Apotheosis/Dione/Backstory/The very next evening

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And that was your first encounter with previously-thought-to-be elusive penis. Perhaps it didn't go exactly the way you wanted, perhaps you could've gone further, but it was a good first memory nonetheless, one you still remember fondly to this day.

Back then you really were ignorant and naïve; you didn't even know how much power women truly hold in the so-called sexual marketplace. It still will take you quite some time to get to the point where you are now and grow up to be the person you are today, but that fateful day, the first seeds of change were planted. Those were not, however, the last seeds to be planted to your then innocent mind. In fact, it wasn't even your last sexual encounter within that orphanage. The next chapter would be written within the next 24 hours of the first one.

It is a night very similar to the last one. Once again, it's bedtime, and once again, you're having trouble falling asleep. Moon is just as bright as it was the night before. You don't need to pee this time though; you just happen to be a little bit too energetic for your own good.

The door suddenly opens. At first, you suspect it's someone just checking on the kids, making sure everyone is sleep and everything is alright, so you pretend to be asleep. It doesn't take long for you to realize that this is not a typical checkup though. The door is left open, and you can tell that this someone is walking in the room. With your back turned towards whoever this someone is, you can't really tell what he or she is doing, but this person doesn't seem to be coming for you. Based on the supposed direction of the sound, you suspect him or her stopping by Lisa's bed. You hear a whisper, and you recognize it for Paco. You also hear Lisa's reply, proving your suspicions correct. It seems like they're leaving the room together.

So, who's Lisa? She's a local girl, born and raised in the streets of Memphis, and she's a real brunette beauty. You respect her in the very save regard you respect Theo; as an upperclassman, and as a role model of sorts. They're the same age, and go to the same school. They're even part of the same group of friends, consisting of three boys and one girl. Why she is the odd girl out to hang out with boys is not something you know, and honestly, you don't even care. You've never had trouble playing with boys if need be. She's quite a troublemaker as well. Since she's in the same "gang" of petty thieves Theo is in, she has probably had her fair share of loot on the market as well. In that regard, the only conclusion you can make is that she could maybe, just maybe, receive a punishment similar to what Theo had to endure yesterday. Once again, you decide to take a little stroll. This time you have to make sure not to get caught, because you don't have a ready excuse to be sneaking around.

You head towards the headmaster's office, only to find it locked. Well, this was to be expected, since last time Paco forgot to close it. There's no way he would make the same mistake again. You lean against the door to listen, but all you hear is dead silence. It could very well be that they didn't even go there after all. In silence you can tell that there are faint voices coming from the upstairs. You've heard that the staff room is there, but beyond that, you don't know what to expect, since you've never been there. You have decided to go check out what's going on though.

Once upstairs, you can tell where the chatter is coming from, and you can also clearly tell what is being talked about. Two adult men, Paco and a stranger, are talking about Lisa.

"Yes, that's the girl who was with them", you hear the stranger say, probably referring to Lisa.

"I had one of her friends rat her and their two friends out."

"Very good, very good. Now, I also assume you'll be taking up on my offer?"

"Yes, I cannot have you pressing charges on me or these children, so you will get what you want. I'll let you have your way with this little rascal free of charge."

For a while, there's nothing but silence. Lisa has not uttered a word in response, nor in defense.

"Come on now, little girl", the stranger says, "Don't be scared. It will be over soon."

"I'll be leaving you now", Paco says. "I'll be waiting in my office."

As soon as you hear those words, you panic. Paco is coming out, and you're out there in the open. There aren't many places for you to hide, but you're a smart girl, so you figure out a plan. There are a lot of things to hide behind down the corridor, on the opposite side of the staircase. If Paco is going down to his office, your best place is to go to the other direction. There is a cute little wooden cupboard, just barely large for you to hide behind. It's the closest thing you can realistically run to without risking being seen, so that's your target. As you hide, you hear the door open. This one is not a noisy door, a thing you point out immediately. As you expected, Paco heads downstairs, and you let out a sigh of relief.

You step out from hiding and get back to the door. For now, you figure out it's in your best interest to just listen. Maybe you're going to open the door later and take a peek inside, but for now, you're going to settle to just sounds.

"So, you're Lisa, huh?" Again, no reply. "Speak up." Lisa still refuses to speak. What happens next is a little surprising to you, since you can hear a loud slap coming from inside, followed by an angry remark. "I said speak up, you little thieving rat!"

Lisa is not saying anything, but you can hear faint weeping coming from the inside the room. You're getting a little upset, and you almost want to either burst in and try to defend her, or to go get Paco. No, neither of those options would work. Paco probably expected this would happen. Besides, you're not even allowed to be outside your room.

"Fine. You don't have to speak, but you have to obey me. Now, take off your clothes." Again, there is no voices coming in from inside. After a while, though, you can hear the stranger compliment Lisa. "Good girl", he says, leading you to believe that Lisa is undressing for this man.

"Is… Is this enough…?" Those are the first words you can hear Lisa say.

"No, take off everything."

"I don't want to take off my panties…"

"How are we supposed to have sex if you're not going to take them off?"

"Please, I don't want to do this…"

"If you're not going to obey me, I'm going to get every single one of you in a lot of trouble. Besides, you're the one who's in the wrong here. You don't think I don't have it hard? Do you think I can afford to feed my family every day? Last thing I need is you and your gang of hoodlums stealing my precious food. So, do as I say, and take off your panties. Now."

Afterwards, not many words are being spoken. Every now and then, you can hear the man give verbal commands and compliments to Lisa. "Good, take off your shirt too", "You look so good", and "Get on the bed." Those were just some of the things you heard being said in the last three minutes or so. Things are not moving forward very quickly, or at least so it seems on the surface. You can't resist your temptation anymore, so you extend your hand towards the handle. That's when you suddenly hear a loud moan coming out from the mouth of Lisa, and it stops you from opening the door.

"Oooh, that's so good…!"

"Please…" you hear Lisa weep. "Don't do this…"

"Shut up and take it like a girl." You can hear constant sounds coming from inside. Amongst the creaking wood and strange clapping sound, Lisa's heavy breathing is ever present with occasional moaning. "If anything, you should be happy to get off the hook this easy. I could ruin your life if I wanted to, but since I'm such a nice guy, I'm going to settle to just fucking you."

You figure out it could be a safe moment to open up the door. It's a big risk, since you don't know the layout of the room. They could see the door, or they might not. Either way, you proceed to open it up. Luck seems to be on your side, since neither of them are facing the door.

Let's talk about what you see. First of all, they're both stark naked, and they're both in the bed, each in a very different position. Lisa is on her fours, with her knees and hands pressing against the bed, and the man is on his knees, directly behind Lisa. They are not just very close to each other; they're touching. Man's hands grip tight into Lisa's body, and he's moving his hips. You can't see neither of their genitals from the angle your in, but based on the things you've seen, and the things you know about your own body, you have a hunch about what's going on. 'Is his penis inside Lisa?' That's the only logical conclusion you can come to.

Suddenly, you feel a large hand on your shoulder. You inhale quickly in surprise, turning around quickly, and you look up to the face of one very angry Paco. He leans towards you, whispering. "You're not supposed to be here, Dione…"

Words fail you. You make no excuses, tell no lies, and ask no questions. All you can do is stand still and remain silent.

"Come to my office, now."

The door closes behind you. Paco's sure to lock it up. "Sit down", he says, offering you to sit on a comfortable sofa on the side of the office. So, you sit down, without any complaints. He, on the other hand, walks behind his office desk, takes his own chair. Leaning his elbows against the table, he sighs deeply, staring you down. "I knew you were trouble from the day the nomads left you at my doorsteps", Paco says, "but even I couldn't anticipate this. I had my suspicions since yesterday, and I'm glad I went to check on you just now." You hang your head in shame. Just listening to his words is making you feel regretful. "I'm sure you didn't mean anything bad, but this cannot continue. This is already your second strike. Next time, I will have to discipline you. I hope for your sake that you don't have to see that day."

You understand you were in the wrong, so you nod once.

"Tell me, Dione. Are you worried for Lisa?"

You stare at him, not sure what he means, or what to say. So, he changes the question.

"Are you curious about what was going on inside?"

Based on what you saw, what was going on inside was not probably nowhere near as pleasant as what you saw yesterday. She didn't seem very complicit, that's for sure. It sounded almost as if Lisa was in pain, at least at times. At other times, it was hard to tell, because she didn't scream or shout. She was reacting in ways you've never heard any girl react to anything. Whatever it was, you can't deny your curiosity, so you nod.

"Well", he says, deep in thought. It seemed like he was about to tell you something right away, but you can tell that in that head of his he's doubtful. "You'll understand soon enough", he finally says. "For now, though, you need to go back to sleep."

You don't want to wait. You want to know right away, and you want to know everything. You're not sure how you can push his buttons to convince him, but it shouldn't be out of question. What you think you must do is…