Smooth Operator/Gabby's Party/Zoey/Emma/Alone/Wants this?/Sex?/Do it

From All The Fallen Stories
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Well, she is crying, but it also definitely sounds like she wants it. Ms. Cooper said something about being dominant. You remember from your lessons on sex about how to navigate the line between dominant sex and rape, and that a lot of girls prefer an dominant lead from their male partner. Plus, it really does sound like Emma actually wants to have sex.

The thing she keeps stressing out is all about thinking she might somehow mess it up and you won't like her. Well, you could see backing out of this actually causing her more distress at this point. She might go into a spiral about how she messed it up and such. If you just push through though, then she won't be a virgin anymore and she will get over it when she finds out you're still Ok with her.

"It's Ok. Just let me handle everything." You tell her as you take your dick in your hands and press it up against her soft 11 year old feline pussy. "Here, see? All I have to do is stick my dick inside and it will all work out. You want to get some kittens and make your mother proud, right?"

"I really want to have sex with you right now, Emma. I'm not going to get mad at you, just let me put my dick inside."

"Mmm... you mean your penis? You... you're going to put it inside me?" She whimpers.

"Yeah." You tell her. You are no longer able to hold back after you hear what seems to almost count as some kind of permissiveness. You start pushing forward and let out a groan.

"Eep!" Emma yelps and looks down as she spreads her legs even wider. Somehow, she seems to have actually calmed down in a snap and she isn't spiraling out of control anymore. Instead, while she still has red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, she just looks a little nervous instead of the girl at the edge of a complete breakdown from earlier.

"It..." She stammers as you are pressing inside of her. "Ahh! It... it's inside me?" She asks and looks up at you with a strange hopeful look on her face. "Th... this is sex? We're having sex?" She asks.

"Yeah." You say again, now thoroughly enjoying the sensation of the little 5th gradder's vaginal walls clamping down on your dick.

"Umm... so... you're not gonna be angry at me, right? You promised!" She says harshly.

"I promise, I'm not going to be mad at you." You tell her.

She sniffles and still seems uncertain. Your penis is feeling the total bliss of being inside her tight vagina, but you kind of feel like a heel right now with how scared she's looking. This really is proving to be a hard situation to navigate.

What should you do?