Life Hacks/Hallomod(gp-pre/pres-inf-im-cr'pay)/Let them have their fun

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 11:34, 9 February 2017 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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Whatever, let them have their fun, you can go ahead and be a human jungle gym for a while. Besides, this whole bit about how you keep giving the kids a face full of your dick is starting to get a bit fun with how much it seems to happen and how much everyone just seems to not care. It’s a high you almost want to try out more.

“Hey, I told you all to leave Xander alone!” Autumn repeats, catching up with you.

“It’s alright,” you tell her, “it’s actually kind of fun in its own way.”

“Really?” She asks, backing off immediately and tucking her chin down in an almost apologetic way. “You like it when kids climb on you?”

“Eh, it’s kinda fun,” you answer. Autumn seems to get a thoughtful look on her face at this, but before anything can come of it her twin, Spring, rushes straight past her and ducks under your right arm and between her two younger siblings and latches onto your right leg opposite her 6 year old sister, looking up at you with a triumphant grin witch she immediately turns back on her twin.

“Hey!” Autumn yells out in an obviously hurt way that seems to say she was about to try and do exactly that herself. “Alright, well!” She growls and then runs up behind you. She reaches as high as she can and grabs on around your shoulder blades and it is immediately clear what she is trying to do.

“Wow! Hey! Hold on a second!” You interrupt her, squatting down a little so that she can achieve her goal without having to do something like step on both of her leg-clinging sisters heads. She climbs her way up your back, pressing her wet swim-suit into the back of the white button-down shirt that is the only thing you are wearing now. Lloyd and June waste no time in capitalizing on this opportunity either, and they run around in front of you and both ask to be picked up. Well, since things have gotten this far, you figure why not put your newfound superhuman strength to the greatest test you are likely to come across baring some kind of disastrous outcome? With a grin, you reach down from behind both of them and run your arms between their legs, pulling the both of them up horse-riding style on your wrists. Lloyd immediately adjusts himself, repositioning and finding a spot higher on your arm so that his undeveloped testicles are not squeezed by your fore-arm. June, meanwhile, seems to see no reason for doing anything of the sort and simply allows herself to ride down into your hand, pressing your fingers very firmly into her swimsuit-clad vulva, a fact that she hardly even seems to take note of as she grabs onto your hip like a koala, placing her just a few inches above her younger sister on your left hip.

So great, now you might as well be wearing a full suit of armor made from living children. You have a 6 year old on your left leg, a 13 year old on your right, a 7 year old in your right arm, an 8 year old on your left hip with your hand full of her pussy, not that you really notice it all that much with the distraction of all these other kids climbing all over you, and finally you have that previous 13 year old’s twin on your back. But wait, what’s going on with August and May during all this? You turn and start paying attention to them at this thought and notice May going up to August, tugging slightly on his arm for a whispered conversation. You doubt the rest of the kids climbing all over you can hear them, but with your improved super-human hearing and focus you are able to pick it out.

“Hey,” May says as you watch out of your peripheral vision while she starts to get really close to his ear. “Xander said you wanted to show him a game with us,” she says in a really soft tone. “Did you mean… that… our game in the woods..” Her tone gets even softer and quieter as she asks this last part, and she cups her hand between her mouth and his ear as well. It is almost a wonder you were able to pick it up at all.

“Yeah!” August responds in a plain and somewhat excited voice, not trying to keep quiet but not really shouting either. “I told him about it and he said he wanted to try playing it with us.” He continues in the same tone, not hard at all to overhear. Well, this is exactly what you were afraid of.

What will you do?

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