Must be true/part 17

From All The Fallen Stories
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I figured I should probably wait before I did too much more. That little incident with the toilet had shaken me up quite a bit. Maybe I should try to stop altering reality with this power so much. If things could have outcomes like that then I should really think carefully before any time I say something that isn’t how the world really already works.

I had been aware I should avoid saying something incorrect about sex, but I really should keep Mr. Pool’s story in mind more. This thing is not a gift of a super power. It is a curse that is designed to make liars stop lying. I remember the way Mr. Pool always talks is very careful and precise, as though he is thinking about every single word that comes out of his mouth. Now it makes sense. That is probably the result of living while being very very cautious of his power.

Well then, that’s that. No more random uses of my power. I should only say something that’s not already true if I think about what might happen with that change.

I had already gotten out of the bath and was holding both of Jodi’s hands as she was stepping out as well. That was when I saw a rather large and thick white blob of goo emerging from between her legs. It dropped to the floor immediately and made a wet smacking sound as it hit the floor.

“Ah! Oh no! Ahhh!” Jodi must have felt it drip out of her, and she got pretty upset about it. She let go with one of her hands in order to hold it over her privates in the middle of her step out of the bathtub. The result is that she immediately lost her balance and started to fall. I wasn’t quite able to catch her in time, but I did manage to change the direction she was falling so that she landed on the heap of clothes I had made in the middle of the floor earlier.

“It’s Ok, it’s normal for that to happen after you have sex!” I explained quickly. I had already come to the conclusion this was true, so I didn’t feel like it was a problem. I am going to have to be more careful about how I phrase the rest of this though.

“Umm… some of my semen leaked out of your vagina. That’s what you felt.” I told her.

“Uhh… what? Your semen?” Jodi says and looks around and then holds her hand up to look at it. It’s covered in thick stringy gel-like white goo. It definitely looks very different from the slime I felt in my underwear a few times in the morning, and every time I did it in the shower it just dissolved in the water but I’m pretty sure there were stringy threads of it left over afterward.

I really don’t know whether it’s more normal for semen to be liquid or this gel-like stuff, but it might be that it turned out like this in order to stay inside her vagina better. I just don’t know if that’s because of something I said or if it’s because that’s the normal thing for it to do when it’s in a girl’s vagina.

“Umm… I’m sorry.” Jodi said all of a sudden. “Does this mean I can’t get pregnant because I siplled the semen?” She was already rather mopey from getting upset over the toilet thing, but she looked like this was another blow on her.

“Umm… no, it’s Ok!” I tried to re-assure her quickly, but cringed at the ‘no’ I had put in there. That might be something my power could do something with. Poorly chosen word. Damn it! This is going to be hard to get used to! “Uhh… well…” I tried to think about how to say something that would re-assure her while also not changing how sex works.

“I can just take you to my room and play the sex game with you again in there!” I said. “People normally have sex in bed, and it leaked out of you just now when you tried to get up and walk. Maybe if you stay laying down and take a nap after I put my semen it you it will… uhh… be less likely to leak out.”

“We’re gonna play sex again?” Jodi asked and looked up at me. I could see her eyes light up, but her lips were not smiling. She was probably still upset about the thing with the toilet.

“Yeah, let’s go, uhh…. ‘play sex’ again!” I said. I thought the ‘play sex’ phrasing probably wasn’t quite how the term was normally supposed to be used, but I had told her it was a game a few times before so maybe that might be the new correct way to refer to it for all I know.

I grabbed a T-shirt off the floor to help Jodi clean up her hand and wipe up the gob that landed on the floor earlier, and then I also wiped up what was leaking from between her legs. Finally I gave her another shirt, one of Kyle’s since it was the smallest, to hold between her legs with one hand while we walked down the hall.

As I helped pick her up, I considered the layout of my room. My bed was a loft bed. It was up against the far wall and had my desk underneath. Kyle’s bed was at normal bed height and was tucked back in the corner with the foot of my bed covering almost half of it. You actually had to crawl a bit to get to where the head of the bed is.

The room had been arranged this way because I liked the higher places when I was younger and Kyle used to have a problem with falling out of bed. So, mom used the foot of my bed as a sort of wall on one side to keep him from falling out while the literal wall was on the other side.

This is normal, it is the sleeping arrangement I’m used to, but now that I’m bringing Jodi in it could be challenging. I am not sure if it would be safe for her to climb the ladder to my bed.

Poll closed: poll results

Poll 1

  • Use Kyle's bed but don't use your power at all. You can just work it all out the old fashioned normal way 13 votes

Poll 2

  • All three of you share this one room '10 votes
