Halloween Romp/Jacky

From All The Fallen Stories
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You are Jacky, actually Jaqueline, a seven year old little tomboy. You stand almost 3'6" tall with auburn hair barely kissing your shoulders. You often get mistaken for a boy several years younger than your actual age. Halloween is only 3 days away.

You are currently visiting your aunt and uncle who live on the outskirts of a town called Nolan's Fall. Your first impression when you got here was that their home was in the middle of nowhere. There was just countryside as far as your eyes could see. However, your initial disappointment was shortlived. Your aunt Fiona took you into town while your uncle Bartholomew worked on mending the perimeter fence. You gazed out of the window from the backseat of your aunt's Oldsmobile. You saw a skate-park, a small mall, and an old movie theater go by.

You ask your aunt if you could go check out the skate-park and she agrees. There are only a few older teens and young men at the park. You ask two guys if you could borrow one of their boards for a little and they reply rudely, "No! Shove off." Your aunt comes up behind you and gives them a look, "Let my little niece have your skateboard for a while, while we have a little chat." The two teens looked at her quizzically when she said "niece," but they follow your aunt off somewhere beyond your line of sight. You shrug and take one of the boards and start to skate around the park. None of the other men bothers you. It was getting extremely hot and you decide to take off your t-shirt. You had never been shy about being shirtless and nobody ever really cared since they all thought you were a boy. You were starting to sweat when your aunt returns with the two boys in tow. "There you are Jacky, it's time to go," she tells you. "Now don't forget what we talked about - being nice," your aunt tells the boys. The boys just nod mutely. Your aunt takes your hand, which feels like it is slick with sweat, and takes you back to the car.

Back in the car, you notice your aunt Fiona's face glistening. She notices you looking and gives you an odd grin. "You wanna lick the sweat off my face?" You cringe and say "Ew..." to which your aunt replies, "I promise it tastes good!" But you refuse. Sweat is not to be licked. She playfully moves her face close to yours tantalizing you with her sweat. You begrudgingly laugh at the absurdity of the moment and you playfully push her chest to get her to back away. She relents but the damage is already done. The "sweat" did not smell like your aunt. It smelled of something heady, something beguiling. You almost change your mind. You wanted to smell more of it, lick it, even savor it. Little did you know, your aunt and uncle, even the whole town of Nolan's Fall, would awaken something in you. A desire that not even in a million years you would dream about having at just seven.

By the time the car pulls out of the skate-park, you realize you had forgotten your shirt. You shrug. Maybe you could come back for it some other time. In the meantime, you tell your aunt Fiona:

(How I envision things:https://booru.allthefallen.moe/posts/315845)