Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Suzy/End/Diapers

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Suzy comes to get rid of her diaper

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Little Suzy entered your office with her head down and her hands holding her skirt over the bulge of the diaper. It was clear she was embarrassed, but at least she wasn’t flinching every time the diaper rubbed her legs.

“How was your day, Suzy?” you asked cordially, smiling kindly to the girl and getting up from your chair.

“Fine, Sir.” she answered without too much enthusiasm, handing you her wrinkled up punishment slip, where you cold see her mother’s signature.

“I know it must have been hard, but it’s over now, soon this will only be a bad memory,” you assured her, signaling to hop onto the changing table. Suzy frowned at the table, but she did appeared relieved that hear punishment would soon be over, “now, before proceeding, I need you to tell me what you learned from this experience.”

Suzy adverted your eyes, and the color increases in her cheeks, “I learned… that I should not play in class, Sir.” she finally said.

“Only that?”

“And… I won’t do it again, really, Sir!”

“I hope that’s true,” you said, motioning for her to lay down and lift her legs. You were delighted that she obeyed almost without pause, “but I need to make sure the punishment left the right mark on you, so tell me how was your day yesterday, after you left the office.”

Suzy covered her face with her hands, “Please, I don’t want to remember!” she begged.

“Did your classmates asked why you were wearing a diaper?”

Suzy just nodded from behind her hands.

“Did you explained it was a punishment for playing in class?”

“Yes, they didn’t believe it until Miss Curtis said so!” she complained, “and then they started teasing me, and Miss Curtis let them!” she finished from behind her hands.

“That was the purpose of your punishment,” you explained while absently caressing her legs in the air, getting closer to her diaper covered crotch, “did you use the bathroom yesterday?” Suzy tensed at your question, but didn’t answer, “you have to tell me Suzy, it’s very important that we review how you felt so I’m sure you don’t need any more punishment.” you warned her.

“I asked Miss Curtis during recess… she told me I wasn’t allowed, that I would have to ask you for a change,” she started, pausing several times, “I tried to hold it, but I couldn‘t. I peed in the cafeteria, right in front of my friends,” she said, very softly, “I was so ashamed, but I just couldn’t hold it… it felt nasty, all warm and wet… at first I thought nobody noticed, but then my friends…” she swallowed hard and stopped, “and they were signing on the bus…”

“What were they singing?” your pressed on.

Suzy wet herseeelf!,” She mimicked. By now you had started to open the stickers of her diaper, doing it very slowly, almost daring yourself to be able to do it without the little girl noticing.

“How did your parents took it?”

“Please, Sir.” she begged again, showing her eyes on the brink of tears.

“I know it’s hard,” you agreed, “but I need to know that you fulfilled your punishment,” you continued, getting one side of her diaper free, “who changed you?”

“My mom,” she finally said, “right there in the living room!” she continued, and you noticed that her shame had been replaced by anger, “and my stupid brother was there! and she didn’t tell him to leave!” she stopped, realizing what she’s said, “Sorry Sir, I didn’t… it’s just…”

“It’s Ok, I’m not going to increase your punishment for a single word,” you comforted her, “was that the only time you had to change your diaper?”

“No, mom had to put another one after I… used the bathroom…,” she paused, “the real bathroom, not the diaper,” she quickly clarified, “and then… this morning… after I… again…” the color went up on her cheeks as she tried to continue, “she had to go… so my dad… he… did it.”

Just then you had managed to peel off the last sticker on her diaper, and now the two flaps were on the table, with only the central part covering her developing pussy. Before bringing that down, you remembered how it was just yesterday that you had covered that treasure and how you: