Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Adjust Attributes/Physical Attributes: Difference between revisions

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The level of exertion the character can reach without getting tired.
The level of exertion the character can reach without getting tired.
Measures 3 things. 1. The character's ability to take a direct hit without injury, or avoid skin abrasions. 2. The ability to resist pain if there is an injury, and 3. the ability to continue to act despite being in pain.

==Bacterial resistance==
==Bacterial resistance==
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==Ionizing radiation resistance==
==Ionizing radiation resistance==
Resistance to ionizing free-radical causing radiation. At 200, the character's DNA cannot be corrupted by ionizing radiation and the only way they can be damaged by ionizing radiation is if it is intense enough to heat up their body and burn them.
Resistance to ionizing free-radical causing radiation. At 200, the character's DNA cannot be corrupted by ionizing radiation and the only way they can be damaged by ionizing radiation is if it is intense enough to heat up their body and burn them.
==Cellular vitality==
Rate of cell division within the body, determines rate of healing from various injuries. Normal values of 100 indicate no non-differentiated stem-cells, stem-cells in epethelial tissue are highly active, stem cells in connective and muscle tissues have low activity, and neural stem cells are almost fully inactive. (Values of 200 indicate all stem cells are embryonic non-differentiated, and all cells in the body can be replaced if injured or the need for replacement exists, can raise intelligence values over an extended period of time due to increased neural-plasticity.)

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(Attribute only available for lifies with female reproductive organs)
(Attribute only available for lifies with female reproductive organs)

The fertility stat for females determines the % of eggs witch are capable of producing viable offspring (having not had their DNA corrupted by free radicals) and the hospitality of the uterus to zygote implantation. The average 15-21 year old female, at the prime of her reproductive years, has a score of 70 in this trait, having a high miscarriage rate in the first trimester (usually presenting as a heavy period and not alerting her to the fact that a zygote or early stage fetus was washed out with that blood.) This score decreases by 1 per year after this until age 30, and then 2 per year until age 40, then 5 per year until it hits a minimum of 20 or menopause sets in. At 120 and above, this trait will naturally resist the effects of hormonal birth control. Birth control resistance also becomes a viable trait at 120 witch will further increase the ineffectiveness of both hormonal birth control and IUDs.
The fertility stat for females determines the % chance of the female becoming pregnant if there is viable sperm in her vagina. There are several influences on this, such as the PH of the vaginal and uterine fluids and how likely it is for there to be a viable egg present at the time the sperm is ejaculated. However, the most important factors are the viability of the eggs and whether or not they have been damaged by environmental factors such as free-radicals, as well as the uterus' ability to avoid rejecting an embryo or fetus once it has implanted.
At the typical score of 100, sperm can survive in the woman's vagina for around 30 minutes, and the sperm that makes it into the uterus can survive for around 3 days at which point their energy will run out. Also, there is a negligable and almost non-existent risk of birth defects due to deterioration of the eggs, and miscarriages are uncommon but various birth control methods both hormonal and via UTI which function by disallowing implantation will still function properly. The egg, upon being ovulated, will also take around 3 days to make it through the fallopian tubes, and if the woman is within a short time of when her cycle is supposed to start then the effects of an orgasm can cause her to ovulate early. The egg must, however, be fertilized in the falopian tubes in order to develop into a zygote and successfully implant by the time it reaches the uterus, fertilization in the uterus results in a 1st week miscarriage. This provides a window of around 7 days out of the typical 28-day cycle where the woman will get pregnant when she has sex.
At levels above 100, the uterus begins to gain resistance to birth control methods, the ovulated egg moves through the falopian tubes slower and successful implantation resulting from fertilization in the uterus becomes possible. The fluid inside the uterus will also begin to contain nutrient substances that will allow sperm cells to live longer. In addition, uteren walls will not require the dramatic re-structuring they typically take on during the period, thus effectively causing the girl to not seem as though she is having a period at all. Also, the uterus will begin resisting the effects of hormonal birth control and UTIs.
At max, 200 fertility, an egg will ovulate once every 10 days and require 9 days, 12 hours to pass through the uterus to a point where successful implantation is no longer possible, and so long as the girl is not currently pregnant the nutrients in her uterus will allow sperm cells to servive inside her for an entire 10 days as well, and even the vaginal excretions will neutralize the usually inhospitable environment to allow sperm to survive in the vagina for up to 3 days, which will be enough time for a single drop of sperm touching the entrance of the vagina to make it into the uterus and impregnate her.
This results in a 100% chance for a female with max fertility to become pregnant if a single drop of sperm even touches the moist pink flesh inside her slit. More than that, if any part of the pink flesh in her slit is touched by a hand that had semen on it that was wiped off, there will still be enough residual left over to impregnate her with 100% certainty. Also, no form of female birth control will be effective for a female with max fertility. The only effective form of birth control is a condom. The sperm will even be capable of slipping past a diaphragm through the mucous membrane due to the vagina being a more hospitable environment thus allowing them the time they need to swim up to the cervix.
(For lower levels of fertility, birth defects become more likely as does the rate of miscarriage, and the uterus becomes a more hostile environment to sperm.)
Note: This attribute does not affect features such as a hysterectomy or inability to ovulate due to pre-pubescence. For instance, a 6 year old can have a fertility of 200, but she will still be unable to get pregnant unless the "precocious puberty" trait is also activated. Also, greater levels of fertility do not affect the likelihood of twinning, this is a separate factor under "traits."

Note: This attribute does not affect features such as a hysterectomy or inability to ovulate due to pre-pubescence. For instance, a 6 year old can have a fertility of 200, but she will still be unable to get pregnant unless the "precocious puberty" trait is also activated.
==Numerical values breakdown==
*[[Life Hacks/Numerical values breakdown on physical attributes|Numerical values breakdown on physical attributes]] (currently fertility stats only)

[[Category:Life Hacks/Writers|Physical Attributes]]
[[Category:Life Hacks/Writers|Physical Attributes]]

Latest revision as of 23:02, 6 May 2018


Raw brute strength. This influences the speed with witch one of the character's muscles can contract, and the load they can push against. Increases in strength above 130 will lower flexibility on a 1 to 1 rate due to muscle binding to a minimum of 30 unless the mod is used to artificially boost flexibility as well.


Range of motion in each joint. Flexibility above 120 will increase ease of injuring one's shoulders unless strength stat is 130 or higher. Flexibility above 150 will increase ease of injuring one's hips unless strength is 90 or higher. Flexibility above 180 will increase ease of injuring knees, elbows, and fingers unless strength is 120 or higher.


The level of exertion the character can reach without getting tired.


Measures 3 things. 1. The character's ability to take a direct hit without injury, or avoid skin abrasions. 2. The ability to resist pain if there is an injury, and 3. the ability to continue to act despite being in pain.

Bacterial resistance

Resistance to bacterial infection. At 200, it is impossible to become ill due to bacterial infection.

Viral resistance

Resistance to viral infection. At 200, it is impossible to become ill due to viral infection.

Biological poison resistance

Resistance to poison from plants or animals. At 200, the character is unaffected by any form of plant or animal poison.

Venom resistance

Resistance to venom injected by venomous animals. At 200, the only adverse affects felt by the character is the pain from the puncture of the poison injection.

Environmental toxin resistance

Resistance to non-biological poisons (such as lead, mercury, or asbestos.) At 200, the character is completely unaffected by environmental toxin exposure.

Ionizing radiation resistance

Resistance to ionizing free-radical causing radiation. At 200, the character's DNA cannot be corrupted by ionizing radiation and the only way they can be damaged by ionizing radiation is if it is intense enough to heat up their body and burn them.

Cellular vitality

Rate of cell division within the body, determines rate of healing from various injuries. Normal values of 100 indicate no non-differentiated stem-cells, stem-cells in epethelial tissue are highly active, stem cells in connective and muscle tissues have low activity, and neural stem cells are almost fully inactive. (Values of 200 indicate all stem cells are embryonic non-differentiated, and all cells in the body can be replaced if injured or the need for replacement exists, can raise intelligence values over an extended period of time due to increased neural-plasticity.)


Influences the saturation of rods and cones in the back of the retina, causing lines and colors to become more distinct. Altering this trait does not add or remove structural abnormalities with the lens or shape of the eye, those must be adjusted under "traits." Trait must be at 150 or higher to enable the ultra-vison and infra-vision traits.


Influences the proliferation of cilia in the cochlea, enabling the character to hear a greater range of high and low pitch sounds and to pick up fainter sounds. The average male human who's hearing has not been damaged by exposure to loud artificial noises has a score of 70 in this attribute, and the average female who's hearing has not been damaged has a score of 60. This attribute does not affect physical abnormalities aside from that of the cilia proliferation, so any abnormalities or blockadges in the ear drum or middle ear must be adjusted under "traits."


Influences the ability to taste and identify sweet, salty, sour, bitter, or umami flavors, and increases one's ability to integrate smell with these five primary flavors. This trait must be at 150 or higher in order to enable the super taster trait.


Influences the sensitivity of one's sense of smell. The average male human has a score of about 30 in this trait, and the average female human has a score of 40. This trait must be at 100 or higher in order to enable one to track things by their scent.


Influences one's ability to detect heat, cold, pain, pressure, and vibrations as they reach one's skin. The face, hands, tongue, and erogenous zones of the genitals have a far more sensitive sense of touch than other parts of the body.

Male Fertility

(Attribute only available for lifies with male reproductive organs.)

The fertility stat for males affects the viability (life-span) and motility (swimming speed) of sperm, and the rate of spermatogenisis in the testicles. The average human male fertility is 80, and this produces approximately 200 million sperm per ejaculation that can travel the 30 cm (12 inches) from the cervix to the ampula of the falopian tubes in about 20 minutes, and will survive for 2-4 days in the hospitable environment of the uterus, or 6 hours in the less hospitable environment of the vagina. This trait must be at 120 or higher in order to enable the egg seeking trait, and 150 to enable the spermicide resistance trait. A male with a score of 5-30 in this attribute cannot impregnate a female through sexual intercourse, but can impregnate through invitro fertilization.

Note: this attribute does not affect other features that may get in the way of the transmission of sperm, such as a vasectomy or the inability to produce sperm due to pre-pubescence. So, if a 6 year old has a fertility score of 200, he will still be unable to produce sperm unless the "precocious puberty" trait is also activated.

Female Fertility

(Attribute only available for lifies with female reproductive organs)

The fertility stat for females determines the % chance of the female becoming pregnant if there is viable sperm in her vagina. There are several influences on this, such as the PH of the vaginal and uterine fluids and how likely it is for there to be a viable egg present at the time the sperm is ejaculated. However, the most important factors are the viability of the eggs and whether or not they have been damaged by environmental factors such as free-radicals, as well as the uterus' ability to avoid rejecting an embryo or fetus once it has implanted.

At the typical score of 100, sperm can survive in the woman's vagina for around 30 minutes, and the sperm that makes it into the uterus can survive for around 3 days at which point their energy will run out. Also, there is a negligable and almost non-existent risk of birth defects due to deterioration of the eggs, and miscarriages are uncommon but various birth control methods both hormonal and via UTI which function by disallowing implantation will still function properly. The egg, upon being ovulated, will also take around 3 days to make it through the fallopian tubes, and if the woman is within a short time of when her cycle is supposed to start then the effects of an orgasm can cause her to ovulate early. The egg must, however, be fertilized in the falopian tubes in order to develop into a zygote and successfully implant by the time it reaches the uterus, fertilization in the uterus results in a 1st week miscarriage. This provides a window of around 7 days out of the typical 28-day cycle where the woman will get pregnant when she has sex.

At levels above 100, the uterus begins to gain resistance to birth control methods, the ovulated egg moves through the falopian tubes slower and successful implantation resulting from fertilization in the uterus becomes possible. The fluid inside the uterus will also begin to contain nutrient substances that will allow sperm cells to live longer. In addition, uteren walls will not require the dramatic re-structuring they typically take on during the period, thus effectively causing the girl to not seem as though she is having a period at all. Also, the uterus will begin resisting the effects of hormonal birth control and UTIs.

At max, 200 fertility, an egg will ovulate once every 10 days and require 9 days, 12 hours to pass through the uterus to a point where successful implantation is no longer possible, and so long as the girl is not currently pregnant the nutrients in her uterus will allow sperm cells to servive inside her for an entire 10 days as well, and even the vaginal excretions will neutralize the usually inhospitable environment to allow sperm to survive in the vagina for up to 3 days, which will be enough time for a single drop of sperm touching the entrance of the vagina to make it into the uterus and impregnate her.

This results in a 100% chance for a female with max fertility to become pregnant if a single drop of sperm even touches the moist pink flesh inside her slit. More than that, if any part of the pink flesh in her slit is touched by a hand that had semen on it that was wiped off, there will still be enough residual left over to impregnate her with 100% certainty. Also, no form of female birth control will be effective for a female with max fertility. The only effective form of birth control is a condom. The sperm will even be capable of slipping past a diaphragm through the mucous membrane due to the vagina being a more hospitable environment thus allowing them the time they need to swim up to the cervix.

(For lower levels of fertility, birth defects become more likely as does the rate of miscarriage, and the uterus becomes a more hostile environment to sperm.)

Note: This attribute does not affect features such as a hysterectomy or inability to ovulate due to pre-pubescence. For instance, a 6 year old can have a fertility of 200, but she will still be unable to get pregnant unless the "precocious puberty" trait is also activated. Also, greater levels of fertility do not affect the likelihood of twinning, this is a separate factor under "traits."

Numerical values breakdown