Disciplinary Action/Characters/Kinder-First/Kellie

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Kellie McGregor

Disciplinary Action Character Kellie McGregor.jpg

Kellie McGregor
First Grade
Loves her uncle who always comes over to play with her, and is distant from her father who is never in the house.


Uncle - 24
Ashton Bens

Father - 25
Charles McGregor
Mother - 17
Julie McGregor
Brother - 5
Gary McGregor
Sister - 2
Samantha McGregor



Kellie more or less grew up with her Uncle Ashton acting like her surrogate father with her "real" daddy always being away from the house all the time. She thinks her uncle is really fun and likes how he's always giving her attention and playing with her. She also likes when he just has her sit on his lap and he rubs her privates, sometimes over her underwear and sometimes he sticks his hand into her underwear. He's been doing this with her since before she could remember, even when she was in diapers.

She was upset when her daddy told her that her uncle Ashton couldn't come over and play with her anymore and that she had to stay away from him. She cried and yelled at her daddy saying that he was mean and that she wanted to play with her uncle, but her daddy just got mad and spanked her and then made her go to her room.

Thanks to how regularly she has been molested growing up, she has a tendency to imitate her molestation on her younger siblings. Her younger brother Gary was the first penis she ever saw and she asked her mother about it and was told it was his penis and that she is not supposed to touch it. Although she said that, her mother never really did anything to stop her so she kept playing with it but just kept it more secret. She does not try to hide how she does the same with her baby sister though and sometimes does it right in front of her mother just like her uncle touches her own privates right in front of her mother as well.

She doesn't understand the sexual context between any of this. She just thinks this is a normal way to show affection and has never been corrected because her mother is the only one who found out and does not stop her.

WIP Suggestions accepted.