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*[[Making the Team/Go alone, Jesse's mom came alone|... Jesse's mom came alone!]]
*[[Making the Team/Go alone, Jesse's mom came alone|... Jesse's mom came alone!]]
*[[Making the Team/Go alone, Jesse's mom brought the other moms|... Jesse's mom came with some of the other moms!]] '''Request''' (This one is the one that makes more sense for him to be surprised about.) [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 18:30, 5 March 2021 (UTC)
*[[Making the Team/Go alone, Jesse's mom brought the other moms|... Jesse's mom came with some of the other moms!]]

[[Category: Making the Team]]
[[Category: Making the Team]]

Latest revision as of 05:50, 19 March 2021

It seems so obvious now that you're thinking about it. Why wouldn't you just tattle to his mom? Hell, it's not like the guys are going to let you into the team anytime soon. You might as well burn the last bridge and get them into some serious trouble. It's not as brave as standing up to all of them on your own - but it's better to be smart in situations like these. "Don't worry," you reassure Keisha and whip out your phone. "I'm gonna' tell the grown-ups what's going on."

She nods eagerly, a single relieved tear rolling down her nose. You find the number easily enough and let the dial ring for a little while until an adult woman's voice answers:

"Yes, who is this?"

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Michael Wheeler from your son's High School. Listen, there's something terrible going on at your house. You need to come home and put a stop to it right now."

"What are you talking about?" She sounds more annoyed than surprised. "What's going on?"

"The whole football team is having a party, and they're going to rape a girl from school - Dana Banks." You can see the little girls' eyes double in size at the sound of 'rape'. Maybe not the most subtle way of putting it, but it does seem to get the job done. You hear some ruckus on the other end of the phone, as if Jesse's Mom dropped something or maybe even rose out of a chair.

"SHIT!" She hisses desperately. You can hear her running, but she hasn't hung up yet. "D-did you call the police? How many are there?"

"No, not yet. I can't say for sure - maybe ten."

"Don't call the police! We're going to fix this, all right?" She turns the keys, and you hear her car engine revving up. "Fuck! I need to hang up - but I'm there in just a couple of minutes! Meet me outside, all right?" The conversation ends, and you see that Keisha and Tanya have huddled together. In the far distance, you can hear a car racing down the street. Looks like the cavalry has arrived. Only when it pulls up, you're surprised to see that...