Life Hacks/Yng-Lexi/Head for March's (sex)

From All The Fallen Stories
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Yeah, you've always wanted to actually try having sex, and March is definitely your type. Wait... really? As you think about it, you start to realize how all of your old memories and preferences are becoming part of the new 10-year-old girl you. At some point, since you met March, you have been starting to think about sex with him. You think of him a little like an older brother but also kinda have a crush on him. All the loli incest scenarios you keep making with your Simuls are kinda your way of scratching that itch. You think the incest content might be why you actually did consider doing it with Bastian for a little bit, but you gotta admit your real crush is on March.

You can feel your cheeks blushing really hot as you think about this. Also, wouldn't this get March in REALLY big trouble!? Well, you think you saw something in the cheats menu that could probably help with that. You give it a squeeze through your coat jacket and begin looking down the list. Yes, there it is! Age pass! Actually, March is 14 and you're 10, so it is TECHNICALLY legal for you and him to have sex. Well, that's legal though, not social. He would still get in trouble with his parents and your parents. So, you just need to buy the first level of Age pass, and then get the pass awareness cheat as well so he won't be so nervous about it. You decide to get both of them twice at the "single family" level, specifying your family and his family. That's all he would really get in trouble with anyway, so it all works out. Well, there's one more you'll need while you're at it. Exposure pass, along with the "shared" upgrade. However, you only really need that one for his family.

Wow, you are starting to feel wet just thinking about this. You're really planning on doing it, huh? With your course of action decided, you make your way quickly to March's house. It's a long trip. Normally, you would have to get his sister to pick you up in her car. Although, with your body as fit as it is, you are able to run pretty quickly even with the sandals on. The clop and flap rather noisily on the ground, but you are making really good time. What should be a walk that would take over 30 minutes winds up taking you only a little more than five and you didn't even really break a sweat.

Their house is a large converted library. They have a really big family, so March's dad had to buy this large place and pay for the remodeling work. You walk through the very large parking lot that's quite disproportionate considering it's a singe (very large) family home in actuality, and approach the door. The house itself is in a bit of a victorian style, and so despite being a former library there is only one door instead of a set of double doors. There is also a door bell installed on the outside of the ornate pillars. You ring the door bell, and then stand with a meek look on your face in front of the door.

A short time later, you hear foot steps and the door is opened by a woman in her late 30s with short blond hair. Actually, it's almost exactly the same as yours now that you think of it, except that where your hair is a bright yellow blond hers is more of a sandy blond. This is March's mother, Lynn Holliday. She looks down at you and gasps. "Lexi! What are you doing here!?"

You let out a little whimper as you look down at the ground. "I... I got into a fight with Charity." You confess.

"Are you saying you ran away from home!?" She questions you with an accusatory tone. "Well, probably better you come here instead of going off someplace you can get hurt. Come on in. I'll call your mother and tell her where you are."

"She's at work." You inform her.

"Well, I'll just call your house first then, but I'm STILL telling your mother about this. This is something she needs to know about."

You can only pout at this woman's take-charge attitude. And, since you are already here anyway, you have no real choice other than to follow her inside. Well, you COULD do something different, but that would just get everyone worried for no reason. Well, anyway, you hope you don't really get in too much trouble.

"I take it you probably want to see March? He should be up in his room. Or, you could join all of them watching cartoons if you want." She gestured toward the couch in the living room. Sure enough, a lot of the elementary school aged Holliday kids (now closer to your age) are sitting and watching TV. They are already peeking around over the back of the couch, and you can hear a few "Hi Lexi"s coming from them.

Now then...

(WIP Holiday family profiles.)

Alexandra "Lexi" Cole
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Female
Age: 10
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 91 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 29(Training bra)/25/30
Vagina: virginal
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Physical: 200
Mental: 200
Social: 200
Appearance: 200
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Focus: 40%
Stress: 72%
Arousal: 86%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: Lifie Mod
Stylish clothes, smartwatch
Other Items
Life Controller Duck, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
  • Pass awareness (holiday family)
  • Exposure pass (shared, holiday family)
  • Age pass 1 (your and holiday family)
Page Tally: No change this page.
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything
Lynnette "Lynn" Holiday
Friend's mother 37 years old

Notes: '

March Holiday
Friend 14 years old

Notes: '

Autumn Holiday
Friend's sister 13 years old

Notes: '

Spring Holiday
Friend's sister 13 years old

Notes: '

January "Jan" Holiday
Friend's sister 12 years old

Notes: '

Feburary "Febby" Holiday
Friend's sister 11 years old

Notes: Views you as a "know-it-all" brat

April Holiday
Friend's sister 11 years old

Notes: '

May Holiday
Friend's sister 10 years old

Notes: '

June Holiday
Friend's sister 8 years old

Notes: '

July Holiday
Friend's sister 6 years old

Notes: '

Christmas "Chris" Holiday
Friend's father 37 years old

Notes: '

August Holiday
Friend's brother 9 years old

Notes: '

Septembre "Lloyd" Holiday
Friend's brother 7 years old

Notes: '

Summer Holiday
Friend's sister 16 years old

Notes: '

Winter "Winny" Holiday
Friend's sister 15 years old

Notes: '

Octobre "Octo" Holiday
Friend's brother 5 years old

Notes: '

Novembre "Nove" Holiday
Friend's sister 3 years old

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Sister 15 years old

Notes: '

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Twin Sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old

Notes: '

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old

Notes: '

Loki (Player:Loki)
Benefactor ???? years old

Notes: '