That was in Nicole's bag? She should have worn that to bed last night."

"Yeah! I'll make her wear it tonight!" She twisted the garment around, trying to make sense of it. "How does this work?"

You try to explain, "That part goes over your privates, and then-"

"Oh! I get it!" May steps into it and hoists the waistband up to her chest, pulling the front panel tight against her cooch and lodging the back deep into her crack. "Do I look seeexyy?"

"I think it looks silly," you laugh.

"Are you sure?" She turns around, swaying her hips as much as she can. She looks like a ridiculous caricature of a Victoria's Secret model. Still, you were jerking off to her not that long ago, so she is definitely sexy.

"Nope. Definitely ridiculous," you say.

"Mmmm," She sashays closer. "Doesn't this mean you're lying?" She grabs your cock through your boxers.

This little kid isn't just playing around; she's actually coming on to you now. She reaches for your waistband. You really want to know what she'll do if you let her take your dick out, but anyone could walk in at any minute. You've already been pushing your luck as it is. Her fingers curl inside your underwear. You have her panties in your hand. You can put a stop to all of this right now.

See where this goes

Stop her