The Rape Cult/An interview with the goddess

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Goddess Asemna: Hello World! I'm Asemna, the goddess of what you all know as "the rape cult".
Interviewer: Thank You for that introduction, miss. Now, do you mind telling the readers at home some stuff at your past or anything?
Goddess Asemna: Oh! Of course I wouldn't mind! ♥

Goddess Asemna: Ok, so let's start at the beginning... The Grand Creator created dozens of "sub-ordinates" to look over different aspects of reality, and those "sub-ordinates" made their own, and so on and so forth. And I was the original deity that presided over sex, and you see... I had much different intentions for sex than what the other deities decided... they threw me aside and created the ideas of "consent" & "rape".
Interviewer: Ah, I see, so they took what you resided over and altered it in a way you disagree with? That's awful.
Goddess Asemna: Thanks for sympathizing with me. But let's get back to it, shall we?
Interviewer: Yes, let's indeed get back to your story.
Goddess Asemna: Alright, well, after they separated sex into "rape" & "consent", I decided on a few things. The first thing I decided on was to create at least one deity to represent a tamer my original vision for sex, and this tamer version came to be known as "free use". The second thing I decided on doing was to introduce the full original version of what I wanted sex to be.
Interviewer: Ah, Your story was quite something, if I say so myself, but if you don't mind, it is time for an intermission.
Goddess Asemna: Oh! I don't mind at all.
Interviewer: Alright! We'll be right back after this short break.


Interviewer: And we're back!

Interviewer: And to be honest with you, that intermission we had, gave me time to think, and I realized that your story is actually kinda reminiscent of a story I heard when I was younger.
Goddess Asemna: Really? Do you fully remember it?
Interviewer: Sadly, no. I don't believe I fully remember all of it, but I do remember some details. But in short: An honest man moves into a town where at night everyone steals from their neighbor, and the honest man ends up causing that town's status quo to change. And I basically realized that your story is actually kinda like that "honest man" story, but about sex and from a different sort of perspective.
Goddess Asemna: Oh, yes! That sounds very accurate! The town representing how I envisioned things and the honest man causing a change in status quo is like the other gods butting in and changing things.
Interviewer: Hmm... I can't think of anything else to interview you over right now, so if you can't think of anything else you'd like to say, I think we're gonna have to finish this interview.
Goddess Asemna: Oh, yes, wrapping up this interview sounds like a good idea.
Interviewer: Alright Folks, I guess that's the end of this interview. Good Night Everybody!
Goddess Asemna: Yes, Good Night to you all! ♥