Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office molestation/1st/Have her remove panties
(Abusive, just pulled them down, or had only touched her since pulling them down) "Alright, now take them off."
(Gentle, just pulled them down, or had only touched her since pulling them down) "Alright, could you please take them off now?"
(Abusive, removed another article of clothing since pulling them down) "Alright, now take off your underwear"
(Gentle, removed another article of clothing since pulling them down) "Ok, can you please take your underwear off now?"
(Hates it, Obedience < 21)
"Mmm...!" She groans and then (sitting)springs up to her feet and reaches down to grab her panties which she quickly pulls back up in direct defiance of what you just said.
(Hates it, Obedience 21-60)
"Mmm..." She groans and shakes her head, (standing)slowly stepping back and refusing (seated)weakly bringing her hands defensively to her chest and pressing her legs closed, making no effort to do what you just said.
(Hates it, Obedience > 60)
"Mmm..." She groans with a deflated look. (Standing)She sinks to the ground (Sitting)She reaches down (wearing shoes)and begins grappling with her underwear as it begins to catch on her shoes. Eventually, she manages to carefully pull her feet through the leg-holes of her underwear. (wearing slippers)and pulls the garment down and has to toss off her slippers in order to get them off over her feet.
(Uncomfortable)(Match most recent removal action)
"Ahh..." She looks down at her undies strapped around her knees and slowly drags them down to her ankles (standing), lowering herself to sit on the ground at the same time. She keeps her legs together in order to preserve her modesty as best she can, (wearing shoes)but she struggles to get her underwear off over her shoes for a moment before she decides to just remove those as well on her own. (wearing slippers)but she immediately realizes it would be silly to try and keep her slippers on while taking her underwear off, so she immediately discards those. After getting her cute childishly decorated knickers off, she carefully places them neatly on top of her previously discarded shoes/slippers.
- (Exposure temporary +2 if skirt on, temporary +3 if skirt off)
(likes it)(Match most recent removal action)
"Mmm!" She grunts in the affirmative (standing)and then immediately plops down on the floor. (wearing skirt and shoes)She flares her legs out in a butterfly fashion, causing her skirt to lift up and reveal her __-year-old pussy for you to see as she struggles to get the undergarment off over her shoes. (not wearing skirt, but wearing shoes)She carelessly spreads her legs out in a butterfly fashion, placing her (bald/peach-fuzz-crowned) little __-year-old pussy on full display for you to take in as she struggles with her underwear as it catches on her shoes, prolonging the sight for long enough for you to really drink this in. (wearing shoes) Eventually, she manages to get them off. (wearing slippers, regardless of skirt)She brings her knees together and pulls her underwear down and off, tossing off her slippers in the process.
"There!" She announces triumphantly, springing back up to her feet and holding her own underwear up like a trophy. You chuckle lightly and accept her still slightly warm panties from her and hold them up with a smile for a moment before tossing them (to a spot on the floor/into a pile with the rest of her clothes.)
- (Exposure temporary +2 skirt on, +3 skirt off)
- (Double exposure effect if wearing shoes)
- (Trust and happiness +2)
Have her remove more clothes
- Take off her shirt
- Have her remove her shirt
- Take off her shoes (is wearing shoes)
- Have her remove her shoes (is wearing shoes)
- Take off her socks (Removed shoes/slippers this scene)
- Have her remove her socks (Removed shoes/slippers this scene)
- Take off her skirt (is wearing a skirt)
- Have her remove her skirt (is wearing a skirt)
Do something else
- Talk to her (Gentleness 5+ (default option if no abusiveness based options are available, even if gentleness is too low.))
- Have her sit in your lap (Abusiveness 5+)
- Reach out and touch her face
- Reach out and touch her chest
- Reach out and touch her groin
- Remove some of your own clothes
- Time to proceed to the main event (Abusiveness 11+)