Step daughters/Asexual/1st Wednesday/pleased Sandra/Masha Watches Sex/Control/Phone/Mess/Responsibility/POV Sandra

From All The Fallen Stories
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Sandra really didn't understand about boyfriends and things like that. All she really knew was her mommy said this guy was going to spend the night at their house last week and he slept on the couch, and then in the morning she said he was going to help them in their shower. He didn't get in the shower with them for some reason, but he did clean her where she peed from and it tickled. He even stuck his finger inside somehow and it felt REALLY funny. He said it was important to wash there because it could get infected. She understood what infected meant, it meant you get sick. But, if that could happen, why didn't mommy ever wash her down there? She also always got mad when she touched herself down there, did that mean she WANTED her to get sick?

She asked her mommy about it the next day, and her mommy said the man was right and you are supposed to wash down there, but she wanted Masha to do it. She also said again that she wasn't allowed to touch herself down there, so when it turned out her mommy lied about that she would do a better job washing her down there the next day it meant only Masha could wash her where she peed from, but Masha only rubbed the washcloth between her legs. When Sandra tried to tell Masha about the hole the man washed inside, she didn't know what hole she was talking about. This got Sandra even more worried about getting sick, but, well maybe it would be Ok. Her mommy didn't wash her down there anytime before, so maybe it won't happen. Maybe it's Ok if you only wash there every now and then.

She had really hoped the man would come again. He seemed like he was really nice, and she also had to get him to wash where she peed from again. Maybe he could show Masha where the hole was.

She was really happy when the man came again. The first thing he did was play with her. She was surprised when he wanted her to get naked to play, and even more surprised when he wanted to lick her pee-pee place. She thought the idea sounded disgusting and said no, but then he kept playing with her and stuck his head between her legs anyway. He gave her her stuffed sheep to hug and kept licking her. It tickled even more than when he did it with a washcloth. That must have been what he was doing! She heard about animals cleaning themselves and each other with their tongues! He must be cleaning her privates with his tongue! But isn't that still disgusting though!? She didn't think she could clean someone's pee-pee like that.

It kept tickling and tickling more and more, and then she felt like she peed herself. She was afraid the man might be angry, but he smiled at her and then he said he was going to leave and check on Masha. She was still breathing hard from how much he tickled her with his tongue though, so she couldn't move for a while. He did it anyway even when she said no, but that didn't mean much to her right now. Adults always did things like that. Sometimes they would listen, but it wasn't very often. At least he tried to make her like it by playing with her with her sheep, mommy would have just spanked her. This guy was really nice. She hoped he could be her daddy. She knew some kids had daddies, maybe that's why her mommy had him coming over here. She could only hope he would start living here and be her daddy!

She felt like she was asleep for a little while, and then she got up and realized she was still naked. She needed to get dressed, or else her mommy would spank her.

After she got dressed, she went downstairs and found the man watching TV with Masha. She yelled at him for leaving while she was asleep, but she wasn't really mad. She just wanted to play more. He went over to the table and got out his phone, so she came over to see what he was doing. He said her mommy wanted to be his friend, she liked that idea and said he should. But then, she also noticed he had something weird in his pocket. She got an idea. It felt really good to sit on his lap like this, it was making her pee-pee feel good like when he licked it with his mouth. Maybe he wouldn't notice if she moved this thing in his pocket so it could touch he middle inside part of her pee-pee. She did it, and it did feel pretty good to rub her pee-pee on it like she thought. It felt as good as doing it with her fingers, or maybe better! It still didn't really feel as good as when he licked her down there though. It didn't really even feel as good as when he washed her with the washcloth, that also felt better.

But then, suddenly he said something amazing she never expected. He said he could take that thing out and stick it INSIDE her underwear for her. Really!? That was like, the nicest thing ever! Her mommy would NEVER let her stick something inside her underwear, EVER!! But, he said she had to keep it a secret and not even tell her friends or Masha. But, Masha heard him and said it was like a game she saw some kids on the TV playing. She never saw kids on TV playing a game where they stuck something in their underwear. Was he lying? Well, Masha seemed to believe him, but he also said how her mommy would get angry if she found out about this and if she told her friends at school then they might tell someone else and her mommy would find out. So, she had to keep it a secret.

That made sense, so she agreed, and then he stuck it inside her underwear. She tried to look and see what it was, but he put it in too quickly. After that, he started giving her a horsy ride on top of the thing in her underwear. It felt really weird. It was warm and squishy, but it also felt like there was something hard inside of it. Whatever it was though, it felt really good on her pee-pee. It felt better than when he washed her with the washcloth now, but still not really as good as when he licked her.

After a little bit, he stopped and said her name in a way that sounded like she was doing something really good. It made her smile even though she didn't really understand it, and even though he stopped doing the horsey ride. She was going to ask him to start again when the front door opened. Somehow, he took the thing out of her underwear and pulled up her pants at the same time. But then, she felt something wet in her underwear. Then, she made the horrible mistake of pulling her pants down again to check, because her mommy saw her pull her pants down and got really mad. She got spanked and thrown in her room, and she kept crying and crying and crying. After she finally stopped, she remembered something wet was in her underwear. It must have been from the man's toy. Maybe it broke when she sat on it too much. She wanted to change her pants, but her mommy might come back in and see her and then she would get yelled at and spanked again and her punishment would be worse!

The man was right! She couldn't tell anyone anything about her pee-pee getting touched with anything!
