Life Hacks/Let her suck you again now

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Uhh… yeah! That’s Ok!” You say, trying to sound as positive as possible, but it winds up coming out a little falsely effusive. Actually, you realize a second after the words leave your mouth it was actually sort of subconsciously on purpose for the sake of keeping up with the story you are selling. And, yeah, you kind of would like to finish what you started before you were interrupted like that.

It seems your false seeming effusiveness did its job as Trish looks at you a bit skeptically, but decides to roll with it. “Ok,” she says with a motherly caring caress of your shoulder that seems completely messed up in this situation. “All right, Roni? Ready to give it another try?” She asks reaching out for Roni’s back, about the one part of her torso not covered in your semen from that last torrent, without ever letting go of your firm tricep. Your sister shuffles forward with a bit of a frown that breaks you up inside over this deception, and then she looks up at you and then Trish for emotional support.

“It’s alright,” Trish says, “your brother said it was Ok. Go ahead. You won’t get any better if you don’t try again.”

Roni really does seem to have been slightly traumatized by the thought she had hurt you, and she carefully picks up your penis and points it toward her face. “Ok, I’ll be careful this time,” she says, getting a weird look on her face as she folds her lips inward over her teeth as to Trish’s advice and then opens her mouth just enough as to allow your shaft entry. She begins sucking again, but not with anything close to the excitement she showed before. She is far more timid this time, slowly suckling on your dick as she glances up at you with her eyes looking for confirmation that she is doing it right and not hurting you.

You smile down at her, but then your hips start to shake as the sensitive head of your dick lightly brushes her hard palate on the roof of her mouth. “Ohhh,” you sigh, getting a concerned look from Roni.

“Mmm?” She responds, pulling all but the very tip out of her mouth.

“No, no, you’re fine,” you tell her, “it just felt good.”

“Hmm.” She responds in acknowledgement, slipping it back in till half your shaft is in her mouth. She begins licking the head of your dick with her tongue, somehow smiling even with her mouth full of your cock as she does so.

“Oh, yeah! That really does feel good Roni!” You say, causing your little sister to respond by immediately taking your dick out of her mouth to flash you a huge grin of accomplishment.

“Eh-heee!” She giggles, “Your penis tastes really good!” She says, and then looks over at Trish, “why does a boy’s penis taste so good? She asks.”

“Well, actually,” Trish says, “it doesn’t normally taste quite THIS good. Xander’s penis tastes a lot better than a normal guy. It’s not like other guys taste bad, but, well… you’re probably not going to like the way a guy normally tastes after something as good as your brother.

Roni’s response is simply to flash a momentary mischievous grin and then pop you back in her mouth. Well, it seems that her confidence is starting to recover nicely, and it seemed to have been paced just about right too. Just as she’s starting to get into it again, you are also just about recovered from the train-wreck of an interruption you got from Loki. Her head is not really bobbing up and down like you were made to expect from all the porn you watched, she is just putting it in half way and sucking and licking it, but to your virgin cock it feels like heaven and the fact that it is your little sister sucking your dick just makes it all the more fantastic. In fact, at this rate, you think you might just be giving her that heavy dose of semen she was after.

What do you do?

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