Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/New Policy/Marcus & Melany

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You hear something of a commotion from out in the lobby of the office area and recognize the voice of Charice Curtis, the 2nd grade teacher, going off in a huff toward Ms. Varano. For the most part, she's just talking in circles about how unbelievable it is what she just saw two students doing.

You peek your head out just in time to hear it culminate to the crucial point of the issue. "You really wouldn't believe it! You really wouldn't believe what they were doing! They've tainted themselves in the most shameful way possible! Right out in the middle of the playground! I saw it! I saw what they were doing! These two miscrients! I've always had trouble with this kid, but I never dreamed that...!"

"Miss. Curtis. Are you saying that you witnessed these two actually having fornications with one another?" Ms. Varano asks.

"Yes! That is what I saw! They are both tainted! I will have to excuse myself now! I just can't handle this, and I need to get back out to watch the other kids on recess! I do hope Mr. Gardner can sort this out, because... because... Oh! I can't handle it! Please do give Mr. Gardner my regards, I must go!" Miss. Curtis exclaims and then rushes out of the office lobby without seeming to have even noticed that you've come out.

Ms. Varano gives a big exhale after this and then practically jumps in her seat as she notices you standing in the door way. "Oh! Hey! I guess you saw that then." She said.

"Yeah." You say, and then look over toward the two kids she just accused of actually having sexual intercourse out on the playground. You are practically floored to realize it is a pair of kids you recognize from your sister's 3rd grade class. Marcus Walton, a kid who likes to hug your sister every time as he leaves class and has even gone to you for a hug on occasion when you come by to pick Bea up for a visit to her house, and Melany Loso, a mild seeming girl who mostly sticks out for being the smallest girl in your sister's 3rd grade class. You've even asked once if maybe she was advanced a year, because she looks like she could even pass for a 1st grader.

You have to admit, a part of you has secretly lusted after the tiny little 3rd grader before, but she is such a well behaved girl that she would never get in trouble. You can't believe it would suddenly come about in a way like this.

"Do you think she seriously saw them doing what she said?" You ask. You know from your interviews with your co-workers that the Curtis family in particular seems to be particularly lacking in actual awareness and knowledge of what sex is, with all of them having reported to have not even been aware that male genitals were any different from female genitals. It is entirely possible that Miss Curtis might have seen them doing something different and over-reacted.

Ms. Varano just heaves a large sigh. "I don't know." She said. "I suppose this is why your position is given a fair bit of discretion in these kinds of matters. Do keep in mind though, it is a teacher who reported this and that has a lot of weight. Unless you can call Miss. Curtis into your office and get her to retract her statement, the accusation stands. It might actually be easier to simply punish the students accordingly regardless. Another thing to be aware of is that both of these students are the children of teachers in this school who were considered for your position. So, it is entirely possible this report might be accurate."

Almost as though to put the truth to this statement, both of the kids seem to have a very timid look to them, and have not attempted to protest even once as you and Ms. Varano were discussing this.

You should still get to the bottom of this first

Either way, you will still be punishing them