User talk:Jemini/What are you talking about?(teens/short hair)
“What are you talking about?” You blatantly barge in and ask them. They seem a little confused for a moment, but then as they realize that you really are talking to them they seem to exchange some sort of evil glare between them, and suddenly the girl in the 2 piece (No equivalent for boy's room yet) squares up her (his) shoulders and bends down aggressively to get in your face.
“We're talking about...” She suddenly pauses when she gets a better look at you.
“Wow, did you seriously just come right into the girl's (boy's) changing room?” The Bikini-top girl (no equivalent yet) says.
“So...” you continue, “what were you talking about?”
The girls all look at each other as though trying to decide whether or not they should actually tell you.
(End until further content is added. Will be continued after the boy's room content has been worked on.)