2T4U/Jack/Aaron Sissy/Attic/Force Panties/Change Behind Shelf

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Ah hell, why not let him go? This could work in your favor if you let him act like a timid little girl, so you let him pad over to the shelf and behind it. While you search for a worthwhile gap in the clutter of the shelf to sneak a peek you hear the sound of shuffling clothes as he dutifully changes into the feminine garment. Alas your search is in vain and you must be content with your imagination. Which is promptly interrupted by your adorable little brother's voice.

"Um, Jack? I'm, uh, I changed into the, uh, my, uhm, you know, the--" His adorable bashfulness to tempting to not interrupt.

"Your cute little panties, you mean?" Smirking at his quiet "uh-huh" you are about to ask him to show you when he speaks up.

"I'm, uh, ready for the rest of it. Uh, my new c-cute clothes, I mean." So I don't get a show after all, huh? You quietly chuckle to yourself. He's acting girlier by the second. You wonder if he'll ever be able to act like a boy again when you're through with him. Still, though, now you have a decision.

Be nice, toss him some clothes:

Be a little mean, you want to see: