Daycare manager/"Body Comfort" details: Difference between revisions

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===Lv. 4, 31-40===
===Lv. 4, 31-40===
Squirms a little and finds it "naughty" to talk about bodily functions, but it is not to the level that they are unable to talk about it and not to the point they will leave the conversation if others are talking about it. While they will be awkward about the subject, they can stick around if their friends are talking about bodily functions.
Description WIP

'''Miscellaneous effects'''
'''Miscellaneous effects'''
*Will be slightly uncomfortable about using public restrooms to a point they may occasionally not ask if they happen to have to go. 1/2 normal chance of getting "ask to use the bathroom" scenes, X2 normal chance of pants wetting scenes.
*Will not be embarrassed to say they need to pee, might hesitate a little if they say they need to poop. Boys will find it easy to talk about male genitals, but girls will find it difficult. Both genders find it difficult to talk about female genitals.
*Exposure = 5Xp / Lv.
*Touch = 5Xp / Lv.
*"Like" results Normal
*"Hate" results Normal
*Normal chance of reporting sexual abuse

'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
Line 229: Line 233:

===Lv. 5, 41-50===
===Lv. 5, 41-50===
Does not find it too inappropriate to talk about bodily functions, and is not bothered by it, but is not to the level they will go out of their way to discuss the subject in a context where it's not important to bring up (such as medical contexts, saying they need to use the bathroom, or reporting sexual abuse)
Description WIP

'''Miscellaneous effects'''
'''Miscellaneous effects'''
*No real problem using public restrooms, slightly uneasy about urinating outdoors. (slight but reduced chance of boys being caught urinating outdoors)
*No real hesitation, but not exceedingly liberal, about mentioning in what way they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male genitals, but not about female genitals.
*Exposure = 5Xp / Lv.
*Touch = 5Xp / Lv.
*"Like" results Normal
*"Hate" results Normal
*Normal chance of reporting sexual abuse


'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
Line 245: Line 254:

===Lv. 6, 51-60===
===Lv. 6, 51-60===
Is at the level where they may be amused by others finding it uncomfortable to talk about bodily functions and might make a point of talking about pee, poop, or farts just to make others uncomfortable.
Description WIP

'''Miscellaneous effects'''
'''Miscellaneous effects'''
*No real problem using public restrooms, boys have little problem urinating outdoors. (slight but reduced chance of girls being caught urinating outdoors, and normal chance for boys)
*Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male genitals, only girls will find it easy to talk about female genitals.
*Exposure = 5Xp / Lv.
*Touch = 5Xp / Lv.
*"Like" results Normal
*"Hate" results Normal
*Normal chance of reporting sexual abuse


'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
Line 261: Line 275:

===Lv. 7, 61-70===
===Lv. 7, 61-70===
Is to the point of comfort in the subject of their body where it starts to become an alien concept to them that someone might be uncomfortable discussing the subject of their own body. May say things that make others uncomfortable without even thinking about it. However, they still realize sex (if they have sex knowledge) is something that's not exactly supposed to be talked about in public.
Description WIP

'''Miscellaneous effects'''
'''Miscellaneous effects'''
*No real problem using public restrooms, boys and girls have little problem urinating outdoors. (Normal chances of being caught urinating outdoors)
*Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male and female genitals.
*Exposure = 5Xp / Lv.
*Touch = 4Xp / Lv.
*"Like" results X 1.5
*"Hate" results X 0.8
*Slightly increased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)

'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
Line 277: Line 295:

===Lv. 8, 71-80===
===Lv. 8, 71-80===
Is to the point of comfort in the subject of their body where it starts to become an alien concept to them that someone might be uncomfortable discussing the subject of their own body. May say things that make others uncomfortable without even thinking about it. They are not even affected by people discussing the subject of things to do with sex, but realize it's not something they are supposed to repeat. (Naive children don't realize the significance of it, non-naive children are not bothered by it.)
Description WIP

'''Miscellaneous effects'''
'''Miscellaneous effects'''
*No real problem using public restrooms, boys and girls have little problem urinating outdoors. (Normal chances of being caught urinating outdoors)
*Small chance of being caught masturbating or experimenting sexually with other children if they have the appropriate sex knowledge.
*Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male and female genitals.
*Exposure = 4Xp / Lv.
*Touch = 3Xp / Lv.
*"Like" results X 1.5
*"Hate" results X 0.8
*Increased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)

'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
Line 293: Line 316:

===Lv. 9, 81-90===
===Lv. 9, 81-90===
Is to the point of comfort in the subject of their body where it starts to become an alien concept to them that someone might be uncomfortable discussing the subject of their own body. May say things that make others uncomfortable without even thinking about it. They are not even affected by people discussing the subject of things to do with sex, and are also likely to say stuff about sex without realizing that's supposed to be kept secret. (Naive children don't realize the significance of it, non-naive children are not bothered by it.)
Description WIP

'''Miscellaneous effects'''
'''Miscellaneous effects'''
*No real problem using public restrooms, boys and girls have little problem urinating outdoors. (Normal chances of being caught urinating outdoors)
*Moderate chance of being caught masturbating or experimenting sexually with other children if they have the appropriate sex knowledge.
*Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male and female genitals.
*Exposure = 3Xp / Lv.
*Touch = 2Xp / Lv.
*"Like" results X 2
*"Hate" results X 0.5
*Greatly Increased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)

'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
Line 309: Line 337:

===Lv. 10, 91-100===
===Lv. 10, 91-100===
It is as though they never had a concept in their heads of body shame, and seem to have zero sexual boundaries. It's kinda a miracle if they were taught to wear clothes in public.
Description WIP

'''Miscellaneous effects'''
'''Miscellaneous effects'''
*No real problem using public restrooms, boys and girls have little problem urinating outdoors. (Normal chances of being caught urinating outdoors)
*Good chance of being caught masturbating or experimenting sexually with other children if they have the appropriate sex knowledge.
*Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male and female genitals.
*Exposure = 2Xp / Lv.
*Touch = 2Xp / Lv.
*"Like" results X 2
*"Hate" results X 0.2
*Greatly Increased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)


'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''
'''Sex knowledge multipliers'''

Revision as of 17:37, 21 March 2019


Body comfort is a stat that affects the growth of other stats. It is a measure of how open the child is in talking or hearing about absolutely anything related to their own body or the bodies of other people. Due to how awkward many parents are in talking about even going to the bathroom, children tend to have a lower amount of body comfort these days, but public school often shifts them out of this at around highschool age.

Body comfort does a number of things.

  • It affects the growth rate of Exposure and Touch stats.
  • It influences how embarrassed they will feel when they hear or see something related to sex, thus influencing the rate at which they loose their naivete.
  • It affects their chances of reporting that they are being sexually molested.
  • At very low levels, it affects their likelihood of pants wetting due to not being comfortable enough to use a public restroom.
  • May alter some dialogue in regards to sexual related topics.
  • Will add a multiplier to "like" and "hate" results for various sex acts.

Calculating body comfort

A number of factors influence body comfort.

The child's own body comfort level will be determined by 5 factors. Each factor is worth up to a number of points as indicated by a number in parentheses

  • Society's general body comfort (set by species as detailed below) (18) (society stat / 5)
  • Parent's household body comfort (50) (Parents' stat / 2)
  • Number of positive sexual experiences the child has had (30) (25% chance of +1 for each "likes it" result, to a maximum of 30)
  • Child's exposure stat (36) (+2 per level)
  • Amount of exposure child has had to talk about bodily functions (10) (10% chance of +1 per day if child's stat is lower than the average of all children in the daycare, to a maximum of 10)

This total adds up to a number greater than 100 (144 to be exact. Yes, it's gross.) However, the stat maxes out at 100. As just under half the possible points come from factors completely outside the player's ability to manipulate, this balances it out and gives at least a chance at a high score.


First, check the species of the parents, as well as the most dominant species in the area. A species that makes up 80% of the population has a super dominance and sets the tone of the culture, and this will include that species' sensibilities around manners of body comfort. If a species makes up 60% of the population, it has a minor dominance and depending on which species is the 1st minority, they will be at the extreme high or extreme low of whatever the body comfort range is of the dominant species.

  • Elves: 5-20
  • Half-elves and other non-human conservative races: 10-25
  • Humans: 10-50
  • Non rodent-based Quarter-kin: 30-50
  • Female rodent-based Quarter-kin: 40-55
  • half-orcs, and non-rodent anthro-kin: 50-65
  • Female rodent-based anthro-kin: 60-75
  • Non-rodent Antro-beasts: 60-80
  • Orcs & female rodent-based anthro-beasts: 70-90

This is the general level of body comfort among the society. The child's parents can have a wider variation than this, and the household level of body comfort can have as great or greater impact on a child's body comfort. The parents will have an additional +/- 20 beyond what the bounds of their species are in terms of where their body comfort is.

Sex knowledges affected by "body comfort"

The sex knowledges are split into a tier order in terms of how able someone with each level of body comfort will be to aquire that sex knowledge. All % scores for each sex knowledge are modified by a number from 0 to 2 (with decimal points) depending on how high or low their body comfort is, but the numbers will be different depending on their body comfort level. This represents that, at low levels, they will avoid talk about sexual subjects and are more likely to simply disbelieve things they hear. At high levels, they become more likely to initiate talks about sexual subjects and thus become more likely to be exposed to the information.

NOTE: The "Has Experienced" section is completely unaffected as the children (in the current build) are not going to experience sex actions aside from pubescent boys having a wet orgasm outside of the daycare. The "Understands" section is also unaffected as understanding reflects the results of gaining sex knowledge and experience.

Tier 1 (most comfortable) sex knowledges

Sex knowledges easy for even a very low body comfort child to accept


  • Boy's and Girl's privates are different
  • You shouldn't touch your privates in public (Speciall, invert multipliers)
  • You shouldn't let other people touch your privates (Special, invert multipliers)


  • Semen (Is a pubescent male)

Tier 2 sex knowledges

Sex knowledge that shows kids are becoming aware of these things, but considered not at all inappropriate for very young children to be talking about.


  • Girls have a hole in their privates that isn't where their pee or poop comes out of
  • Babies are made when mommies and daddies do something called "sex"


  • The opposite gender's genitals (has opposite gender close-age sibling)
  • Someone having oral sex (Lv. 1 and 2) (consensual or rape)


  • The physical difference between boys and girls

Tier 3 sex knowledges

Sex knowledge that many adults would be uncomfortable with a very young child knowing or talking about, but not really all that difficult or explicit of a subject


  • You can touch your privates to make yourself feel good
  • There are pills a girl can take to avoid having a baby when they have sex
  • You shouldn't touch your privates in public (Normal multipliers, use larger multiplier)
  • You shouldn't let other people touch your privates (Normal multipliers, use larger multiplier)


  • The opposite gender's genitals (Was toilet trained by watching parents with high levels of body comfort, requires having opposite gender parents)
  • Someone having sex (Lv. 1) (Can still get Lv. 2, but will interpret as anal sex with #2 result) (consensual)
  • Someone having anal sex (Lv. 1 and 2) (consensual)


  • The biology of sex
  • How some people will try to take sexual advantage of them
  • How to respond to someone doing something sexual to them

Tier 4 sex knowledges

Sex knowledge that's becoming some what explicit, but would be considered perfectly appropriate for a 12 year old to know


  • You can let other people touch your privates if you are old enough
  • Another person touching your privates can feel even better
  • A boy's privates can go inside the hole in the girl's privates
  • Putting a boy's penis inside it is what the hole in the girl's privates is for
  • Sex is when the boy's penis goes inside the girl's vagina
  • Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis
  • The semen comes out when the penis feels good
  • The semen is what makes babies when it gets in the girl's vagina
  • There are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to
  • There is something called a condom a boy can put on his penis to avoid getting a girl pregnant when they have sex
  • Condoms can break sometimes, it's rare
  • Condoms can break sometimes, it happens a lot


  • Someone having sex (oral, anal, or vaginal up to Lv. 3)
  • Someone being raped (Is more able to understand what they are seeing)


  • The physical mechanics of sex (factual text-book knowledge)
  • How to recognize someone trying to take sexual advantage of them
  • How to use hormonal birth control or to confirm your female partner is on birth control
  • To use a condom or ask for a condom to be used

Tier 5 sex knowledges

Sex knowledge that would be considered going into "deviant" territories


  • Some boys/men like to have people suck on their penis
  • Some girls/women like to have people lick their genitals
  • Boys can have sex with boys by putting it in the butt
  • The penis can go in the girl's butt too (0)
  • Condoms can have flavors to taste good if you suck the boy's penis with it on (0)


  • The opposite gender's genitals (playing doctor or something else not socially appropriate)
  • A condom


  • Deviant forms of sex (purely informative)
  • How to put on a condom or how to put a condom on a boy

Tier 6 sex knowledges

Sex knowledge that people in prison for sex crimes wouldn't think is appropriate for a child to know




  • Semen (Is not a pubescent male)
  • A condom on a penis


  • The physical mechanics of sex (applicable knowledge)
  • Deviant forms of sex (applicable knowledge)

Body comfort results by level

Lv. 1, 0-10

Very very insecure about their own body and does not like to even mention any bodily function. Views everyone who does talk about such things as doing something inappropriate.

Miscellaneous effects

  • Will not use restrooms outside of their house, chances of pants wetting X10 normal rate.
  • Will not talk about pee, poop, farts, or anything at all to do with body parts covered by underwear
  • Exposure = 20XP / Lv.
  • Touch = 10 XP / Lv.
  • "Like" results X0 (X0.2 if trust is >80)
  • "Hate" results X5 (X3 if trust is >80)
  • 0% chance of reporting sexual abuse

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv.1 X0 (2-0 for the inverted multipliers)
  • Lv.2 X0
  • Lv.3 X0
  • Lv.4 X0
  • Lv.5 X0
  • Lv.6 X0

Lv. 2, 11-20

Has a lot of discomfort about talking about things to do with bodily functions and private parts. Realizes some people will talk about the subject, but is uncomfortable with participating at all in such conversations.

Miscellaneous effects

  • Will be nervous about asking to use public restrooms. 40+ trust needed to ask to use restroom of daycare run out of your house, 80+ trust and 3 or fewer children in facility to use restroom in daycare facility. X10 rate of pants wetting if they will not ask for the bathroom.
  • Will not talk about pee, poop, farts, or anything at all to do with body parts covered by underwear beyond what it takes to say they need to use the bathroom
  • Exposure = 15XP / Lv.
  • Touch = 10XP / Lv.
  • "Like" results X0.2 (X0.5 if trust is >70)
  • "Hate" results X3 (X2 if trust is >70)
  • Decreased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv.1 X0.5 (2-0.5 for the inverted multipliers)
  • Lv.2 X0
  • Lv.3 X0
  • Lv.4 X0
  • Lv.5 X0
  • Lv.6 X0

Lv. 3, 21-30

Is uncomfortable with things having to do with bodily functions, but realizes they need to be Ok with that sort of thing in order to function properly in the world. Will still not willingly engage in conversations related to bodily functions and get really embarrassed with the subject.

Miscellaneous effects

  • Will have a nervousness about asking to use public restrooms that is amplified the more people there are around. Requires 10+ trust per child around in order to ask you if they can use the restroom, X10 chance of wetting pants if they don't ask to use the restroom.
  • Will say the word "pee" if they need to ask to use the bathroom, and might discuss farting in embarrassment, and will refer to their butt by the term "bottom" or some form of euphemism. Can't bring themselves to say the word "poop" or mention the name of the genitals.
  • Exposure = 10Xp / Lv.
  • Touch = 5Xp / Lv.
  • "Like" results X0.5 (Normal if trust is >60)
  • "Hate" results X2 (Normal if trust is >60)
  • Slightly decreased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv. 1 X1
  • Lv. 2 X0.5
  • Lv. 3 X0.5
  • Lv. 4 X0.5
  • Lv. 5 X0
  • Lv. 6 X0

Lv. 4, 31-40

Squirms a little and finds it "naughty" to talk about bodily functions, but it is not to the level that they are unable to talk about it and not to the point they will leave the conversation if others are talking about it. While they will be awkward about the subject, they can stick around if their friends are talking about bodily functions.

Miscellaneous effects

  • Will be slightly uncomfortable about using public restrooms to a point they may occasionally not ask if they happen to have to go. 1/2 normal chance of getting "ask to use the bathroom" scenes, X2 normal chance of pants wetting scenes.
  • Will not be embarrassed to say they need to pee, might hesitate a little if they say they need to poop. Boys will find it easy to talk about male genitals, but girls will find it difficult. Both genders find it difficult to talk about female genitals.
  • Exposure = 5Xp / Lv.
  • Touch = 5Xp / Lv.
  • "Like" results Normal
  • "Hate" results Normal
  • Normal chance of reporting sexual abuse

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv.1 X1
  • Lv.2 X1
  • Lv.3 X1
  • Lv.4 X0.5
  • Lv.5 X0.5
  • Lv.6 X0

Lv. 5, 41-50

Does not find it too inappropriate to talk about bodily functions, and is not bothered by it, but is not to the level they will go out of their way to discuss the subject in a context where it's not important to bring up (such as medical contexts, saying they need to use the bathroom, or reporting sexual abuse)

Miscellaneous effects

  • No real problem using public restrooms, slightly uneasy about urinating outdoors. (slight but reduced chance of boys being caught urinating outdoors)
  • No real hesitation, but not exceedingly liberal, about mentioning in what way they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male genitals, but not about female genitals.
  • Exposure = 5Xp / Lv.
  • Touch = 5Xp / Lv.
  • "Like" results Normal
  • "Hate" results Normal
  • Normal chance of reporting sexual abuse

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv.1 X1.5
  • Lv.2 X1
  • Lv.3 X1
  • Lv.4 X1
  • Lv.5 X0.5
  • Lv.6 X0

Lv. 6, 51-60

Is at the level where they may be amused by others finding it uncomfortable to talk about bodily functions and might make a point of talking about pee, poop, or farts just to make others uncomfortable.

Miscellaneous effects

  • No real problem using public restrooms, boys have little problem urinating outdoors. (slight but reduced chance of girls being caught urinating outdoors, and normal chance for boys)
  • Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male genitals, only girls will find it easy to talk about female genitals.
  • Exposure = 5Xp / Lv.
  • Touch = 5Xp / Lv.
  • "Like" results Normal
  • "Hate" results Normal
  • Normal chance of reporting sexual abuse

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv.1 X2
  • Lv.2 X1
  • Lv.3 X1
  • Lv.4 X1
  • Lv.5 X1
  • Lv.6 X0

Lv. 7, 61-70

Is to the point of comfort in the subject of their body where it starts to become an alien concept to them that someone might be uncomfortable discussing the subject of their own body. May say things that make others uncomfortable without even thinking about it. However, they still realize sex (if they have sex knowledge) is something that's not exactly supposed to be talked about in public.

Miscellaneous effects

  • No real problem using public restrooms, boys and girls have little problem urinating outdoors. (Normal chances of being caught urinating outdoors)
  • Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male and female genitals.
  • Exposure = 5Xp / Lv.
  • Touch = 4Xp / Lv.
  • "Like" results X 1.5
  • "Hate" results X 0.8
  • Slightly increased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv.1 X2
  • Lv.2 X1.5
  • Lv.3 X1.5
  • Lv.4 X1
  • Lv.5 X1
  • Lv.6 X0.5

Lv. 8, 71-80

Is to the point of comfort in the subject of their body where it starts to become an alien concept to them that someone might be uncomfortable discussing the subject of their own body. May say things that make others uncomfortable without even thinking about it. They are not even affected by people discussing the subject of things to do with sex, but realize it's not something they are supposed to repeat. (Naive children don't realize the significance of it, non-naive children are not bothered by it.)

Miscellaneous effects

  • No real problem using public restrooms, boys and girls have little problem urinating outdoors. (Normal chances of being caught urinating outdoors)
  • Small chance of being caught masturbating or experimenting sexually with other children if they have the appropriate sex knowledge.
  • Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male and female genitals.
  • Exposure = 4Xp / Lv.
  • Touch = 3Xp / Lv.
  • "Like" results X 1.5
  • "Hate" results X 0.8
  • Increased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv.1 X2
  • Lv.2 X2
  • Lv.3 X1.5
  • Lv.4 X1.5
  • Lv.5 X1
  • Lv.6 X1

Lv. 9, 81-90

Is to the point of comfort in the subject of their body where it starts to become an alien concept to them that someone might be uncomfortable discussing the subject of their own body. May say things that make others uncomfortable without even thinking about it. They are not even affected by people discussing the subject of things to do with sex, and are also likely to say stuff about sex without realizing that's supposed to be kept secret. (Naive children don't realize the significance of it, non-naive children are not bothered by it.)

Miscellaneous effects

  • No real problem using public restrooms, boys and girls have little problem urinating outdoors. (Normal chances of being caught urinating outdoors)
  • Moderate chance of being caught masturbating or experimenting sexually with other children if they have the appropriate sex knowledge.
  • Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male and female genitals.
  • Exposure = 3Xp / Lv.
  • Touch = 2Xp / Lv.
  • "Like" results X 2
  • "Hate" results X 0.5
  • Greatly Increased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv.1 X2
  • Lv.2 X2
  • Lv.3 X2
  • Lv.4 X2
  • Lv.5 X1.5
  • Lv.6 X1.5

Lv. 10, 91-100

It is as though they never had a concept in their heads of body shame, and seem to have zero sexual boundaries. It's kinda a miracle if they were taught to wear clothes in public.

Miscellaneous effects

  • No real problem using public restrooms, boys and girls have little problem urinating outdoors. (Normal chances of being caught urinating outdoors)
  • Good chance of being caught masturbating or experimenting sexually with other children if they have the appropriate sex knowledge.
  • Will readily volunteer in what manner they need to use the bathroom. Boys and girls will find it easy to talk about male and female genitals.
  • Exposure = 2Xp / Lv.
  • Touch = 2Xp / Lv.
  • "Like" results X 2
  • "Hate" results X 0.2
  • Greatly Increased chance of reporting sexual abuse (specifics will be put in after reporting chances mechanic is worked out)

Sex knowledge multipliers

  • Lv.1 X2
  • Lv.2 X2
  • Lv.3 X2
  • Lv.4 X2
  • Lv.5 X2
  • Lv.6 X2