Smooth Operator/Gabby's Party/Zoey/Emma/Alone/Wants this?

From All The Fallen Stories
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Well, you have a bit of an explanation for why Emma is always acting afraid of you. Being skittish and afraid she will mess up, and that you will somehow hate her if she talks to you. So, it sounds like she might not actually hate you as you had feared. But, that doesn't really mean she wants to have sex with you, does it? You should probably make sure.

"Uhh... so..."

"Yes!" Emma responds, almost jumping out of her seat when she hears you trying to talk to her.

"Ahh, calm down, you don't have to be so scared." You tell her.

"Ahh, I'm sorry!" She says. "I... I just, it's hard for me to talk to people, you know? I... always say something stupid and the girls at school think I'm weird. And... you're a boy, so... I... I really don't know how to talk to boys... umm... but... you want to with..."

"Ah, yeah. Sorry about that." You say. "Ms. Cooper told me about how I should try it with you, but if you don't want to then that's Ok." You tell her. Suddenly, her shoulders drop.

"I see. So, you really didn't want to after all? It was just because Ms. Cooper said so." Suddenly, you see a drop of water hit her hand. Is she... crying? "Jordan... really does hate me."

"Ahh! No! That's not true!" You say in a panic. "I... I just wanted to make sure you really wanted to have sex with me first, I didn't want to do it if you didn't want to, that would be wrong! Like Ms. Cooper said, I should be gentle because it's your first time! You wouldn't like having sex with me if I tried to do it but you actually didn't want to, right?"

"Wh... what? Ah, I'm sorry, I thought... oh! I'm sorry! So, you really don't hate me then?" Emma said.

"N.. no! I don't hate you! I mean, I think you're pretty. I wanted to talk to you for a while, but you always run away. I thought you hated me." You tell her.

"Ahhh! Uhh.... No! I'm sorry! No, I don't hate you Jordan! I... I was just... I... oh no! Oh no! Jordan thought I hated him! Ahhh! Oh no!" Suddenly, Emma starts hyperventilating. She looks like she is completely freaking out.

"Emma?" You say, you are a little scared about how she is acting.

"Ahh! I'm really really sorry Jordan!" She says, her face seems to be covered in tears but she also looks absolutely terrified. "Ahh... what am I going to do! What am I going to do! Oh no! Jordan thinks I hate him! Ahh!" She stands up and starts walking erratically around the room. She is still hyperventilating. Suddenly, she collapses into her bed. "Oh no! Oh no! I's sorry!" She keeps muttering.

"Emma!" You yell at her, you are starting to really get worried about her.