Life Hacks/Relationship scores guide

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This guide is to help get an idea of how certain characters will react in various situations according to their relationship scores.


How generally positive a person's reaction is to you.


How generally negative a person's reaction is to you. (Note, an enemy score can disrupt the natural results of submissiveness, platonic love, and romantic love.)


Feels it is their right to tell another person what to do. (Note: someone with a dominance score may take issue with the one they are dominant over initiating a sex act even if their romantic love meter is filled appropriately.)


Feels compelled to bend to the will of another.


Subordinate status

Submissiveness due to position or other superficial feature. It is submissiveness that has been appointed rather than developed. Level of submissiveness is a result of the level of respect the submissive party has for the person artificially instated over them.

  • 0-15%: Defiant submission.

Regards the person appointed over them to be in some way inappropriate for their position. Will follow non-objectionable orders, but will need to have some form of social, formal, or physical force used to make them submit to their superior.

  • 20%: Broken submission.

Submits only because they are forced to. They do not respect the person who has authority over them, they just want to avoid the negative consequences the person they are subordinate to can create for them.

  • 40%: Hesitant submission.

Is forced despite themselves to hold the person with authority over them with respect. This is usually due to mentally registering that the person with authority over them knows better than they do, and are usually right when they say something. Doesn't want to follow the orders, but knows (or at least believes, justly or unjustly) deep down that the orders are correct and to not obey them would invite natural negative consequences in addition to whatever artificial consequences the person they are supposed to obey can add on.

  • 60%: Fair-weather submission.

Will gladly and happily do what they are told so long as they think what they are being told is a good course of action to the best of their knowledge. Disagreements will be settled with rational discussion rather than acts of defiance.

  • 80%: Willing submission.

Has a good deal of respect for the person with authority over them and considers it a genuinely pleasant thing to follow their orders. Will even follow a bad order without complaint so long as it does not have particularly bad foreseeable consequences.

  • 100%: Absolute submission.

"Yes men" and "ass kissers." Will hardly even disagree with the person they are submissive to if they give a bad order. All sorts of things can lead to this mental state, but for whatever reason they will not even make much effort to resist something they know is wrong just because the person in authority said so.


Will submit to the sex acts that another they are submissive to wants to do with them. Their own will is irrelevant. They will always allow sex acts of the appropriate level to be done to them by the person they are submissive to whether they want to do it or not, but other factors such as context and scores in other areas will determine how they react internally in their own minds to being made to submit to these sex acts.

  • 20

Will accept any benign sex acts without complaint, even if it is non-consensual.

  • 40

If appropriately groomed (early grooming has been achieved with this partner,) they will accept any dismissable sex acts without complaint even if they catch on it is being done intentionally for sexual or naughty reasons and do not consent to this.

  • 60

If appropriately groomed (grooming and early grooming have both been achieved with this partner,) they will accept any mild sex acts without complaint even if the act is non-consensual.

  • 80

If appropriately groomed ("Involved with each other" and all lower grooming achievements have been reached with this partner) they will accept any moderate sex act without complaint even if it is non-consensual.

  • 100

If appropriately groomed (Raunchy couple and all lower grooming achievements have been reached with this partner) they will submit to vaginal or anal sex even if it is non-consensual. Once they have had consensual or non-consensual sex 10 times with the individual they are submissive to, they will not complain about fetish style sex acts either.

Familial/platonic love

How accepting of non-sexual gestures of closeness this person is, and how forgiving they are of a person's faults.

Lust/romantic love

How willing this person would be to do something sexual in nature with the person they have this score with.


  • 20+

Will see any action categorized as a "benign sex act" as a natural and appropriate gesture of closeness for this stage of their relationship.

  • 40+

Will see any action categorized as a "dismissable sex act" as a natural and appropriate gesture of closeness for this stage in their relationship, and will be perfectly Ok with it even if they are aware it is being done in a sensual manner.

  • 60+

Will see any action categorized as a "mild sex act" as a natural and appropriate gesture of closeness for this stage in their relationship.

  • 80+ Will see most actions categorized as a "moderate sex act" (provided they do not take issue with a particular act on principal) as a natural and appropriate thing to do at this stage in their relationship.
  • 100 Will see sexual intercourse as a natural and appropriate thing to do at this stage in their relationship. (Might demand a condom if worried about pregnancy.)

NOTE: No level of romantic love unlocks violent or fetish sex as something they will be accepting of. They must either have a high submissive score or be naturally into that kind of sex to start with.

Consent minimums

The link below will send you to a breakdown of the minimum relationship values, counting both the romantic love route and the submission forced route, in how a character will react to sexual acts.

WARNING: The math in there gets a little complicated. It was comprised by one of the nerd-brains that took a mutual shared lead on this project. Any other writer who wants to contribute really does not need to know the contents of this page. Following the simplified numbers above will keep you very safely on the right page. The numbers thrown about in there have mostly to do with how to get consent with numbers lower than those given in this basic guide in a way that sort of more or less reflects real life in a game mechanics sort of way.