Public Nudity/Talk to Tyler
You decide to talk to Tyler. You walk over to him and say "hi". your mind is racing and you feel a bit faint, but you keep a mischievous smile on your face and look him in the eyes. Tyler starts mumbling a bit, and eventually manages to say "h-hi, kiki, um... um... w-what's up?" You giggle a bit and touch his arm gently. "Why don't you get some food and come to join me?" you ask him. he smiles nervously and agrees.
Once Tyler's got his food, him and his friends join you at the table. You get Tyler to sit next to you on the left, and everyone else takes their places as well. Just as you start to get comfortble and begin eating again, you feel the hand of Harry, the guy sitting to your right, grab your leg.
You decide to...
Grab Tyler's hand and put it on your pussy Request --Notsooldpervert (talk) 03:57, 18 July 2017 (UTC)