Life Hacks/Brittany's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Brittany has had a fairly uneventful sexual history. Since she was the oldest, she was mostly trusted with the duty of babysitting her younger siblings when her mother was at work. A typical first child, she has been put under a lot of pressure to succeed like her mother. She discovered most of her younger siblings (excluding Xander) showing each other their privates and touching each other 4 years ago when she was 15. She viewed this activity as inappropriate but natural, and thinks that her mother really overreacted to this. As a result, she got fairly strict with pushing Charity and Roni apart in terms of this sexual exploration, mostly for the sake of keeping their mother out of it.

About a year later, Brittany recognized the signs that Xander and his friend March were sexually experimenting with each other, and in their case she decided instead to run interference in order to allow them to not get caught, figuring that them both being boys and about the same age, and also not family, made it more acceptable what they were doing even though it was essentially the same as what Charity and Roni were doing. As a result of enforcing the rules in this way, Brittany has internalized a set of subconscious values that incest, lesbians, and pedophilia are wrong, but male-on-male homosexuality is fine. In fact, she actually sort of WANTS Xander and March to be in a romantic relationship. In her mind, sex inside a romantic relationship is more acceptable, and therefore she wants them in a relationship in order to make their sexual activity less objectionable in her own mind. As a result of this, she has actually developed a little bit of a voyeuristic gay sex fetish and a lot of the porn she consumes is gay male-on-male porn.

Despite the way she dresses, Brittany is still a virgin and has never had a boyfriend or even seriously thought about the prospect outside of some light fantasizing and enjoying how the way she dresses makes boys react.

Sexual Knowledge

Brittany's mother and father actually went a little overboard with Brittany's sexual education. She has a level of knowledge about the human reproductive system that is about on par with a first year medical student. She even knows little fun facts like the distance from the cervix to the ramus of the falopian tubes where fertilization normally occurs (about 10-12 inches) and that it takes sperm 20 minutes to cross this distance. Of course, she also knows the life-span of sperm, and the fact that the vagina is actually a hostile environment for sperm due to its acidic PH and the acidity of the vagina has to be neutralized by a man's pre-cum witch has a basic PH in order to increase sperm survival during sex. Despite all this technical knowledge though, she does not have any practical experience and hasn't even watched much in the way of porn aside from one or two videos when she was 17.

Sexual interests (start of story)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

