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Latest revision as of 19:40, 6 March 2021

"Well then," you say as you pick up one of the chairs meant for students or parents to sit in so you can take it over and set it down facing toward the changing table. You sit down and very pointedly look straight at Aliya's pussy before your eyes roam up her body. "Aliya, I wound up having to look at the guidelines after I punished you. It turns out the punishment I gave you before was inappropriate. Your friend Bevvy was acting so rambunctious that I had forgotten about the fact that you were very disrespectful to me when I told you to stop and you ran past me anyway. Do you understand why that was wrong?"

"Yeah!" She said with an urgent look on her face as she starts to bounce around and lean forward.

"Don't lean forward Aliya. Keep your privates so I can see them." You tell her.

"Mmm!" She groans and leans back again to reveal her privates. "M... Mr. Gardner, I really REALLY have to go!" She whines.

"Then you shouldn't have waited as long as you did." You tell her. "Having to wait until I finish talking right now is a small extra punishment for that. One that will turn into a bigger punishment if you can't wait. Maybe next time you will not try to avoid your punishments." You tell her. She whimpers and starts clutching her knees with a white-knuckled grip.

"Well, I suppose I can make this short since you seem to be suffering so much. After you have finished on the toilet, I am going to give you a choice. You were disrespectful to me before, and you are being disrespectful to me again right now. So, I am going to have to give you a choice. This is bad enough that I probably should do something that can taint your purity. But, I will give you a choice. If you want, I can punish your mother instead of you. So, I want you to choose. Do you want me to taint your purity, or your mother's purity?"

"Mmmm!" She gives a startled sounding groan.

"Well?" You ask. "You can get up and go to the toilet as soon as you answer my question." You tell her.

"Mmmm!" She starts fidgiting around again. "Uhh... mommy!" She said and then immediately tried to stand up.

"Wow, hold on there." You tell her.

"What? Didn't you just say!?" She whines.

"You are being disrespectful again young lady. I didn't tell you that you could get up yet, and you also didn't ask for permission."

"Mmm!" She groans again. "Well, can I go now!?" She asks.

"Is that how you ask your teacher for permission?" You ask her. Her eyes go over to the bathroom door and then back to you.

"Mm... Mr. Gardner can I please go to th bathroom now?" She asks with a trembling voice.

"When you get on the toilet, remember to keep your legs open." You tell her. "Your punishment is that an adult has to watch you use the toilet. So, that means they need to see between your legs as you go. Alright?"

Aliya nods impatiently as she keeps squirming.

"Alright, you can go." You tell her.

She hesitates for a moment before getting up.

"Mmm... can I take the diaper in case I don't make it?" She asks. "Will I still get punished if I wet the diaper?"

NOTE: (Going to randomize the results for any of the above items as to whether or not she makes it to the toilet safely)