Life Hacks/Since March is coming over, how about messing with him and his family?(paused-home)

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Time to fiddle with March’s relationship stats. You scroll down to your friend’s profile card and notice he has moved up the list significantly from where he was before at the start of the day. Now that he is high enough on the list to see, you look over his stats and have to raise an eyebrow in admiration. Of course, your friendliness stat with him is higher than for any one else you know, but the interesting thing is that he actually has a familial love stat with you. Well, you suppose it does sort of make sense. After all, he has been hanging around you for years almost as though he were a member of the family.

Out of curiosity, you click on his card and look at his own family. As you scroll over it, you notice his family rating with you is actually not that far off from what he has with members of his own family. Actually, that’s a little sad considering it’s not really all that high. You continue to scroll down and see what you were actually looking for and see that, indeed, he does have a family love stat with Brittany as well. Not really much of anything with your other siblings though, but… oh that bastard! It looks like he has the hots for Roni and Angel. Well, that’s interesting. If he has that going through is head, maybe you should start thinking in terms of his sisters as well, especially his younger ones.

You close out of his section and go back to your own and notice immediately that the cards with the stats for all of March’s siblings have moved way up on the list just with these thoughts in your head. Well, that’s great, this makes things easier. You decide to skip March for the moment and start flicking his sisters’ friendliness, submissiveness, trust, family and romantic love with you to the max. As for family love, it will certainly make things easier for you if they accept you as part of their… very LARGE family when you try to go over there and carry out what is on your mind right now.

Your heart is fluttering with the horrible thoughts you have started having about what you would like to do to your best friend’s sisters as you progress through the exhaustive list, but eventually you hit the youngest on the list, his 3 year old sister Nove. You remember Nove. Last time you were over there a little while ago, she just ran right up to you when you came in and gave you a giant hug as though you were one of the family, much to the oldest sister Summer’s embarrassment. It seems she has a habit of going up and hugging complete strangers. Interestingly though, Nove actually has a higher family love stat with you than March did despite the fact that you have barely interacted with the little toddler. Guess you just having been in her house once is enough for her. You decide that you really don’t need to move her stats from where they are. She’s just a toddler after all.

After all of this, you go back to March and boost up his submissive stat, but that’s all you do for now.

Now then, what next?

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