Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Play/low/low/uncomfortable

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Hey there Hannah, what are you playing?" You ask as you approach the __-year-old quietly playing by herself. (there are multiple other children)away from the other kids. (there is 1 other kid)She does not seem to try to get involved with ___, but they seem to be doing alright by themselves anyway. You're the adult in the room, so as long as you make sure to pay attention to both of them it should be fine.

"Mmm..." Hannah tucks her chin with that light uncomfortable sound and brings her hands to her chest, moving as though to hid behind the (blocks/legos/dolls/play table) she was just playing with/working on "Th... this..." she whimpers, presenting the project that she was in the middle of.

(She was playing with blocks)

NOTE: Bolded the lines that are different from the no sexual experiences version.

She has managed to build what looks like a small little house out of blocks. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like she's found a method for the roof to stay up and she was holding it up with her hands, so the moment you disturbed her the blocks collapsed as she had taken her hands away.

"Well, is that a little house you were working on?" You ask with a positive tone, getting a small shy smile and a nod out of her and a little squirming of her shoulders as she looks up at you with a somewhat troubled expression. "Is it Ok if I join you?" Hannah does not seem to immediately approve to this, but she doesn't exactly reject it either, so instead you look to her body language for hints. She looks like she may be a little uncomfortable, probably because she didn't really like you touching her before. Since her discomfort doesn't seem to be too especially pronounced though, it might be good to play with her normally for a little while in order to make sure her opinion of you does not deteriorate. Maybe if she sees you are fun to be with then she will start to enjoy that kind of touching as well.

According to the literature, children her age tend to prefer side-by-side play rather than working together on the same project, so you decide to get out some more blocks to build something of your own next to her little house. Rather than return to her own project though, Hannah seems more interested in watching you work. Eventually, you begin inviting her to give feedback on your project. "So, what should I build?" you ask after having put up one wall. "Should I build a fort? How about a house for the ponies to live in?" As you say this, you pull out a few ponies figurines from the toy-box. This seems to get a smile from Hannah and eventually, while asking her for her opinion at several key points in the process, you wind up building a small 1-floor no-roof block castle for the ponies to roam around in and invite Hannah to play with a few as you have them interact in this space you have constructed.

(Hannah: Trust +5, Happiness +5)

(she was playing with legos)

(she was playing with dolls)

(Material below applies to any of the above 3 scenarios)

(there is 1 other kid in the area who has a positive or neutral relationship with you)

This eventually seems to get ___'s attention and he/she decides to come over an join in. (female:you have somewhat recently done something high-grade sexual she didn't like) She gives you a somewhat suspicious glance and rubs her legs together a little, almost seeming to hold a protective hand over herself, but she eventually seems to get over her misgivings about you. (female:you have done some high-grade sexual things with her she liked)She flashes you a bright smile for a moment, squirming her body in an almost suggestive way. You are forced to wonder if she is conscious of what she is doing. "Hey, can I play?" he/she asks.

"Is that Ok Hannah?" You ask. She doesn't give a response, and ___'s relative impatience with such a reaction winds up making it so that you default to be the one who answer's the question. You wind up agreeing, and soon the 3 of you are playing together.

(___: Trust +5, Happiness +5)

(there is 1 other kid in the area who has a poor relationship with you due to the things you've done with him/her)

At some point, you notice ___'s eyes looking over in your direction, but it seems like he/she doesn't want to approach. As soon as he/she notices you are looking he/she turns away and starts doing something else.

If ___ is traumatized (___: Happiness -2)

If ___ is not traumatized (___: Trust +1, Happiness -1)

NOTE: This scene can apply in addition to either of the other 2 join-in scenes. In such a case, the above listed stat changes are trippled if there are 6 or fewer total children in the room (meaning you have attracted half to all of the other children to play with you)

(There are multiple other kids in the area)

This eventually gets the attention of (2 others registered/3+others registered)the other kids/a few of the other kids, ___ and ___, who decide that they want to come over and join. (You have had high-grade sexual experiences with one or both of them, pick 1 at random if it's both)(Insert text options from 1 kid, replacing the first instance of "she" with ___)

"Is that Ok Hannah?" You ask. She doesn't give a response, and the other two's relative impatience with such a reaction winds up making it so that you default to be the one who answer's the question. You wind up agreeing, and soon the 4 of you are playing together.

(___: Trust +5, Happiness +5)

(___: Trust +5, Happiness +5)

(she was doing a puzzle on the table)

(she was coloring on the table)