Talk:Smooth Operator/Gabby's Party/Who's in attendance at the party?

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This seems to be all the characters from the interactions thus far, plus Gabby's dad who hasn't appeared yet. This adds up to 6 kids below age 10, which would be about right for the typical kid's birthday party, but some comments from others such as Amy and Suzy suggest there ought to be at minimum 4 more. Having at least 10 kids in the age range that could be Gabby's class-mates makes sense considering she was bragging about Jordan being invited, and it might also make sense to have the older sisters of some of the kids around as well. Just trying to think of how to add some more since, at this point, that will probably involve having to create new character profiles for the other attendants, since the majority of the other characters on the main roster are accounted for. Jemini (talk) 23:13, 4 February 2023 (CET)