Hot Summer Job/Ask about her and Kylie on the couch

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"I think you should tell me how you and Kylie ended up on the couch together."

Bree gives you a funny smile, as if it was a stupid question. "What do you think? We wanted to watch some movies!"

"Sure, but you could've watched movies not spooning each other. What was up with that?"

"Well... at first I laid down next to Rissa but Kylie said that if she owned my butt then she wanted it close to her. Like, in reach in case 'she got an itch she needed to scratch' or something like that. So I kinda backed my butt up toward the couch like it was a magnet. She patted my butt a little like 'that's a good bum' then scooped me up and pulled me down with her. We were all really silly and hyper by then so I thought she was just being funny."

"She wasn't?"

Bree's already beginning to blush as she recalls more of the night's events. "Not really. I tried to watch the movie, honest, but Kylie had her hand on my butt the whole time. She'd just squeeze it out of nowhere or pull my cheeks apart and run her finger around it and... it was super embarrassing, even if Larissa couldn't see it. But then she... she started to rub... my plug."

"You mean the plug in your butt?"

Bree nods shamefully. "I mean, it was hers after all, so she was allowed to, but... It was really distracting. She kept wiggling the jewel up and down or around in a circle, and I could feel the plug move around inside me every time she did. I could even feel it in my... vagina," she whispers, sharing that protected secret with you.

"Wow. I bet that was distracting."

Bree nods again to confirm. "After a bit she didn't use the tips of her fingers anymore, she just sorta stuck the whole side of her hand right between my cheeks, like she was trying to keep the two halves from touching. Then she would glide her hand through it, just back and forth, kinda fast even, in little bursts. That was even worse because the side of her hand was against the plug but her fingertips were brushing over my... you know, my..." She mouths the word this time, not even audible.

"You let her do that?"

"No. I mean, I didn't just let her. I crossed my legs really hard when she first started thumbing my plug cuz it felt so wrong, but after a bit she gently pulled my top leg back over hers; she called me her blanket. So my legs were kinda... spread apart after that." Bree postures up then, trying to minimize her willingness in all this by downplaying the severity. "But, I dunno, it wasn't THAT bad. We had done way crazier stuff than pushing on a bum plug by then! It was only when she started tugging on it that she really frustrated me."


"Yeah. Like she'd pull on it a little then push it in again. That was way worse. I don't think she was moving it very far, not that I could see, but it FELT like she was. It felt like it was sliding halfway out of me and then was being pushed back inside. Like it was stretching my butt hole over and over as it slid in and out. That was... a lot. I told her to quit it."

"Did she?"

"Well... No. She just said, ' Feels good, doesn't it?' and I said that it felt weird. So then she... she asked me if I wanted it to feel better. And I said 'what does that mean' and she told me she wanted to hug me with her other arm. So she got me to push off from the couch enough for her to slip her arm under my side. She did hug me, for a minute. She put her hand on my stomach just underneath my shirt, but then... she moved it down to... rub my crotch. My cluh- clit. And she kept moving the plug... in and out... of my butt..."

Bree looks to be getting bothered as she recalls all this. You're not immediately sure if it's more of a 'post-traumatic triggered' kind of bothered or just straight up horny, but she starts chewing her lip with a pained expression and releasing shaky breaths. You're harder than ever as you learn that Kylie fucked your sister's ass with a butt plug last night while simultaneously strumming her slit.

"So... what did you do?" you ask, softly gripping one of the slim bare thighs wrapped around your midsection.

"I... I dunno. I guess I... I just let her do it. I tried really hard not to let it get to me, and I remember my mouth being wide open and my eyes getting all watery as I tried so hard to not let her make me, but I just... I couldn't hold back. All different parts of me tingled and I held my breath to not make any noise, but it was like my whole body exploded, and kept exploding, because she wouldn't stop. But... I didn't want Larissa to know that we were doing stuff on the couch."

"What? She wasn't there for everything else before? Did she not want to do 'stuff' like that anymore?"

"No, she... I mean, I... it was just embarrassing, okay?" stammers Bree. "Kylie was right. It DID feel good having that thing in my butt, but... they both probably would've teased me a lot if they knew I liked that, so... I stayed quiet. As quiet as I could. Which was REALLY hard by the way!"

"No kidding. So that was it though? She just made you... feel good?"

"Sort of."

"And then you finished watching the movie?"

"Well, no. It was two movies."


"She did it over two movies. Like, not constantly. Off and on. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. She would start rubbing me and tugging my plug, I would eventually, like, explode - cover my mouth, grab her arm, whatever - and then she'd pull back, like, give me a break or something. And then... she'd do it again."

"How many times?"

Bree grins at this question, a different kind of embarrassed. "I dunno."

"C'mon, guess. How many times did you explode? Five? Ten? ...more?"

"I dunno! Umm... t- ten?"

"Ten times?"

"Well, -ish. I dunno. She just kept going. I kept waiting for it to not feel so good, but it felt really good! She didn't only play with my butt the whole time. Sometimes... sometimes she ran her hand along my side. Just pushed my shirt up a bit and felt up under my arm... over my chest... and down my stomach... and over my thighs..." Bree starts to daydream, her train of thought drifting as she thinks about Kylie's wandering hand, before she snaps back into focus. "But she was still playing with my clit the whole time! I mean THAT is why it felt so good, right? It wasn't, like, her. Obviously," she states, trying to answer her own question, and perhaps deny something else.

"Yeah, uh, obviously."

"Like, she touched my boobs a lot too. Girls nipples are really sensitive, you know. And she... kissed my neck. And nibbled my ear a little. I dunno. She just... she made me feel good, okay?" Your sister sounds increasingly defensive as she shares more and more details. You try to offer her something else to talk about.

"What movies did you watch?"

"Huh? Oh, um... it was about a girl. She had... a dragon? Umm... I don't really remember. We weren't really watching," she admits, then adds with a grin, "You'd have to ask Rissa."

"Okay. I get it. So she just made you orga- uh, explode, over and over? All night long?"

"Kinda. We did other stuff sometimes. I mean, like, we paused the movie for things. But Kylie pulled me in with her whenever we started watching again. She really didn't want to stop! I did feel bad a couple times because I thought that maybe she was really just trying to get me to do the same thing to her."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense. Did you?"

"No. Well... okay, I did put my arm behind me once to rub her crotch too. But only once, I think. And only a little. She got really into it when I did, though. She was sort of humping my whole hand while she fingered me. She was panting behind my ear for a long time, saying 'yes' a lot, and um... oh, things like, 'do what I do' and 'make me squirt on you', and what was that other one... 'I want to rub you raw'? It just... It felt like it went on forever. It was sooo hot!"

"I'll say!"

"No, I mean it! We were both getting sweaty. I wanted to take off my shirt, but I thought it would be weird, two girls laying on the couch together totally naked, y'know?"

"Yeah that would be taking things too far. For sure," you nod, amazed at your sister's naivety. "So, uh, why did you stop at all?"

"I can't remember. I think she said her hand was tired? She said sorry, I know that. She also joked that she owned my vagina, too, and she kept her fingers there for a long time, just sorta pressed against me. That was frustrating too, because sometimes my bum would sorta twitch, like it remembered the plug was inside me, but she wasn't rubbing me anymore. Like, I really wanted her to rub me when that happened, but... I wasn't going to ask her to do that," Bree looks down again in shame, solidifying what she really thought of the whole experience. "The plug just felt really good, that's all."

Dare you ask? "What happened next?"

Bree shrugs. "I dunno. Nothing. We started another-nother movie at some point but I think we fell asleep? I don't really remember that one either. There were cheerleaders or something. It was super late then."

What a trip. Never would you have pictured your 10 year old sister getting frantically fingered and anally fucked by anyone, least of all a sex-crazed 13 year old ginger girl. It takes all of your willpower to not whip out your stiff meat and penetrate your sibling's twitchy little ass yourself at this very moment. But you know that's no way for you to treat your sister. Although maybe it should be...