A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Chat

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Despite her brother's warning that they weren't real nudists, the people in that chat room were the closest thing she'd found, and talking to them had been very interesting, exciting even. She reasoned that she'd be safe if she followed her brother's advice, and besides, if anything seemed dangerous, she could always just turn off the phone right?

So one night, about a week after she'd started going naked upstairs, curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to use her bookmark and see what was going on in the "Little Nudists" chat room. The now-familiar black screen came up, and once again she entered "Pumpkin" in the Nick box. There were a few more names on the right this time. "LidKicker69" and "RichardHardt" were still there, along with "DrippingMommy", "NudieKid" and "ObviousFed".

Sally immediately wondered if NudieKid was really a nudist kid, but she knew enough to be skeptical, and decided to watch chat a bit before announcing herself.

Unfortunately, her arrival was promptly noticed by the two who'd been there before, so that didn't really work out.

   RichardHardt: Well look who it is. Hey there!
   LidKicker69: Welcome back! We wondered what happened to you.

Sally hadn't realized that joining the room would be announced to everyone. Well, so much for eavesdropping. But now she was unsure what to say. Still she figured the polite thing to do was say something at least.

   Pumpkin: Hi guys i see some new names
   RichardHardt: Yep, we get some different peeps now and then.
   DrippingMommy: Well if it isn't Pumpkin! I heard all about your visit the other day.

When her nick was mentioned in chat her phone beeped, and it seemed rather loud in the nighttime quiet of the house. Sally was a bit startled and fumbled to find the volume control, hoping it hadn't woken anyone up. She almost lost her nerve and put the phone away, but again, curiosity won out.

   DrippingMommy: I was sorry I missed you last time, so I'm glad to see you're back.
   Pumpkin: Oh you heard about me
   DrippingMommy: I sure did, you made quite an impression. A real little nudist!
   DrippingMommy: That's quite a special occasion
   Pumpkin: Does that mean nudiekid is really a grownup
   LidKicker69: I think Nudie's AFK. I should let him speak for himself I suppose.
   RichardHardt: He's pretty new actually, couldn't say for sure.
   NudieKid: Wait, what?
   Pumpkin: I just wanted to know if your really a kid too
   NudieKid: Wait, how old are you then?
   Pumpkin: 10
   *NudieKid left. Reason: Quit*
   LidKicker69: lol
   Pumpkin: What happened
   DrippingMommy: Couldn't compete with the real thing I guess.
   LidKicker69: Speaking of which, we know you're a real kid, but how come we never got that picture to prove you're a real nudist?

Sally kind of expected this was coming, and but she didn't really have a plan for how to handle it. So, put on the spot as she was, she decided her best bet was to go with the truth even if it was kind of embarrassing.

   Pumpkin: I was going to but my brother caught me and told me it was a bad idea
   DrippingMommy: Oh I didn't know you had a brother. 
   Pumpkin: I do

Sally had nearly shared his name like she normally would, but fortunately she remembered his warning.

   DrippingMommy: Is he a nudist too?
   Pumpkin: No but he gave me the idea to be one
   Pumpkin: He is really smart
   LidKicker69: I agree, it's more important for girls to be nudists than boys.
   ObviousFed: Nonsense, all kids need to be naked.
   LidKicker69: Oh look, we finally caught the FBI's attention.
   Pumpkin: What
   LidKicker69: It's a joke, nevermind.
   DrippingMommy: Yeah, forget about that, I wanna hear more about you and your brother.

Sally wasn't quite sure what counted as personal information so she tried to keep it brief.

   Pumpkin: Well hes older than me and he knows lots of stuff
   Pumpkin: I dont know what to say normal big brother i guess
   ObviousFed: That's OK, we don't need his biography or anything. I think Mommy was mostly curious about how he got you into nudism and such.
   DrippingMommy: Yeah. Do you two see each other naked a lot?
   Pumpkin: Well I dont see him naked but you know how im naked upstairs
   Pumpkin: His room is right across the hall so he sees me all the time
   DrippingMommy: Nice. Does he like looking at your naked?
   Pumpkin: I think so it was his idea after all
   Pumpkin: Oh and one time i was wearing only a shirt with my pussy not covered and he said it was cute
   DrippingMommy: Woooow. I bet it was. Do you dress like that often?
   Pumpkin: No im a nudist
   ObviousFed: LOL
   DrippingMommy: Fair point.
   LidKicker69: So if your brother thinks your pussy's so cute, why'd he stop you from sharing a pic of it?
   Pumpkin: Well he said that's not really what nudists do
   LidKicker69: But you saw the pics on that nudist forum, didn't you? You can see pussies in that.
   Pumpkin: But not like close up pics
   ObviousFed: Haha, kid's got a point
   Pumpkin: And he also said it was a bad idea to share pics anyway because someone might recognize me
   ObviousFed: Well, he's probably right, but none of us recognized you, so you don't need to worry.
   LidKicker69: Yeah, I looked. Honestly I had my doubts it was really you at first and looked for the picture online.
   LidKicker69: Nothing came up though, so we're convinced.

Sally was happy to hear that, but she didn't really know what else to say. She glanced at the clock in the corner of her screen and was startled to see it was nearly midnight.

   Pumpkin: Oh wow its really late i should go to bed
   LidKicker69: Aww, alright. Come back soon.
   Pumpkin: I will
   RichardHardt: Goodnight sweetie. We're always happy to talk with you.
   Pumpkin: Good night
   *Pumpkin left. Reason: Quit*

Wow. It was a lot of fun talking to those people. Maybe her brother was right that they weren't really nudists, but they seemed alright. She had a hard time falling asleep and knew she'd be back.

What happens next time Sally visits Little Nudists?