Life Hacks/Hallomod(tod-pre)/Show the girls exactly what the bulge is

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“Do you want to see it?” You ask, causing Jan and Octo to instantly perk up and Summer to gasp and go white as a sheet. Nove, now having successfully pulled off her dress, notices her siblings seem to be excited about something and, now dressed only in her underwear starts wandering over just in time to see you shove the front of your underwear down to reveal your stiff 4 inches. It may not be incredibly big, you have seen March’s and his is much bigger, but you are certain they have never seen his, especially since he hit puberty. As is, your penis is likely the biggest they have ever seen.

“Wow!” Octo exclaims.

“I seen August and Loyd’s penises before!” July says, “but theirs didn’t point up like this.”

“When did they show you their penises!?” Summer rounds on July and asks her harshly.

“Umm…” July puts her hand up to her mouth. “I wasn’t sposd-ta say that.” She suddenly looks very guilty and starts trying to edge herself toward the opposite side of you from her older sister, but something’s bothering you about this.

“Wait,” you say, “Aren’t August and Loyd both girls?” You could have sworn you switched their genders in the control panel, did something go wrong?

Summer lets out a sigh and seems to give up on pursuing the grilling of her little sister in favor of answering your question. “Uhh.. yes they are, but they both like to pretend they’re boys, so they say that they have penises instead of.. umm… girl parts.”

“You mean a buh-gyna!?” Octo cuts in, earning her a glare from Summer. “I call my buh-gyna a penis too!”

“Oh my… holy f… how is this happening!?” Summer whispers under her breath, turning away from the crowd as she says it. She may have been whispering, but it was nothing like how low she said her previous comment in the living room. She’s obviously getting quite riled up by this, but she doesn’t seem to be doing anything to stop you.

Maybe you should settle things down a little

Try and push things farther to test the limits of the submissiveness stat