A Loli's ENF Adventure/Emma/Modern Earth/Night/He wants to take some pictures of her

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"I, uh, have this project you see. It's for a photography course I'm taking. I've been trying and failing to find the perfect subject matter and, well, I think you might be just what I need."

Emma perked up at hearing this.


"Yeah, I mean look at you, you're cute, adorable, sex- sweet! Haha..."

She didn't catch his near blunder as she shyly looked at her feet, unused to being showered in such compliments.

"Aww, thank you!" she beamed.

"So, what do you say?"

At this Emma tilted her head in contemplation. She'd love to help him out with his project, especially after hearing how how good he thought she looked. But at the same time, she couldn't ignore the cool breeze traveling up her shirt, reminding her of how one piece of fabric is all that stood between her and exposure. Not to mention Luke would have a permanent reminder of this event, possibly even proof of her midnight escapade.

She paused.

A physical copy. He might end up with a physical copy of her most inmate parts. Something he can pull at and see her most precious places whenever he felt like it. And if he includes it on this project of his.... Emma shivered. Even if she felt something about this project of his seemed funny, her prepubescent hormones were overriding her brain.


The girl in question jolted, not realizing she had zoned out.


"Great! Thank you so much! Luckily I came prepared."

He reached under the front desk and procured a camera from his unseen bag, lending some measure of proof to his story.

"So... what should I do?" Emma asked as he got his camera ready.

"I'll give you a pose to take, I snap a few pictures, then we'll move on to the next one."

He raised his camera to his eyes.

"Let's start simple. Put you hands on your hips and give me your best smile."

Emma did as she was told, holding still why listening to the clicking sound of the camera's shutters.

"Perfect! Now, holding that pose, turn your hips about part-way to the right and bend your left leg like you're about to take a step, but keep your toes on the ground."

She adjusted as he said, noting how well the pose drew attention to her bare legs.

"Good. Okay, for the next one turn away from me and smile at me over your shoulder. Oh, and keep you hands on your hips, but tilt them forward just a tad."

She struck the pose as instructed, but noticed how her shirt rid up a little in the back as she tilted her hands forward. With how short her shirt was she was certain her butt was peeking out. The thought made her go warm inside.

"Okay, now for your next one..." he paused, seemingly going over what he was about to say. "For your next pose, face me and put your arms up behind your head."

Emma gulped. She knew very well that if she did as instructed she would be showing off her girlhood in all its glory. The idea both thrilled and terrified her, her head and her loins struggling against one another to see who'll come out on top. Eventually her loins won the battle and with a reddening face she turned and raised her arms behind her head, feeling her shirt rise well past her waistline and leaving her lady bits out in the open.

Luke was stunned for only a brief moment before he practically smacked himself in the face with his camera, the shutter sounding off like crazy as he took dozens of pictures. This was it, that moment Emma had long anticipated had arrived. Not only was she exposing her most embarrassing place to someone, not only were they a friend, but they now have evidence, proof of her naughtiness, possibly even blackmail material. It was just like in some of her best dreams, only this time she wasn't about to wake up with a pounding heart and she sheets soaked in her love juices. No, this time she was fully awake and her love juice was freely flowing down her inner thigh...


She must be glistening down below by now. Luke's taking pictures of her pussy. Then that means...

Just as Emma came to this realization the clicking of Luke's camera ceased and he pulled back from it, just enough for Emma to see his eyes. He knew. He knew she wasn't simply being forgetful in forgetting underwear or forgot she wasn't even wearing any. And even though she kept on smiling, he knew that she knew full well what she was doing, and that she was getting off on it.

"Um... how about we take a quick break so I can... look over these photos..."


Emma lowered her arms, re-covering her pussy in the same motion.

There was a pregnant pause, lasting several moments before Luke cleared his throat.

"You, uh, have good potential as a model. I quite like your outfit."

Even though she felt like her nerves were going to tear her apart Emma still felt bashful from the compliment.

"Thank you."

"You should wear it more often."

She looked back at Luke's face, seeing nothing but the same neutral look he normally wore. No hint of suggestiveness or double-meaning. Was he trying to at like this was normal?

Emma decided to play along and see if that was the case.

"Really? I have different kinds of shirts I can wear for you."

"Oh? Like what?" he asked.

"Well, the shortest one I have comes to here."

She pointed to her belly, well above where her shirt reached when she raised her arms moments ago.

He smiled at her (or was that a smirk?).

"I would like to see you in that shirt."

Her face reddened at the implications of that statement, and this time her smile came much more naturally. This made Emma feel more at ease, knowing Luke was willing to play along with her and wasn't likely to spill her secret.

What happens now?