Universal Acceptance/Why do you have to get married?

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“What? Why do I hafta get married?” You ask, really confused at where that notion even came from.

“Well...” your father responds, looking a bit confused. “That’s just what you do. If you have sex with a girl then you get married… but… actually, you can’t get married to your sister, it’s against the law. Well, we’ll figure something out.”

“He shouldn’t even be having sex with his sisters at all.” Your mother groans. “Ok,” she says, “Just Megan, he can have sex with Megan so he doesn’t have another accident. That’s all.” At this, your mother lets out a heavy frustrated sounding breath. “Fine, I’ll go get her before Jerry makes a bigger mess of his bed.”

Wait, do they think you are about to wet the bed right now!? Guess another one of your orders didn’t quite go the way you wanted it to. And what was all that that just happened? You suddenly realize that Megan was the only one of your sisters you specifically said you were allowed to have sex with, the rest they just seemed to be debating over because you said you had to have sex “now.” You bet they don’t want you doing it with any of your sisters at all. Wow, you just set up a confusing mess with your power, you’re not even sure what’s what now or how any of this happened.

Persuasions (recent)
*You will wet the bed if you don't have sex. *Jesus doesn't want you to wet the bed. *You will wet the bed again if you don't have sex "now." *You are allowed to have sex with Megan.

Limited condition persuasions

Long term persuasions (person 1)

Long term persuasions (person 2)


