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The female August, regardless of whether or not she declares herself a boy, will also still want to get her typical list of siblings involved as well. The biggest difference between the two of them will be that instead of wanting you to break the ice so that she can touch her sisters, instead she will want to share the experience and have all her sisters do the same things with you that she did. She will be likely to lead Lloyd (if male) into some sexual touching though, but she will prefer to do it with you. She will just be insistently guiding Lloyd because she is nice and wants to include her siblings in on things.
The female August, regardless of whether or not she declares herself a boy, will also still want to get her typical list of siblings involved as well. The biggest difference between the two of them will be that instead of wanting you to break the ice so that she can touch her sisters, instead she will want to share the experience and have all her sisters do the same things with you that she did. She will be likely to lead Lloyd (if male) into some sexual touching though, but she will prefer to do it with you. She will just be insistently guiding Lloyd because she is nice and wants to include her siblings in on things.
(NOTE: The sex-changed August who insists she is a boy will actually be referred to as a boy by several of her family members. Octo and those younger than him will think she literally is a boy, and April, Febby, and Jan who have less interaction will know she is a girl somewhere in the far back of their minds but have gotten so used to thinking of her as a boy that they will have a shocked "Oh yeah!" moment when they re-discover she is female. The rest simply go along with it fully aware she is actually female.)

==Recommended approaches and relationship levels for specific acts==
==Recommended approaches and relationship levels for specific acts==

Revision as of 22:51, 23 January 2017

This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Of the Holiday boys, August will have the most interesting possible reactions to having his sex changed (assuming memories are also changed.) It will hinge largely on whether or not his older brother March has his gender changed as well. If he does, August will become a girl like any other, although she will be a bit of a tom-boyish girl who is still into all the same rough stuff she was before the sex-change. If March's gender is not changed though, if he remains a boy while August is turned into a girl, she will take the tom-boy thing a bit too far.

August's revised life-history to compensate for the sex change will be that she likes to pretend she is a boy. But it is not just that she pretends, she completely lives a boy's life and makes herself indistinguishable from a boy. She will dress like a boy, and even use the urinals in the boy's restroom, a trick witch she has perfected to the point she does not get a single drop in her shorts (she will wear boy's boxer shorts too.)

The August who pretends to be a boy is not trans-gender. She is fully aware of and Ok with the fact she is physiologically a girl. This complete boy life transformation thing of hers is more of a fun game to her. She was always a tom-boy, she started insisting she actually was a boy since she liked to do so many boy things, and then she started getting very amused over the fact that a lot of people couldn't tell she was actually a girl. She now takes this to extremes wherever she can. She always uses the boy's restroom, and even went so far as to get her parents to room her together with her older brother instead of one of her sisters.

If March is gender-changed to a girl, sex-changed August will still be a major tom-boy, but she will actually use the girl's restroom and it will be possible to convince her into wearing girl's cloths on occasion, and she will have a girl's swimsuit (it will be a boy's swimming trunks if March is left as a boy.)

Just like she would as a boy, August will still be the ring leader behind a "game" that she, May, June, Lloyd, and July play in the woods behind their house where they watch each other pee.

Sexual Knowledge

  • Knows what male genitals look like?: Yes
  • Knows how babies are made?: Knows babies grow in and come from the mother's belly, does not know how they get there.
  • Knows what sex is?: No
  • Knows what semen is?: No (March is extra careful to hide his masturbation from her)

General recommended approaches

The sex-changed August is little different from the male august in just about any aspect. Actually, she will be a little less inhibited if anything. The one that pretends to be a boy in particular will feel she can get away with more since she is used to going through all this somewhat perverted stuff already.

Just like she would as a boy, August is going to be thrilled and very open sexually with you the moment she discovers you are not going to get her in trouble but rather openly participate in the revealing of privates and even touching each other's privates.

The female August, regardless of whether or not she declares herself a boy, will also still want to get her typical list of siblings involved as well. The biggest difference between the two of them will be that instead of wanting you to break the ice so that she can touch her sisters, instead she will want to share the experience and have all her sisters do the same things with you that she did. She will be likely to lead Lloyd (if male) into some sexual touching though, but she will prefer to do it with you. She will just be insistently guiding Lloyd because she is nice and wants to include her siblings in on things.

(NOTE: The sex-changed August who insists she is a boy will actually be referred to as a boy by several of her family members. Octo and those younger than him will think she literally is a boy, and April, Febby, and Jan who have less interaction will know she is a girl somewhere in the far back of their minds but have gotten so used to thinking of her as a boy that they will have a shocked "Oh yeah!" moment when they re-discover she is female. The rest simply go along with it fully aware she is actually female.)

Recommended approaches and relationship levels for specific acts

A list of specific sex acts including details on how she views them, witch approaches are likely to work with her, and witch approaches are least likely to work. It also notes witch relationship stat is most influential in getting her to perform this act, as well as whether it needs to be high or low. As stated before, it is always possible for them to refuse depending on circumstances even if your score is high enough, and with just the right approach it is also possible to get them to allow a certain sex act even if the score is lower than the noted recommendation.

For the sake of giving people attempting to interpret these slippery "high, low, medium" type ratings a little grounding, here are the definitions used and the range of stats the rating could be referring to. Please note the bleed over with the above and below categories. This is to reflect the level of wiggle room a writer has in interpreting a stats score in the game, and also so that the writer does not have to really stress about the exact numbers.

  • Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
  • Very low = approximately 5-20%
  • Low = approximately 10-40%
  • Medium = approximately 30-70%
  • High = approximately 60-90%
  • Very high = approximately 80-95%
  • Extreme = approximately 90-100%

As a final note, submissiveness can always act as a wild card. Unless submissiveness is actually specified as one of several stats that are looked at for that act, submissiveness can replace any 1 score listed so long as it is high enough relative to the recommendation. This will be judged as an act of psychological dominance, witch is listed under fetishes farther down. Each person will react a little bit differently to being psychologically dominated, so it may be a good idea to reference this section before counting on this tactic.

Benign sex acts

Acts such as hand-holding, hugging, and having her sit in your lap. Things that are more or less non-sexual, but can be construed in a sexual way to some extent.

  • All benign acts Recommend medium romantic love

Like she would as a male, she has relatively little patience for cuddling type things and would rather be doing. However, if you have some romantic love with her, she will be Ok with cuddling you in particular.

Dismissable sex acts

Acts that can just as easily be seen as sexual as they can non-sexual or unintentional. Examples include holding her ass, being shirtless around one another, or oggling her crotch.

August will be oblivious to anything under this heading and fail to consider it any kind of problem at all.

Mild sex acts

Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.

  • Kissing: High romantic love, submissiveness, and trust.

August will not feel ready for a romantic relationship, and besides that it will break her tom-boy image to have a boyfriend. As such, she will not really want to engage in kissing

  • Touching crotch or breast area over cloths: High submissiveness

August will not want to touch or be touched over cloths. She will have little patience for it, and actually the part of her brain that says it is wrong is more likely to trigger if her cloths are on. If you reach into her pants and touch her bare pussy, the fun naughtiness of it will keep that part of her brain from interfering. However, with her cloths on, the part that says it is fun will not be triggered leaving only the part that says it's wrong.

  • Nudity, showing privates, or using the bathroom together: Low trust, better results with medium friendliness or romance.

So long as she has identified that you do not mind and won't yell at her for it, these are things that August will be not only comfortable with but also eager to do. If she is pretending to be a boy (if March is still male) then she will take particular relish in it the first time she gets the opportunity to bear her pussy to you, wondering what your reaction will be when you "find out" she is a girl (and might be a bit disappointed and blame March if you seem to already know.) If she trusts you not to get her in trouble, she will do this because it's fun to involve someone older in her inappropriate play. If she likes you though, either in a friendly or romantic way, she will do it hoping for your approval at getting to see a girl's privates.

Moderate sex acts

Sex acts that most would consider sex, but would not get the "hard-core" label if filmed and put on a porn site.

  • Touch each other's bare genitals with hand Low trust, results improve with medium friendliness or romantic love

Much like with showing genitals, she will be very happy to have you touch her genitals. However, she will be even more happy at you allowing her to touch you.

  • Rub your bare genitals together: Low trust

As a girl, August will find this more entertaining than she would as a boy. If she is allowed to be the one guiding your penis, she will likely have a lot of fun rubbing it around all over her slit. She will also be quite likely to wonder if it can go inside, although it will be half joke on her part. Once informed it actually will, she will likely be quite eager to try it.

  • Masturbate partner to orgasm Low trust, results improve with medium friendliness or romantic love

Unlike she would as a boy, the sex-changed August will actually be quite interested in the sensations you are giving her as you stimulate her pussy in whatever way you choose. She will not have explored her pussy in as much detail as male August was familiar with his penis, so with everything being new to her she will relish in the experience. She will also find jerking you off to be more entertaining, especially if it is while touching your penis to her body in some way.

  • Ejaculate on her body, anywhere between her stomach and her knees, while she is not aware semen makes babies: Medium trust and submissiveness

If told what to expect, August will not want you jizzing on her body unless she has seen it happen a few times and you talk her into it. However, if it catches her by surprise while she is having fun exploring your dick and rubbing it against herself, she will want to get out of the way but will not be too upset if you hold her in place as you finish.

  • Ejaculate on her head, hair, chest, or face: Recommend high submissiveness
  • Ejaculate on or near her groin while she is aware semen makes babies: Medium trust and submissiveness

Even if she knows it could get her pregnant, it will not quite register unless you are constantly reminding her and drilling the idea into her head. As such, her reaction will not change much from how it would be if she didn't know. If you remind her immediately before and after, she might get a little concerned, but will ultimately dismiss that it's a problem since it is supposed to go inside the vagina in order to make a baby.

  • Perform oral sex on her: low trust

August will be weirded out by this idea at first and may take a little convincing, but she will accept it with some pressuring and persuasion. She will also be Ok with it if you state that you are going to do it and then just do it, although there will be a lot of verbal protest to it and she will think you are weird.

  • Have her perform oral sex on you: Medium friendliness and low trust

August will not like this idea, but if she has been touching and experimenting for a while she may be Ok with this idea as something to escalate your activities to the next level. She will easily accept the idea of sucking Xander's penis, but will not be so keen to the idea of licking Lexi's slit.

Hard-core sex acts

Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.

  • Girl on girl homosexual sex:
  • PIV sex while she is ignorant to its role in impregnation:
  • Vaginal sex with condom
  • Anal Sex
  • PIV sex while aware that it makes babies:
  • Intentionally impregnate her:

Fetish sex acts

Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)

  • Results of physical force in sex acts:
  • Results of psychological force in sex acts: (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)