The loli's perspective/So, we didn't even make it to bed before I started messing with her

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With neither of us wearing any underwear and only a pair of oversize T-shirts covering us, you would think I would have the perfect opportunity after I crawled into bed with her. I didn't have the patience for that though. Before I start, there is something else you should probably understand. Modesty was not really a big thing in our household. Like with most things, it was not so much we were a nudist household, it was more that our mom just didn't care about anyone, including herself, being clothed indoors unless it was Kayla or Katy with their diapers because she didn't want them peeing or pooping on the floor. Actually, I imagine Kayla was probably potty trained by this point, she just still wet the bed at night. That was enough in our household though to consider her a baby though.

At any rate, me and Lilly stripped down naked in front of each other pretty regularly as we were dressing for bed, we didn't see it as any big deal at all. So, after she threw off her clothes, I told her "hold on, don't put your pajamas on yet."

This stopped her for a moment as she considered my request, and it gave me time to get out of my own clothes. "Why not?" She finally asked, so I just told her flat out,

"I wanna touch your privates." Yes, I said privates. I didn't use any of the harsh language you have probably come to expect from me. Yes, I knew the nastier terms to refer to that area of the body on both genders, but the thing is I had only ever actually heard those terms used as curses and swears. It wasn't until years later that I even realized the word 'dick' was more than just a synonym for ass-hole. Anyway, after I got out of my clothes I stepped toward Lilly intending to make good on that, but she moved away. "What's wrong?" I asked. Up until now, we had circumstantially touched each other's privates under a lot of different (and totally innocent) circumstances, so her reaction actually was a little strange to me.

So, you know what she told me? She says, "my kindergarten teacher told me boys weren't sposed ta touch girls there." Well, actually, she didn't actually say the words "my kindergarten teacher. Rather, she said her name, although I can't remember it for the life of me now.