What Is Time?

From All The Fallen Stories
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This is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/II. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.

Amanda Cooper leans tightly into her father. James and his daughter stand at the edge of the trees perplexed. There is nothing familiar about them. It doesn't seem that there's any human life around that they can see. Yesterday there had been several nearby cabins a short distance away, yet set a good distance apart. Today, there is not one in sight anywhere. There are no boaters, or fishermen on the mountain lake either. Her dad's truck isn't in the yard and there's no roads or bridges.

James and Amanda come here every year for the summer to get away from the rigors of city life. James is a forty-two year old woodworker. He is three inches over six feet tall, weighing in at two hundred pounds. His brown hair is cut short, adding to the blue of his eyes. Fourteen year old Amanda is dwarfed by him, with a height of just a half inch over five feet. The small teen barely tips the scale at ninety-seven pounds. Her dark brown hair, hanging nearly to her waist, is almost black in the right light. The emerald green of her eyes usually shine with a sparkle of mischief. Only the two small mounds on her chest foretell the maturing teen's rise to adulthood.

“Dad? What's happened?,” Amanda asks, with a quiver in her voice.

“I don't know, Angel,” James says quietly. “I got up this morning and came out to find everything... gone.”

“It looks so wild out here now. Almost like it would have looked long before anyone ever came here. At least OUR cabin is still here. But I'm scared Dad,” Amanda admits.

“I'm a little unsettled too, Amy. After we fix breakfast and eat, we'll have to have a look around,” James says, trying to reassure his daughter.

They walk back inside the cabin and James sets to lighting a fire. None of the cabins have modern conveniences, so this allows things to go unnoticed. James and Amanda had stocked most everything they would need for the summer, not wanting to have to run to town every couple of days. Amanda busies herself with chopping ingredients for frying potatoes. Her desire of one day becoming a baker keeps James rather happy. There's a fresh loaf of bread she made last night sitting on the table. Amanda teasingly slaps his hand as he reaches for the bread before she can slice it.

“You can wait a few minutes more,” Amanda lovingly chastises.

“But I'm starving,” James tallies, with mock disappointment.

“Behave. You're acting like a kid,” Amanda returns, giggling merrily. “You can go out back and make a knick-knack or something until I'm done.”

“You don't have to act like my parent,” James grumbles, heading for the door.

Amanda giggles again as her dad exits. It has been just the two of them for years. James is the provider and Amanda has taken on the role of care taker. She often wonders why her dad never goes on a date. It's like he has no interest in meeting women. He must be lonely at times, and most likely has needs. But in a way, she's very content in having him to herself. Amanda has no desire for the immature boys at school, though there are a couple of them that are kind of cute. If only they showed some sign of growing up.

Amanda leaves the potatoes warm in the skillet and goes outside to get her dad. James is busy making decorative plaques to sell at the fair later this year. He also builds furniture by hand, using antique hand tools. The craftsmanship is superb. She stops and stares at him, admiring his deep concentration.

Finally, she interrupts his thoughts, “Breakfast is ready, Daddy.”

Turning, he gives his daughter a loving smile, “Great. I really am starving.”

James lays his adze neatly on the workbench before following Amanda to the cabin. Feeling guilty for watching her butt as they walk, he casts his gaze to the ground. It's been far too long since he's been with a woman. But the sight of his daughter's ass should not effect him like this. She's his daughter, and only fourteen besides. The tight jeans do nothing to divert his thoughts.

“Where do we need to look?” Amanda asks, as they sit down to eat. “And what do we look for?”

“To be honest, I don't know, Amy,” James says, contemplating. “We'll just have to set out and see what there is. I guess we can go up to the ridge and hopefully see farther.”

“Do you want to go as soon as we're done? I can wash the dishes later, if you want,” Amanda offers.

“I think that'd be best. The sooner we know something, the better,” James finishes.

James and Amanda hurriedly eat their breakfast. Scooting back their chairs, they take turns in the outhouse and wash up before starting their hike to the ridge. The early morning air is still cool and comforting at this elevation. The forest is quiet, except for the different birds singing out of sight. James has had the cabin in the mountains of New Hampshire for several years. His wife had never liked coming here, but Amanda has always loved it. She's even told her father of her desire to live here year round. It's a picturesque setting and the people are friendly. But where are they now?

James suggests they stop for a quick drink of water from the mountain stream. The water is always crisp and clean.

“We're almost to the ridge. Hopefully we can see something. You ready to go again?” James asks.

“Sure thing, Daddy. I'm still scared, but I feel much better being with you,” Amanda says, giving her dad a small smile.

Nearing the apex of the mountain under the clear blue sky, they slow their rate of ascent. Amanda sits atop a boulder and looks off in the distance. A short intake of breath alerts James as he climbs up beside her. Looking off toward the East, there is no sign of the town that should be below them. The landscape is beautiful yes, but it does nothing to answer the question; 'What is going on?'

“What's happening, Daddy?” asks Amanda, with a deep foreboding fear.

“I really don't know, Amy. We'll have to set out again tomorrow. It'd be a good idea to pack up some food to go with us,” James says, trying to sound cheerful.

There is no sign of civilization, no matter which direction he looks. This is not looking good at all. After a brief rest, they decide to descend from the mountain top. There is no fevered rush to get back to the cabin. James loves the mountain because there's no cell service near the cabin, but he would sure love to have some now. Amanda picks her steps carefully, taking care not to twist her ankle.

James follows Amanda down the mountain trail. Her ponytail swings from side to side. The sight of her before him is mesmerizing. The view is captivating. This is going to be a long summer. James shakes the thought from his mind, catching up to her.

At the cabin, Amanda goes about preparing a light dinner. The climb to the top and back has taken most of their day. And still no answers yet on the cause of their predicament. Her nerves leave her restless. James helps Amanda clear the table and wash the dishes, both breakfast and dinner. With the remaining light, Amanda tries to relax and read the book she had brought along. James is deep in thought about the situation they are now in

Giving up on the book, she decides a bath would help her nerves.

“I'd like to take a bath,” Amanda tells him. “It might help me settle down.”

“That's a good idea,” James responds. “I'll set the tub out and heat some water for you. I might even take one.”

“You should. You looked kinda sweaty coming down the mountain,” Amanda agrees.

Filling the tub with hot water, he turns to Amanda. “I'll be right outside. Enjoy your bath.” James kisses Amanda's cheek before going outside.

The hot water helps relax her tense muscles. They aren't used to the climbing yet. But she could so live here, even without running water. The solitude is just amazing. After washing, she remains in the tub a moment longer just to relax. Stepping out, she dries and dresses.

“I'm finished, Daddy,” Amanda announces, opening the door. “The water is still warm if you want yours now.”

“Yeah. I'll go ahead and get it done. That climb liked to wear me out. I've got to get in shape again,” James says. He then goes inside, letting the door shut behind him.

The evening is quiet. Just the occasional hooting of a nearby owl. After a few minutes, the door opens and James walks out, his short hair quickly drying. Amanda slides to the end of the bench, giving her dad room to sit.

“You doin' okay, Honey?” James asks.

“Yeah. It's so peaceful here. I wouldn't mind living here all the time,” Amanda says, with longing in her heart. “I'm still worried. But it's not so bad with you here.”

James puts an arm around Amanda's shoulder, pulling her to him. “I'm always happy to be with you too.”

“Daddy?” Amanda asks softly. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Are you sure?” James squeaks out. You haven't asked to sleep with me in a long time.”

“I don't know what's going on and it scares me,” Amanda explains. “I just want to be close to you. And have you hold me like you used to when I was little. It always made me feel better.”

“Well. I guess that'd be alright. I'll just have to wear my shorts, I guess,” James answers nervously.

“You don't have to. It's not like I can see anything in the dark,” Amanda says to reassure him. “So, can I?”

“Yes,” James says, after swallowing hard. “We can go to bed in a few minutes, if you want. It's pretty nice out here.

“We can go anytime you want, Daddy,” Amanda affirms. She snuggles tight against her dad and thinks over the events of the day. Half an hour later, they agree it's time for bed. James follows Amanda into the bedroom. Desperately he tries not to think about the beautiful ass that's about to be in his bed.

Pulling the covers up, Amanda lays her head on James' shoulder. She tilts her head up and gives him a quick kiss. James' heart thunders as he struggles to gain control.

“Good night Daddy,” Amanda whispers.

“Good night, Honey,” James stammers. It's going to be a long night.

  • * *

Amanda stretches beside her father in the early morning light. Lowering her arms, her hand brushes against his cock. Quickly pulling her hand away, she stares down at the engorged manflesh. Amanda has never seen a real one, but she surmises that it's pretty big. Grinning, she tentatively reaches out for it once again. Her hand snaps back just before touching it. Would James let her touch it? To know what it actually feels like? She desperately wants to know. Slowly, Amanda moves her hand nearer. An imperceptible giggle in her throat threatens to escape. Tentatively she extends her finger and touches the loose skin at the tip of his cock.

With more courage, her hand circles around this amazing piece of her dad. Amanda holds it loosely and moves her hand with slow, gentle strokes. It seems to grow even bigger, harder. The astonishing gland is reacting to her touch. She's touched one. She's finally touched one. And it belonging to her dad makes it even better. What is she supposed to do with it? Health class wasn't very specific on that count. Hearing the talk of other girls at school leaves her bewildered. There's no way that thing will fit where they said it was supposed to. Just no way! She'll just have to ask her father when he wakes up.

Tightening her grip on this wonder, she begins stroking it gently. James' cock twitches in her hand. Another giggle escapes her. Her focused gaze is locked on her fondling hand on her dad's cock.

“What are you doing, Amy?” James asks, startling Amanda. She releases his cock and jerks her hand away. Her face turns crimson with guilt and her heart nearly stops.

“I-I-I saw it. A-a-and just wanted to know w-what it felt like,” Amanda stammers. “I didn't hurt it did I?”

Trying to remain in control, James gives her a small smile. “No Amy. You didn't hurt it. I don't think you could just by touching it. Look, don't be scared. You can ask me anything. I've always answered any questions that you've had. Right?”

Amanda gives a small shake of her head. With her heart thundering in her chest, she asks, “Was I doing it right? Or is there a special way to do it? Can I do it some more? It's just so cool looking.”

“Okay. Maybe one question at a time. There is no one way to do it. It's all about what you and your partner like. And since I'm still this hard, I'd say you were doing it right. But why my dick? Do you have a boyfriend I don't know about?”

Amanda stays silent, but shakes her head 'no'. She looks down at her father's cock, wanting to have it in her hand again. Looking back up to James' eyes with the question in her own, he smiles and nods his approval. A grin breaks out on Amanda's face as she reaches for her dad's cock. “Let me know if I do it wrong,” Amanda says quietly. After sitting up on her knees, she takes his rock hard member in her hand.. Her other hand pulls at the loose skin, studying every detail that she can find. “The books in health class didn't show this,” she states with puzzlement.

“It's called a foreskin. It helps protect the head of the penis,” James explains, while starting to moan.

“I don't like that word, Amanda mumbles, as her inquisitive inspection continues. “That's as bad as vagina. It makes it sound like a school book.”

“Very well. You can call it a dick or a cock,” James relents. James' moans grow louder as Amanda continues to stroke his dick. It's been so long since he has felt any pleasure from anyone else. Amanda leans closer over him, lost in the wonder of her dad's cock. “Oh God, Amy! That feels so good.”

Amanda smiles brightly, enjoying the feeling of the hard cock in her hands. Her excitement grows as she continues stroking her dad. The head begins to swell further as her inexperienced hand caresses the member that created her. James groans loudly and the cock erupts in her hand. The warm cum splashing her face. Amanda squeals in surprise, but doesn't stop stroking. After five explosions of cum hit her, she releases his cock with a questioning look.

“Thank you Amy,” James ekes out. “That was wonderful.” He relaxes on the bed waiting for his breathing returns to normal. “Are you ready for me to return the favor?” James asks Amanda, with lust in his eyes.

“How?” Amanda inquires.

“Take the tee shirt off and lay down,” James instructs. “I will try to make you feel every bit as good.”

“But I'll be naked!” Amanda exclaims, with trepidation.

“Exactly,” James says, gently. “I won't hurt you. I promise.”

Amanda sits up straighter and slowly pulls the tee shirt over her head. Her nakedness leaves her feeling self-conscious. Fighting the need to cover herself, she lays down on the bed. Amanda feels totally exposed. She's forgot all about her dad's cum slowly running down her face. But she fully trusts him.

James rolls to lay between Amanda's legs, after spreading them apart. She tries closing her eyes, but quickly opens them. James inches forward, kissing one thigh, then the other. Chills run up Amanda's spine. A moan escapes her lips. James kisses higher up her thighs to the juncture of her legs. Taking in the aroma of her womanhood, his lips softly kiss the folds of her pussy. Amanda squirms with excitement. This is a feeling she has never felt before. Surely it can't get any better. Moisture forms deep inside and makes its way to the edges of her being. James' tongue slides through the folds of her virgin cunt. Amanda squeals at the sudden sensation.

The juices of her cunt begin to seep out of the little piece of heaven. Again, James runs his tongue through her slit. Tasting her, James is also moaning now. The moisture continues to grow. His fingers spread her lips open to allow him to slip his tongue deeper. Amanda squirms with less control of her body as her own father licks her cunt. Feelings she's never felt before begin to overtake her. James' tongue reaches higher and glides across the tiny clit that has been exposed. Amanda jolts at the touch and she groans loudly. Lifting her legs, she wraps one, then the other around his neck. Giving herself to her father, Amanda revels in the touches of his tongue and fingers. Her dad is licking her pussy. He is really licking her!

James flicks his tongue faster across Amanda's little bud. Pleasure races through her. She can not lay still. Her head and upper torso wreath from side to side, but James holds her nethers firmly in place. The pleasure is unreal. Sure, she's rub it before. But damn this is so much better. She has often wondered what the fuss was all about. The joy running through her mounts. Amanda can feel her body start to tighten up. The juices begin the flow more freely. Thoughts of shame are no longer present. Stomach muscles tighten as she thrashes under her father's tongue. Amanda shrieks as her body explodes. Convulsions overtake her. All thought leaves her in the throes of her first climax. Her ass raises from the bed, pressing her cunt tightly to James' mouth. The feeling brings tears of rapture. “Daddyyyyyy!,” she screams. Bucking under her dad, Amanda releases all inhibition. The thrill of the climax leaves her breathless.

Amanda heavily pants as she comes down from her orgasmic high. With the moisture of her cunt coating his finger, James slips a digit into his daughter's beautiful ass. It slides in easily and causes her to soar once again. James holds her tightly keeping her in place. Amanda's body surrenders and submits freely to her father. She has never had a joy such as this.

The sensations become stronger and Amanda pushes lightly on James' head. After a moment, he relents, allowing her to come down slowly. Raising his head, they look into each other's eyes.

“That, my beautiful daughter, is how you made me feel,” James says, quietly and with a different love forming for his teenage daughter. He gently kisses her clit before moving up beside her. Amanda lets her father pull her on top of him. Her body still a quivering mess goes willingly.

“Daddy,” Amanda croaks. “I never knew... that it could... feel that good.” Still trying to catch her breath, Amanda buries her head in her father's shoulder.

“That's how it should be, Honey,” James tells her. “You deserve to feel everything from your partner. It shouldn't be one sided. An Angel should get as good as she gives.”

“It was so wonderful, Daddy. I wish I could feel like that all the time,” Amanda says, slowly. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Princess. After you rest, we'll set out to see what's going on,” James says.

“It might take a minute,” Amanda giggles. “My legs are really shaky and numb.”

“Take your time,” James finishes, holding her tight. He takes her discarded tee shirt and wipes the drying cum from his daughter's face.

  • * *

“I don't know why we can't see the hotels, shopping strips, or houses down there. It's mostly trees with just a few small clearings,” James relays his thoughts to Amanda. “There's no way for them to just up and disappear. Something is wrong, no doubt about it.”

“Maybe aliens from outer space came down and took them,” Amanda says with wry humor. The last few hours have been tense. Well, except for when her dad had eaten her cunt. All her fear had been forgotten for the moment. That was something she wants more of. And God did he shoot a lot of cum. It had felt pretty cool blasting on her face, but next time she'll be more prepared. Amanda had seen the look in his eyes, so she knows there will be a next time.

Starting down the side of the mountain, Amanda takes her dad's hand and smiles up to meet his gaze. James returns her smile, squeezing her hand. The rocks on the path are set securely in the Earth keeping them from rolling underfoot. The thrill of her first orgasm lingers on the edge of her thoughts.

“Do you think we'll make it back to the cabin before dark,” Amanda asks.

James looks up to the sun thinking, “If we don't get slowed down, we should. The sun has been setting later now that summer is here. I'd like to know what's going on, but there doesn't seem to be an explanation. But there's got to be clues somewhere.”

“Hopefully there's signs where the town was,” Amanda says, thoughtfully. “So far, my alien theory is all we've got.”

Nearly two hours later the land levels out. James' eyes scan their surroundings. Through the trees, he thinks he can see a larger looking cabin. It looks to be situated by the river where the town should be. When Amanda notices it, they look each other in the eyes and smile.

“Well, there's a starting place,” James acknowledges. They begin walking toward the structure. A woman of about fifty emerges from the large cabin. She seems startled to see them approaching and looks closely at them scowling. “What kind of clothes are those? How can you even walk in them,” the woman asks, looking hard at Amanda. “I ain't never seen no one, except Indians, come from that direction. What are you doing out here?”

“I'm James Cooper. This is my daughter, Amanda,” James says, introducing themselves. “We have a cabin on the other side of the mountain.” Amanda looks to the ground at the woman's hardness. James decides to hold back too much information, until he can get some from her first. “We've been over there for quite awhile. I can't even remember the year or the river anymore,” He deftly lies.

“Well, the river doesn't rightly have a name. But the year is 1643 now. How do you live over there on your side? I guess you hunt and plant,” she continues. “I'm Abigail. Abigail Greeley. My husband started this trading post to trade with the Indians. We don't see many white men around here.” Abigail stares at the tight fitting jeans Amanda is wearing, wondering how a girl can get in them. Even a girl as thin as Amanda.

Worry forms in James' thoughts as to what happened. But the only thing so far, is they've somehow ended up in 1643 somehow. But how? He can see a panicked look scrolls across Amanda's beautiful features.

“I do wood working. I make small things and furniture. Maybe we could do some trading here with you the next time we're over the mountain. I could start with smaller items, until I can find a way to transport the larger.”

“Bring a few things with you next time and I'll take a look at them,” Abigail says, a hint of a smile showing on her lips.

“I'm much obliged,” James says, with a broad smile. “We'll be on our way then. It's a pleasure to meet you.”

James turns to leave with Amanda gladly following behind. The walk back is brisk and silent until Amanda finally speaks, “Daddy. Now I'm really scared. Can it be true?”

“I don't know how, but it's the only conclusion we have right now,” James answers.

“What are we going to do?” Real fear pours out of Amanda.”

James turns to her, taking her in his arms. Without thinking, his lips joins Amanda's and they share a kiss. His tongue touches Amanda's lips and her mouth opens on its own volition. James' tongue delves into the warmth of her mouth. James' kiss calms her nerves. Amanda is unable to stop the moan escaping her. Their tongues caress one another in the lingering kiss. Reluctantly they break their join lips. Amanda leans her head back, staring up into James' eyes. A warm smile slowly forms across her face.

“I liked that,” Amanda whispers. “That was really awesome.

James holds the back of Amanda's head pulling her face to his. The kiss is more tender and passionate this time. Time stands still as Amanda's heart tries to beat out of her chest. Her breathing is labored as James' fingers comb through her hair. His breathing grows more ragged as the kiss lingers on. As their breathing becomes more difficult, they mutually break the kiss. A final brushing of their lips and they stand staring into each other's eyes.

“We need to get to the cabin,” James says softly.

Amanda joyously takes his hand as they start to climb again. Her breathing is still unsteady at the top, but her feet are light as feathers. They begin their descent, carefully choosing their steps. Amanda has never had a kiss like that. She's never actually had any kind of kiss, except a kiss on the cheek. She will be sure to add this to the list of things she wants from her dad again. Oh yes. Again and again. What else can they do together? She's heard things at school about what girls have done with their boyfriends, but what can she do with her own father? Time will tell.

Once in the cabin, Amanda slices bread for quick sandwiches. The cooler will soon have no ice, but for now it has kept the slices of meat cool. They eat, talking little. Both feel the tension of anticipation between them. Who will start it? How do they start it? Amanda doesn't really care, she just hopes it starts.

They quickly clean up as the evening sun sets. Amanda goes to the outhouse behind the cabin as James lights a fire. The warm light of the fire gives off a glow, filling the cabin with its romantic light. James leaves Amanda in the cabin for a quick look around outside. In his absence she hastily undresses and lays on her dad's bed.

Amanda smiles shyly as he enters the cabin. James stops and stares at the naked fourteen year old laying on his bed smiling at him. The trust on her beautiful face captures his heart. Her mound is almost devoid of any hair. The twin mounds on her chest heave with her nervous breath. The rise and fall they create, mesmerizes him. James quickly undresses and lays over Amanda, his weight supported by his elbows. He stares into her eyes a moment before leaning down to lightly kiss her lips. The moans emanating from her reminds him to take his time. Amanda giggles when James nibbles the side of her neck. The giggles only last a second before the moans become deeper. Her arms circle her dad's neck and pull him closer to her. She has never seen this side of her dad. The romantic side of him fills her heart. James moves lower with patience, nibbling her shoulder along the way. He brushes a kiss across a nipple and then sucks it into his mouth. Amanda groans loudly with the sensation. Her dad is sucking her tit. The feeling sends rapture through her whole body. She can feel the moisture growing behind the tightly closed folds of her small virginal pussy. She opens herself beneath him. An invitation as old as time. James smiles up at Amy and settles between her legs.

James tweaks the other nipple between his fingers. Amanda squirms under James. Flames of desire burn her soul. Moving lower, kisses splay across her stomach. Muscles tighten as he makes his way lower. Her breath catches when she feels his warm breath on her mound. The sparse hair yielding from the passage of his lips.

“Daddy,” Amanda pleads. “I'm not afraid.”

James lays soft kisses on one labia before the next. Amanda's juices flow freely. The touch of his tongue sliding between the lips of her pussy leave her gasping for air. Her body shutters with a second pass of the glorious tongue. First one leg, then the other, circle behind James' back holding him to her. Her neck strains forcing her head back into the bed. Without hesitation she gives herself freely, body and mind, to her own father. Faith and love tell her that no harm will come to her.

James circles a finger across her opening. It rapidly gets wetter. His finger finds her ass just as his tongue flicks across her clit. Amanda's leg tighten around him, raising her ass off the bed. She squeals with joy as the tongue flicks back and forth. Her hard little clit submits happily. Amanda's finger clinch in his hair. She is his. He is hers. One of her hands frees itself from the tangled hair of his head to find the small mound on her chest. Rubbing and squeezing the growing breast. The invading finger in her ass fucks her slowly, driving her strong desires. James sucks the clit into his mouth as her body cries for release.

A pressure grows within Amanda. Her release is near. The feeling is pure joy. She screams as her climax overtakes her. Her pussy convulses as the powerful orgasm takes her to new heights. James grunts when her hand nearly pulls his hair out, but taking pride in giving this much pleasure urges him on. Amanda gasps for air with the overpowering release. Her little cunt trembles as her father drives her on. Finally, she uses her hand to push his head. James slows his tongue, allowing Amanda to come down slowly. Her body, a quivering mess, succumbs to the joy flowing through her veins. Slumping in the bed, she inhales deeply.

“Daddy. That was so awesome,” Amanda sighs. “I never dreamed it could feel that good.”

James is over her once again, kissing her gently. “I'm happy you liked it,” James says, softly. “I can't believe how good you taste. It's like heaven.”

“It felt like it too,” Amanda wheezes. “I hope we can do that all the time. Now it's your turn. Please. Will you?”

“Will I what?” James asks, not sure of her thoughts.

“I want you to put your dick in me,” Amanda says. “I want to feel it in me. I want to know what it feels like. And I want it to be you.”

“Are you sure?” James queries. “If I do it, you won't have anything left to give to the one you find.”

“Daddy. I'm positive. I want to give it to you and only you,” Amanda assures James. “You are my father and I know you love me. I do not fear anything with you.”

“It's going to hurt, Baby,” James warns her. “I might be too big for you.”

“You, Daddy. I want you. I know it will hurt. Hopefully it won't for long. Please, Daddy. I trust you,” Amanda pleads.

James looks long into her eyes and sighs. It's not that he doesn't want her. But he couldn't possibly live with himself if hehurt her. He positions himself to deflower his fourteen year old daughter. Rubbing his cock through her wet slit, he steels himself for the inevitable. His little girl won't be a little girl anymore. The head of James' cock is as slick as he can get it now. It's the moment of truth. Pressing his cock against the small opening between her legs, he looks her in the eyes.

“Are you sure, Amanda? There's no going back.” James says, almost pleading with her.

“I'm sure, Daddy. I want this,” Amanda avows, one last time.

James presses his cock into the opening. Amanda grimaces and yelps through clinched teeth. It feels like a truck driving into her cunt. Her father's cock feels impossibly huge. James holds still, allowing her time to get used to the stretching fullness. They are now one. He brushes kisses on her cheeks and lips. The tightness of her freshly deflowered cunt has a death grip on the head of his cock. It's almost painful. Slowly, Amanda relaxes and moves below him.

“Are you okay?” James asks his little girl.

“Yes. I'm okay,” Amanda reassures her father. “It's so big,” she adds, with a smile.

“Do you want more? I can stop if you want,” James tells her.

“Don't you dare stop, Daddy. I'm ready,” Amanda affirms.

James pushes again and sinks slightly deeper. Amanda grunts as the huge cock stretches the walls of her pussy.

“I thought you were in me already,” Amanda gasps.

“Just the head, Baby. There's still more. I'll go slow though,” James promises.

James pulls back and sinks more dick into the little teenager. Her hole stretches, allowing him to enter. The walls of her cunt squeeze and quiver with each added inch. Pressing against her cervix, he stops. The rest is much needed. The feeling of fullness is overpowering. The tiny cunt clinches on his manhood.

“You're so fucking tight. I'll do what I can, but I'm not going to last long,” James whispers.

Through the discomfort, Amanda smiles. Her dad's cock is deep in her. The joy and the pain engulf her at the same time. This is amazing. Her dad is fucking her. Her own dad.

James withdraws until the tip of his cock is just inside her. Pressing forward, he buries his cock once again in her depths. With long slow strokes, James begins to fuck his daughter. Amanda's smile grows as the pain eases. Each stroke brings more joy. She wraps one leg around her father. The steady rhythm inside her is fantastic. She raises and lowers her ass to meet each stroke her father gives her. The pain is nearly nonexistent the more she is fucked. James grunts with the tightness squeezing on him. Amanda is felling the now known pressure of a building orgasm.

“I'm not going to last, Honey,” James tells her. “I need to pull out.”

“NO! Not yet. I'm going to come again. Please, Daddy,” Amanda pleads, desperately.

Another stroke, and James' cock explodes inside Amanda's pussy. Spurt after spurt fills her cunt. When Amanda feels it, she soars with her own climax. Her cunt tightens on James' cock, squeezing the last of his sperm laden cum into her pussy. Amanda grips his neck tight. Her body starts to relax again.

“Oh my God, Daddy!” Amanda exclaims, as their cum trickles down to her ass. “That was so awesome. We've got to do that again.”

Chuckling, James says, “It'll be a little while before I can do it again.”

“But we can do it again?” Amanda asks, hopefully.

“If you're not too sore tomorrow, then we can do it again,” James promises.

“I never knew it would be that good,” Amanda continues. “I want to feel like that everyday, if I could.”

“It's probably wrong of me, but I want you again. God help me, I do,” James says.

“I don't care about right and wrong, nothing that good can be wrong,” Amanda avows. “I'm yours, Daddy.”

Amanda holds tight to her dad, not wanting him to leave her. The feeling of him on top of her is togetherness at its best. She can feel his cock shrinking inside her. It dismays her, but she knows it can get hard again. Amanda stretches her neck to cover his lips and face with kisses. She belongs to him fully now. They are no longer just father and daughter. They are lovers.

Amanda's tight cunt squeezes the dick out of her. She feels empty without it. But tomorrow, it will fill her again. Waiting is going to be difficult for her. It's probably a good thing, she is a little sore. But damn, it was worth it.

Lifting himself from between Amanda's widely splayed legs, he eases off of her. Laying beside her, James draws Amanda close to him. In his arms, sleep is nigh. A well deserved sleep. She looks up from his shoulder with sleepy dreamy eyes. “Thank you, Daddy. You make me feel very special.”

“You are special,” James says, with love for his daughter. “Tonight, you are truly an Angel.”

Amanda yawns. Her smile still bright. “Good night, Daddy,” she says, followed by a kiss.

“Good night, Love,” James returns.

With a final kiss, Amanda settles her head on his shoulder, drifting off to sleep.

Only time will tell.

  • * *

Amanda wakes slowly. It's still dark, why is she awake. She snuggles closer to James and tries to go back to sleep. It seems to her that the last two nights, she has slept better than ever. Giving up on sleep, she raises her head up. Yeah, it's still dark out. But it looks different. She jolts when she notices, what looks like stars, passing quickly by the window. It's a strange thing to see. Amanda vigorously shakes her father and calls to him, “Dad! Dad! Wake up, something's wrong.”

Amanda stares out the window, a port hole actually, as James stirs himself awake. He immediately sees where she has her gaze fixed.

“Dad. Those look like stars,” Amanda says, with obvious concern. “There shouldn't be stars like that.”

“Oh boy,” James says, with trepidation. “What the hell is going on out there?”

Amanda gets out of bed and crosses to the window. Peering out, she sees the stars whizzing by. Or are they whizzing by the stars?

“I need some light,” James says, as the lights illuminate their room.

The lights startle them. They just came on. Glancing around the room, Amanda notices how futuristic it looks. She's very happy to see her jeans and blouse on what looks like a couch. She will need them to cover her nakedness when they decide to leave... their room. James' clothes are laying with hers, so he'll be able to get dressed too. She was hoping for some more fun this morning, but this really changes things.

“This looks like some kind of spaceship,” James says, with a confused voice. “This is becoming a very disturbing vacation.”

“I'm ready to end it and go home,” Amanda says, with a growing fear. “After being at the cabin, I feel too dirty to be on a spaceship. I'd love a shower. What is happening this time? And what year is it now?”

“Well, let's see what is behind that door there,” James suggests, pointing to the door near the window.

Amanda carefully opens the door just wide enough to peer in. “It looks like a bathroom. Kinda,” she says quietly. “And that looks like some kind of shower. It's pretty big too,” she adds, with a growing smile. “We can both fit in there easy.”

Stepping into the shower looking space, Amanda looks for some way to turn the water on. “Maybe you have to tell it to start, like the lights,” Amanda says, questioning.

“Clean,” James tries.

Mist forms around them, seemingly from everywhere. Like a miracle the dirt washes down their bodies. But where does it go. It has the desired effect though, and both feel cleaner.

“I feel better, but I would have liked a real shower with you,” Amanda grumbles.

Stepping out of the... shower, Amanda notices they are dry. It was pretty cool, even though rather weird. Out in the sleeping area, Amanda picks up her clothes. She hadn't taken time to fold them, but now they are. And they smell fresh too. The events are rather disconcerting. Before getting dressed, Amanda puts her arms around James, hugging him tight. He leans down to her and brushes his lips across hers. Reluctantly they separate and start to dress. Having her dad again will have to wait.

Dressed, they walk around the space. James spies a small screen and goes to see what it is. There's symbols adorned on it, depicted what appears to be icons for drinks and such. He presses the one resembling a cup. A small panel slides to the side, revealing a steaming cup of... coffee? Taking the cup by the handle, he raises it to his nose. It sure smells like coffee. He takes a sip and smiles. It's coffee alright.

“We probably need to try the other icons. Maybe we can have some breakfast,” James says, chuckling.

Amanda touches the food icon and a menu appears. “I don't know what all the symbols are. I'd love to have some bacon and fried potatoes though,” she says, giggling. Amanda yelps as the panel slides open once again. “Well, it kinda looks like bacon and potatoes. If it tastes good, I could get used to this.”

“I guess we need to eat, then find out what's going on. We won't be hiking anywhere for answers,” James says, with a 'whatever' look.

I sure hope sex isn't automatically done for us,” Amanda says, with a sly smile. “I'd like to do that for myself.”

Amanda takes a tentative taste of her perceived food. With a nod, she signals to James that it isn't bad. After eating, they wander the space for an exit. James walks to a wall and a large panel slides open revealing a passageway. Amanda takes his hand in hers, determined not to be left alone. Stepping out, the passageway seem to form a large diameter circle. They cautiously start walking. From behind them, a voice calls for their attention.

“Hello there. You must be one of the new families,” a burly man standing behind them proclaims.

“Uh, yeah,” James answers, faking their lack of knowledge. “I'm James Cooper. And this is my daughter, Amanda.”

“I'm Ensign Bowers. If you need any help finding your way around, just call me on the intercom,” the Ensign tells them.

“I don't know how yet,” James responds. “We feel a little disoriented.”

“Happens all the time,” Bowers explains. He steps to a panel on the bulkhead and demonstrates how it works. “It's an older model from last year, we are waiting for the 3035 model when we have the refit.”

Amanda quietly sucks in a breath. The year is 3035? Wow. How are they traveling through time like this? Sex with her dad is unreal, but this takes the cake.

“Your quarters are on Deck Five. You will notice a tag on the entry panel with your name. If there is anything I can help you with, just call,” Bowers says.

“Where are we?” James asks, trying to hide his nervousness.

“We are currently in the Eagle's Nest Nebula Region. We have a course set for Omega Three,” Bowers informs him. Turning, Bowers makes his way along the passageway.

“This is too much,” Amanda says, fear creeping into her voice again. “I'd just like to go back to bed and cover my head and wake up back home in 2024.”

“You and me both,” James says softly. “You want to walk around some more?”

“I guess we should,” Amanda whispers. Then looking up to her dad's face, “But the bed sounds really good. If you're up to it, Old Man.” Amanda giggles at the look on her father's face.

“Old Man?” he says, raising one eye brow. “I'll have you begging for mercy.”

“Promises, promises,” Amanda says, her giggles growing louder.

“Come on, let's see if we see anyone else,” James concludes.

They continue walking the corridor, looking for God knows what. Making a full round of the deck, they don't run across anyone else. At another panel, they spot a panel labeled, 'Lift.' With nothing to lose, they press the button and the panel slides open. The lift takes them to Deck Six. They venture out on another passageway resembling their own level. James leads Amanda on the circuitous corridor until they are back at the lift. They enter and return to Deck Five. They follow the passage until they locate the tag with 'Cooper' on it. Entering their quarters, Amanda sighs in relief.

“Well that was fun,” Amanda jests. “I think we've done enough wandering for now.” Amanda goes to James and wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. “I want it all to end,” she says, her voice muffled.

“Me too, Honey. I'm glad we're together though,” James says quietly.

“I sure hope we're together the next time we're sent to another time. I don't want to be stuck somewhere without you,” Amanda sighs. “Can we go to bed? I feel much better when we are having fun.”

“I can't tell if it's day or night out here in space,” her father says, frustrated. “I don't know if it's time to sleep either.”

“I wasn't thinking of sleeping, Daddy,” Amanda says, looking up with a grin. She releases her father and steps back. Trying her best to look sexy, Amanda starts to unbutton her blouse. The blouse falls open, revealing the small breast growing on her chest.

James reaches out to take them in his hands. Amanda moans as he gently caresses them. “God Angel. You're perfect,” he says, while looking into her eyes.

“It's all your fault. You created me,” Amanda moans. “I want you so bad.”

James pushes the blouse off her shoulders, allowing it to drop to the floor. Amanda releases her belt around her waist and unbuttons her jeans. James works them down her lean shapely legs and Amanda steps out of them after removing her shoes. James has his shirt off and Amanda kneels to pull his jeans down. Grabbing the waistband of his boxers, she starts lowering them after pulling the front out to release his cock. Free from the boxers, James' dick springs upward to bob lewdly in front of her face. Giggling, she takes it in her hand. Almost magically, it grows harder as she slowly strokes it. A contented smile crosses her expression as she stares at it.

Amanda pushes the foreskin back to see the head of James' dick. She still can't believe that he fit it into her. And that had been wonderful. If her dad can use his mouth on her pussy, why not use hers on him? Amanda leans forward and kisses the tip, feeling it twitch in her hand. She giggles with pride knowing she can excite him this way too. What will it taste like? Will he enjoy her mouth? Amanda raises his dick and licks the bottom side. The sound of her dad's moans thrills her. He's liking it so far. She looks up to see her dad's head back, reveling her touches. Kissing the tip, she opens her mouth to take him in. The cock feels strange in her mouth, but very exciting. Taking as much as she can, she applies suction and starts to bob her head on this magnificent part of her father. She tries to remember what she's heard other girls at school say what their boyfriends liked when sucking dick. She'll get it right, then try to be better at it. Her father deserves the best blowjob from her.

Amanda gags slightly when she tries to take too much in. She can taste what must be precum, deciding that it isn't bad. It won't all go in yet, so she strokes the bit that isn't in her mouth. Amanda looks up to see her father watching her. She tries to smile, but can't. Pulling it from her mouth, she looks up again and says, “Does that feel good Daddy? Am I doing it right?”

“You're doing great, Honey. I couldn't ask for better,” James praises.

Still looking her father in the eye, Amanda opens her mouth and engulfs her father's cock. Trying to take it all is beyond her yet, but she'll get better with time. Sex is still new to Amanda and she's loving it so far. The other day, there was no way her father would see her naked. Now, she wants to be naked for him all the time. She continues sucking his dick, while listening to his moans. James sounds like he's enjoying her efforts. Moisture builds in her pussy enough that she can feel it. She has the sensation that she's about to drip on the floor of their quarters. A mental giggle sounds inside her head.

Pulling her mouth from her dad, Amanda sticks her tongue out to lick the tip of James' cock. She pulls the foreskin over the head and swirls her tongue inside of it. James emits a louder groan. The taste of precum on her tongue is pretty cool. The girls at school never said anything about how it tasted. Amanda could do this any time her father wanted.

Amanda has yet to learn the warning signs. She doesn't pay attention to the swelling of the cock as she takes it in again. James rests a hand on Amanda's head. She sucks harder as her head bobs back and forth. James' balls have had enough. His cock explodes in her mouth, shooting spurts of his cum. Thinking fast, she remembers the girls saying that guys want you to swallow the sperm filled cum. Amanda tries to swallow, but the cum is filling her mouth too fast. Creamy hot cum seeps from her lips, dropping to her chest. Some of it gets swallowed, but not all. Amanda is not giving up though. James' hand curls in her hair. His touch is gentle and very welcome.

“Oh God, Honey. I'm sorry. I couldn't hold back,” James says, breathlessly.

Amanda isn't ready to stop. She'll just have to tell him later that it's okay. The boyfriends of the girls probably don't shoot this much. James had a lot of cum in him. And she got it. James gently pushes her head back from his cock. He is pretty sensitive right now. Looking up at her father, she smiles. Cum still drips from her chin. Her small breasts have drops of cum splattered on them.

“How was that, Dad?” Amanda asks cheerfully. “I think it was pretty awesome. I like making you come.”

James lowers his arms around her, pulling her to him. Amanda's face is still even with his crotch.

“That was amazing, Baby. Especially if it was your first time,” James praises.

“Yup. That was my first blowjob. My pussy is still a little sore, and I wanted to do something spacial for you. In fact, you have been my first in everything. I've never done anything with a boy,” Amanda says, with pride in her voice.

Standing to her feet, Amanda hugs her dad tight. Her dad had liked it. She is already wanting to please him again. James reaches down and lifts her off the floor. Amanda giggles uncontrollably as he carries her to the bed. He lays back on the bed with her atop of him. Her eyes gleam as his gaze locks on her.

“I've always thought you were cute, but you're a goddess with cum on your chin like this,” James tells her, while Amanda giggles. James runs his forefinger along her chin, scooping cum off. Sticking the finger to her lips, Amanda opens her mouth sucking his finger in. Humming, she greedily sucks his finger clean. Smiling brightly, she releases the finger from her mouth.

“How did you learn to act like this?” James asks.

Amanda lowers her head, without breaking eye contact. “I've seen some porn on my computer,” she confesses. “I didn't think people really did that, but with you I want to.”

James reaches behind her and gives her a playful smack on her ass. Amanda yelps in surprise, but still grins. “That's not a good way to learn,” James admonishes. “Some of those positions look fun, but they aren't very comfortable to get in.”

“Prove it,” Amanda challenges her father. “I double dare you.”

“You're playing with fire, Girl. I might make you regret those words,” James warns.

With a more serious tone, Amanda says, “I trust you, Daddy. I know you couldn't hurt me.”

“I'm going to burn in Hell, but I want you, Amanda. No, I'd never knowingly hurt you,” James whispers. “But you are still young and easily hurt until you get used to me being inside you. That's why we will slow down if you start to get too sore.”

Amanda leans down to cover his face and lips with warm kisses. With a quick move, James flips Amanda on her back as he gets between her legs. Amanda giggles seeing the 'evil' look on his face. Putting his hands under her knees, he pushes them back to her head leaving her most secret of places open for him to see. Leaning over her, he softly blows warm breath on her gorgeous ass hole. Amanda giggles again until his tongue licks the tiny rosebud. She immediately moans, giving herself to her lover. James' tongue tickles the wrinkled star listening to her submitting.

James uses a finger to gently rub the slit of her wet pussy. The finger and tongue change places. The wet finger works its way into the tight tiny ass. Amanda's reflexes try to straighten her legs, but they are held firmly in place. Who would've thought this would feel so good? Elated feelings of joy rush through her body as her father works magic on her. James carefully licks her clit, sending shock waves across her senses.

“Daddy,” Amanda moans, as her ass gives way to the intruder. In the balled up position, the fourteen year old girl revels the touches from her father. On edge, her juices flow freely from her cunt. She can hear him lapping at her pussy, sending shivers down her spine. Amanda's hands reach for James' head, pulling him tighter against her treasure.

“Please, Daddy. Don't stop,” Amanda whines.

Already overly excited from sucking her dad's dick, her release approaches quickly. James' tongue gently, but firmly, massages the girl's pleasure button. Her legs push out, but can't move. Being held in place like this excites her further. James has complete control over her. The pressure builds in her lower stomach. The slow moving tongue torments her. Release is there, but not forthcoming.

With a sudden scream, Amanda's relief has come. “Daddyyyyy!” she squeals. Her body bucks under her father's tight grasp. Shaking and trembling, Amanda comes. Shrieks of joy sound as the powerful orgasm takes control. With brute strength, her legs straighten and immediately circle around her dad. James laps her juices as they flow out of her. Her hands pull at the hair on his head. Panting heavily, Amanda slowly comes down from the orgasmic high. Her legs fall, one after the other, down to the bed. Sighing deeply, she releases the grip from her father's hair. Her arms reach up and around his neck when he towers over her, pulling his head down beside hers.

“I take it you liked that?” James asks her softly.

“That was so awesome, Daddy,” Amanda pants. “You are so good to me.” James goes to sit up, but Amanda stops him. “No, Daddy. Stay on me. I need you on me.”

“Okay, Honey,” James whispers in her ear. “I'm right here. I'll always be right here for you.”

The weight of his body pressing to hers is comforting. Nothing can go wrong if he's there.

“That was so good,” Amanda reiterates. “I think I'm tired though.”

“Do you want to sleep?” James asks.

“No! I don't want to wake up in some other time. Unless it's our own,” Amanda states firmly.

“I'll hold onto you. We'll wake up together. Whenever it is,” James assures her.

“Okay. Please don't leave me, Daddy,” Amanda says, drained of energy. She closes her eyes. Just for a moment, and it'll be fine.

Amanda wakes a couple hours later feeling rested, but she's afraid to open her eyes. Are they still on the spaceship? Or have they moved somewhere else again? Her bladder screams at her to get up. Opening one eye, she looks around. Okay. Good. They're still on the spaceship. She sits up slowly and moves to the edge of the bed putting her feet on the floor. Her pussy is feeling much better right now. She makes her way across the floor to the bathroom and looks inside. Okay, that looks like a normal toilet. Moving quicker, she walks over and sits. Relief comes in an instant.

Amanda wonders if she should wake her father when she's done. A quiet giggle escapes her as she thinks about it. At the sink looking thing, she stares at it. “Clean,” she says, hoping for success. Great, it worked. How does it do that? Oh well. Walking back to the bed, she stands there looking at James peacefully resting. She lays beside him letting him sleep. Her dad has shared so much with her these past couple of days. The smile on her face shows her happiness. Amanda really hopes he will share his love with her once they are back in their own time. If they get back.

Amanda reaches out to touch James' chest. She's never thought about how good he looks. Dragging a fingernail through the hair on his chest makes her want to wake him. Playing lightly, she considers the possibilities they can have together. It would be amazing if she could be his secret girlfriend. He would be a dream come true as a boyfriend.

James stirs awake at the touch of her finger. She smiles brightly when she notices. Putting herself half on him, she is ready to greet him. With their faces close together, she says, “Hi Daddy. Did you sleep good?” She leans closer giving him a warm kiss on his lips.

“Yes I did. I was just going to lay here with you, but I guess I drifted off too,” James says. “How about you? Did you sleep good?”

“I've been sleeping better than ever with you. I hope you let me stay with you at night,” she exclaims. “You make me feel so warm and safe in your arms.”

“If that's what you really want,” James says, speculatively. “I don't think we're meeting people that will have time to learn about our involvement with each other.”

“Well you're not doing me in the passageways or anything. We've done it where they can't see us. And I really want to do it again,” Amanda finishes, with a broad grin.

Amanda scrambles fully on top of her father and smiles before wantonly kissing his warm lips. James' tongue presses her lips and she eagerly opens her mouth to invite him in. They share a long, steamy, passionate kiss. When it finally breaks, Amanda smiles, and asks, “Can we do it now?'

James chuckles before his answer, “You are turning into a little slut. I think we need to eat first.”

“Liar,” Amanda says, with a loud giggle. “I feel you getting hard and poking at me.”

“That's morning wood, which means I have to go,” James responds, defensively.

“Cool. Can I hold it for you? I don't get to hang on to anything when I go,” Amanda says, but only half joking. “You've got a handle.”

“Not this time. I can't go if I'm hard,” James explains. “Maybe if we're ever outside and it's not standing up, then you can practice your aiming skills.”

Amanda gives her dad an exaggerated pout, her lower lip protruding far out. “Okay. But you owe me,” giving her best little girl voice.

Amanda reluctantly gets off of James, allowing him to get up and go to the bathroom. She walks to the screen to pick herself something to eat. She also chooses a coffee for him. As her dad enters the room again, she admires his cock dangling in front of him as he walks. Yeah, she has grown to love it. She offers him the coffee and offers to get him something to eat. Together, they sit and eat there meals.

“I don't know what we're supposed to do,” Amanda starts. “We don't know anyone or anything about this time period. And you don't have any wood to work with. I can't understand what we're to do.”

“That is a problem. We'll have to find a way to contribute with something,” James agrees. “How are you feeling? Are you still sore?”

“I feel great. I don't feel sore at all anymore.” Amanda says, with a growing grin.

“Calm down, Sheba. We'll get to that later. We need to get out and look around some more. Then if you still want to, we can have some quiet time together. Though you're having trouble being quiet,” James adds, with a chuckle.

“Sorry,” Amanda says, giggling. “You just make me feel so good. I promise I'll try to be quiet.”

“Yeah, right,” James mumbles.

They spend a minute getting dressed. Making their way to the... door, they share a kiss before stepping out in the passageway. Hand in hand they make their way to the lift. Trying a different deck, they embark on their journey to explore and find answers. They pass by other doors that have no hint about what might lay inside the compartments. Finding another communication panel, James decides to find Bowers and ask some questions.

Not knowing what to say, James decides on simple. He presses a button and says, “Ensign Bowers.”

After a few seconds, they hear the reply, “Bowers here.”

James presses the button again to answer, “Yes, Ensign. This is James Cooper. If we can, we'd like to ask you a few questions. If that's alright.”

“Yes Sir, Mr. Cooper. I can come by your quarters and try to answer any of your questions. I can be there in about twenty minutes. I have to finish something first,” Bowers says, with a cheerful voice.

“Okay. We'll be there,” James finishes, releasing the button.

Looking at Amanda, he says, “Well, the hard part is done. Shall we go?”

“Okay, Dad. I guess I'm ready,” Amanda says, taking James by the hand.

They make there way back to the lift and return to Deck Five. Just as they reach their quarters, Bowers hails them from the opposite direction.

“Yes Mr. Cooper. How may I help you?” Bowers asks politely.

“Well. This is all new to us. I was wondering what we can do, or how we can help, with the journey. I'm good at working with wood, but I can probably do other things just as well. We'd like to do our part. If you can use us,” James explains.

Bowers thinks for a second, then responds, “We don't have any wood working aboard. I can ask my superiors about your intentions and bring back information for you if you desire.”

“That sounds excellent,” James says, smiling. “I'll be waiting to hear back from you.”

Bowers nods and turns to leave. Amanda looks up to James and hints, “What are we going to do while waiting?” A grin appears on her cute face waiting for his answer.

Pressing the button to have the door slide open, James looks down at her. “You win I guess. I don't want to disappoint my daughter.”

Amanda giggles as they enter their quarters already undoing her blouse. Her lean hips sway as she feels her dad's gaze on her. James moans low as he watches the cute ass before him. It's getting more difficult to resist temptation with a perfect ass within eye sight and so easy to reach. The growing hard-on isn't helping either. He closes the distance and playfully swats her ass cheek causing her to yelp and grin back at him. Amanda knows she has his undivided attention.

“You don't scare me, Daddy. I liked that,” Amanda teases. “Hurry. You have to make it up to me. And you owe me.”

“So you said earlier,” James says. “I guess I have to pay up then.”

Amanda walks toward the bed and takes her tight jeans off while James fumbles with his. Turning toward the bed, she spreads her legs a little and bends over to watch her father undress through her legs.

“Damn, Amy. You are one hot girl,” James stammers. “You've got the most beautiful ass I've ever seen.”

“I'm all yours, Daddy,” Amanda promises. “I really want you. I feel happy with you,” she adds, as her face starts turning red with the blood filling her head.

James steps close to her and bends down, kissing his daughter's upturned ass. Her giggles cease as James' tongue licks her alluring little anus. Moans escape her with each lick. The blood rushing to her head, along with his tongue, cause her to feel dizzy. She straightens up and climbs on the bed. Face down and ass up, James steps up to please her once more. His tongue tickles her private hole, swirling his tongue and spitting on his target, he begins to tongue fuck her. Amanda sighs and submits to her father. Moisture forms between the folds of her pussy. She has the best dad in the world. There's no way the other girls at school get treated like this. Maybe that Jenny Larson wouldn't be such a bitch if she did.

James takes her hips in hand and flips her on her back. Knowing what's next, Amanda opens and spreads her legs wide. She smiles as her dad lays between her legs and moves close. Leaning in, James puts his arms under her legs and buries his face in his fourteen year old daughter's cunt. His arms hold her in place when her ass tries to raise up off the bed. God she loves when he controls her like this. It makes her want more from him. Amanda is thrilled with her father's touches.

James raises up and moves to line his cock up with to the slit between her legs. At her opening, he rubs his dick through her juices and gently presses forward. Amanda groans when he enters her pussy. Her body quakes with anticipation. With a serious look on her face, she holds her eyes open. She looks into his eyes as he sinks slowly into her. James's intense gaze sends wanting desire throughout her body. Nobody can look at her like that and not share her love that she feels for him. The head enters and stretches her wide. James pulls back until just the tip is inside. Slowly, it sinks back in going deeper. Managing half a smile, their eyes remain locked on one another.

The next time he sinks deeper, her ass coming up to meet his thrust. They continue to move like this until James' cock is as deep as it it going to go. He is nestled against her cervix. It is almost painful, but extremely satisfying. James withdraws and sinks in again. He starts a slow rhythm in and out of her tight little cunt. She can hear the sound of him sloshing through her wetness. It's embarrassing, but oh so sexy sounding. Long full strokes delve into her. Each stroke driving the excitement in her. Amanda wants it to last forever.

“Daddy,” Amanda squeaks. “Yes Daddy! You make me so happy. Don't stop.”

Amanda is having trouble keeping her eyes open to look at her dad. But the sensations are fantastic. She moans louder as the dick inside her continues to pummel her. Her hands grab at James' arms as he drives her towards her approaching orgasm. James' cock slams into her cunt with more force. Amanda releases his arms, letting them fall to the bed. Her hands quickly grab at the sheets, gathering them in her small fists.

“I need you. Please Daddy. Yesssss!” Amanda's excitement tears at her core being. How can anybody say this is wrong? Nothing this good could ever be wrong. Her legs wrap around James, pulling him into her. Amanda's arm raise up and circle his back. Her fingernails dig into his skin, nearly drawing blood. They stab. They scratch. Amanda is unaware of the savage treatment she is plaguing upon her father. Her body twists from side to side. Her orgasm is fast approaching. James drives into her as her breathing becomes more erratic and fleeting.

Amanda's body tenses and quivers as her orgasm over takes her. Her self awareness leaves her as it rocks through her. The tiny pussy squeezes tight on James' cock, sending him on his own release. Amanda is aware of him flooding her depths with spurt after spurt of his hot seed. It causes her to once again lose control. Her second orgasm sends her soaring through the heavens. Her father's cum fills her, as their bodies share the moment of lust.

Amanda's arms fall to the bed. Her body wracked into delirium. She gasps for breath, unable to get enough air. “Daddy,” she pants. James lay atop her, his cock buried deep in her cunt. Her arms circle his neck, holding her father tight to her.

“Oh Daddy,” Amanda says, with quiet sobs. “That was so good.”

James brushes a kiss across her lips. Then another on her bare neck. Amanda's dad can't get enough of the closeness they shared. His dick begins to slowly lose its rigidness. Their combined cum seeps from Amanda's pussy, running down the crack of her tight ass. Slowly he pulls out of her, allowing the cum to flow out. It feels like a river as it leaves her sexy little cunt. James lays beside her, drawing her near. The bond between them strengthens with each new day. Overwhelmed from the fucking she has just received, she drifts into a deep slumbering state.

Can their bond grow any stronger? Only time will tell. But, what is time?

  • * *

The sound of an ominous siren brings James from his slumber. Still groggy, he realizes it's a warning siren. He quickly rises and notices their surroundings. It seems to be a Shabby room. They're not on the spaceship any more.

“Oh boy,” he states. “It happened again.”

The room appears to be early twentieth century. He can hear yells and worried voices coming from outside. He crosses the room to the window to peer out from the side of the window. James can see older cars and people out on the street below. The cars look to be from around the thirties, if he's judging correctly. He goes back to the bed and grabs his clothes. He leans down and shakes Amanda out of her sleep.

“Amy? Amy. Wake up Baby. We've got to get outside,” James urges his daughter calmly. Far more calm than he's feeling.

“What's wrong, Dad?” Amanda asks, taking in the room. “It did it again, huh?”

“I'm afraid so. But the sirens seem urgent. We need to find out fast what's going on,” James explains.

Amanda jumps out of bed and grabs her clothes. She and James quickly dress. Despite her jeans being so tight, she dresses in record time. The dried cum on her ass goes unnoticed. They rush to the door, slinging it open and find the stairs. Out on the street, James stops a man rushing by.

“What's going on?” James asks him.

“It's a German air raid. They're probably going to bomb London again, but we aren't all that far away. So it's probably just a precaution. The shelter is this way,” the man tells them, in a heavy British accent.

James and Amanda follow him down the street of the town to a five story building. It has a deep basement with reinforced walls. Inside, they find an empty corner and sit with others gathered there. Eventually the sound of many planes can be heard overhead. There's no sound of explosions, so they sit quietly holding one another.

“I'm scared Dad,” Amanda says, stating her concern. “Are we going to be okay? I wish we were where we're supposed to be.”

“I think we'll be okay. We have to wait and see. That man didn't think we were in too much danger. And I have to agree with you,” James says, in a voice he hopes is calming.

An official looking man comes in their part of the basement and asks for quiet. “The planes have gone over us. They are dropping bombs on London now. They don't have any reports yet, so stand by. We'll stay here until given the 'All Clear'. Someone will be bringing food and water shortly. I'm sure most have not eaten at this hour,” The Official says, reassuringly.

“I wasn't hungry until he said that,” Amanda says. “I hope it's good.”

“I hope it's something we're used to,” James says, chuckling. “I've heard of some of the things they eat over here.”

Amanda looks up at her dad with a nervous smile. It can't be all that bad, can it? Well, at least they won't be serving monkey or anything like that. Fear, concern, worry join her thoughts of food. It sounds like they're in England during World War Two, as near as she can guess. When will all this end? How will all this end? She just wants to be home and in her own time. How? And why, are they going through all this?

“I'm so glad you're here with me, Daddy. I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't here,” Amanda says, quietly.

“I'm happy we're together too, not that I know what to do either. I'm just thankful you're safe,” James says, leaning to kiss the top of her head.

Carts are pushed in bearing food. One has buckets of clean water and cups for drinking. They stand in line waiting their turn. Finally, Amanda and James are served food by a server dishing food on their plates. It doesn't look half bad. Thick slices of bread, scrambled looking eggs, links of sausage, which are thicker than they're used to. Returning to their corner, they sit on the floor of the basement and begin eating with gusto. Amanda is hungrier then she had realized.

“They seem really nice here,” Amanda says, between mouthfuls of food. Taking a drink of the water, she washes it down. “They don't even know us. We studied this war in school, but they never really said anything about the people. If we get home, I hope I remember them,” she finishes.

“They never consider normal every day people when teaching at school. I can see that it's a true disservice. It would be nice to remember everyone we've come across through all this. Though we can only talk about it to ourselves. No one would ever believe us,” James cautions.

Amanda giggles as she says, “I sure wouldn't believe it if someone told be either.”

After eating, they place their plates with all the other dirty plates on the cart. They fill their cups with more water and take their seat on the floor once again. Amanda and James sit in the eerie silence waiting for the Officials to tell them it's safe to go out. It doesn't take too long.

Another siren blares a long mournful wail. “Alright everyone. That's the 'All Clear'. You can now return to what you were doing,” the Official announces.

James and Amanda stand slowly and filter to the outside behind the others. The night air smells of a gunpowder odor. They walk back to the building they had been in before the raid. There aren't many lights to see by, but there's enough. Climbing the stairs, they walk down the hall to the room they had been in. The door hadn't been shut in their haste to exit. Which is good, since James doesn't have a key.

“Well that was fun,” James says, in a snide voice. “I don't even know what time it is.”

“I heard someone saying it was just after midnight,” Amanda offers. “But I'm too hyped up to go back to sleep right now.”

“Yeah. Me too,” James responds. “There's no TV or anything. So I guess we have to just talk.”

Amanda is already halfway undressed. Her blouse is beside the bed and her jeans are bunched around her knees. Her bare ass faces James, rendering him speechless. They jeans lay on the floor beside her blouse and shoes as she turns to her dad. “I guess we can talk, if you want to,” Amanda says, cheerily. Her sly smile beaming towards James. She walks over and hugs her dad tight. “I like being naked for you. Your eyes look awesome when you look at me.”

“Probably because you look like a goddess when you're naked. You are so beautiful,” James declares.

“I like when you're naked too,” Amanda hints. “Especially when your dick starts growing when you see me. I really like that.” She places a hand on his cock and feels it twitch inside his pants. James groans with pleasure. Amanda looks up to meet his eyes, and smiles to her father. “Uh oh. It's moving in there. You better let it out.”

“Is that all you think about, Girl?” James asks.

“What are YOU thinking about, Daddy?”

“It's your fault,” her dad answers.

“So what's the problem? We're thinking the same thing. Everybody knows that great minds think alike,” Amanda says, giggling.

James undresses as Amanda stands there watching him. When all his clothes are on the floor, she turns toward the bed intending to lay on top of it so her father can ravish her. She almost makes it. But James catches her by the hip holding her in place before him. He gently nudges her forward, having her bend over the bed. Amanda spreads her legs slightly and moans when she fells his fingers slide through her slit from behind. Her juices are already flowing from within as she has been anticipating the fucking her dad is about to bestow on her. When James feels how wet she is, he steps closer behind the cute little ass. His cock presses against her opening and slowly enters Amanda. Louder moans escape her as her father's dick sinks deeper into her pussy. James pulls completely out before sinking his cock into her again.

Satisfied that his cock is wet enough, James pulls out and presses against that sweet little hole in her ass. “That's not my... ohhhhhhh!” she groans, as the head of James' dick pops into her. Giving her time to adjust to his girth, James holds steady. Reaching around her, his fingers find Amanda's clit. The massaging action on her has the desired effect and calms her muscles squeezing the life out of his cock.

“Shhh. It's okay baby. Relax,” James says, soothingly.

Withdrawing some, James pushes forward. The head of his dick sinks a little further into her. Massaging her clit with one hand, he places the other on her back. Painstakingly slow, he pushes in. Amanda's moans let him know that she is not in distress. Her ass hole stretches to take in the huge cock. James gives her short easy strokes at first. The more her ass let's him in, the deeper he goes. Finally, his pubic bone presses against the cheeks of her ass. He's all the way in. He presses against her once again and holds still. His cock twitches inside while she gets used to taking his whole length.

James eases back, drawing his rod out of her. He delves back into the pretty ass. With long, full strokes, he slowly fucks Amanda's ass It's unbelievably tight on him. Her moans grow louder as her body becomes more accepting to the phallic intruder.

“That's it, Baby. Relax and enjoy it. You're ass is too pretty not to fuck it,” James says, softly.

“Daddy,” Amanda moans in response. She offers no resistance against this new encounter. It is actually starting to feel pretty good. Giving herself to her father, Amanda stays bent over the bed, the rigid cock inside her ass bringing her towards an orgasm. She had heard about anal sex, but she has never known anyone that has done it. Now her father is fucking her ass. Amanda moans again when James begins to give her faster strokes. She feels like she needs to go to the bathroom, but that sensation is waning. To look into her father's eyes would be wonderful, but like this, she feels delightfully... naughty.

The pounding of the dick in her ass, along with the finger diddling her clit is bringing her closer to her release. Amanda can tell it's going to be a damn good one too. The thought of her dad filling her ass with his cum thrills her. She has grown more wanton with him in the past few days. And she's proud of it. James starts driving into her ass, bringing her ever closer to a well deserved ending. Amanda's body vibrates and tenses. Suddenly, she goes rigid as her climax hits her. The tight little ass squeezes James' cock. She barely notices the feeling of the warm cum filling her. She screams into the mattress when her own glorious climax overtakes her. Amanda soars in rapture while the sperm laden cum fills her. James drives into her despite the increasing tightness surrounding his member. His own grunts drown out the muffled screams his daughter is emitting. Spent, he lays across her back. Amanda collapses to the bed with the extra weight. They lay there, unable to move. Sated for the moment there isn't a need to move.

James starts to pull out as his cock begins to shrink. The blood returning to other parts of his body.

“Damn Daddy. That was way better than I expected,” Amanda says, in a long drawn out sigh. “We've got to do that again sometime.”

“I'm sorry, Amy. I didn't mean to fuck you so hard,” James whispers at her ear.

“You don't owe me an apology at all. That was amazing,” Amanda reassures him. “I just need to lay here for a minute. Or two,” she adds.

James' cum slowly oozes from her ass. The feeling of his seed excites her. Amanda has now had it deposited in all three of her holes. A smile crosses her face when she thinks of it. A long slow sigh escapes. Her father is truly fantastic.

“Before you fall asleep, we need to get you cleaned up,” James tells her. “We didn't clean up after the last time. You're a mess,” he adds, jokingly.

“But I like your cum on or in me,” Amanda whines.

James smacks Amanda's ass and takes her hand. “Come on. We can take a shower together, I hope.”

The tub in their bathroom is clean, but dingy with age. Amanda begrudgingly follows him. James adjusts the water, allowing it to warm up. He steps into the spray behind Amanda. The water is warm and soothing. Taking the piece of soap from the dish, James lathers Amanda, paying special attention to her well used private parts. Amanda places her hands on the wall in front of her and leans forward. She moans deep, enjoying her dad's caressing hands on her body.

“I hope this is real, Daddy. I don't know what real is any more, but I hope our time together is real,” Amanda says, softly. “I want to keep doing this with you. No matter where, or when, we end up.”

“I don't think I can stop loving you now, even if I tried,” James whispers in her ear. “It's not because you're so sexy and tight either. You have become everything to me now.”

Amanda turns to face James. Her arms wrap around him in a desperate embrace. Turning her head and resting it on his chest, Amanda says, “You are everything to me too. You're still my dad, but it's more than that now.”

The warm water is short lived. James turns the water off and they step out of the tub and dry each other off. The somber moment is gone for the moment. Amanda giggles when drying James' balls and dick. She gently caresses them within the towel in her hands. Satisfied that it is dry, she leans down and kisses the tip of the cock that has brought her such pleasure. It's not every fourteen year old girl that can say her father's a great fuck.. It's up to her friends to find this joy on their own. Amanda is keeping her own dad to herself.

“I think I can sleep now,” Amanda says, walking towards the bed. Laying down upon the bed, she snuggles close to her father. “At least we know how the war turns out.”

“Yeah. But we better not say anything about that,” James responds. “We'll have to keep that to ourselves. People will think we're crazy.”

“I can't tell them how happy my butt is either,” Amanda says, giggling softly. “You surprised me with that.”

“I didn't plan it, but I've been watching your ass and couldn't pass up the chance,” James answers.

“I'm glad you did it. Now you'll have to do it again,” Amanda promises.

“My daughter, the slut,” James says, jokingly. “I'd love to have your ass again. As well as your mouth and cunt.” James leans over to kiss his daughter good night. Or at least what's left of it. Amanda lays there quietly, waiting for sleep to come. She's pretty tired, but leery about falling asleep. They only rush to a different time period when they're asleep. Staying awake seems to be much safer.

On the brink of sleep, a strange thought crosses Amanda's mind; 'What is Time?'.

  • * *

Amanda's mind slowly comes awake. Nestled up tight against her father, she doesn't want to move. She feels so safe and warm next to him like this. It's a wonderful feeling. She wishes she could have slept with him long before they became intimate. But so very happy that they do now. The room has a bad smell to it this morning. It's really musty and damp smelling. Refusing to raise her head up just yet, she buries her face into her father's side. It feels too good this morning to open her eyes and find out that they've traveled in time again. So she lays there in silence. Not being able to take it anymore, she raises her head and looks around the room. Room? It looks more like a small hut. She shakes her dad awake while staring at their surroundings.

“What's wrong, Baby,” James asks, coming out of a deep sleep.

“I think we did it again, Dad,” Amanda says cautiously.

James wildly looks around in a quick search of their new predicament. “Oh boy,” he says, with a dreadful tone.

Amanda gets slowly out of bed and walks to the window. Throwing the shutters open, she peers out to see... a castle? Yes. Off in the distance she can see a castle perched on the top of a hill. There's a lake nearby.

“Dad!” Amanda exclaims. “There's a castle over there. What are we supposed to do now?”

James joins her at the window and looks toward the castle she is pointing at. “It looks really old. From here it looks abandoned. I don't know what to make of it.”

“I wonder how far away it is. Maybe they won't know we're here. I've always wanted to see a real castle, but not like this,” Amanda's anxiousness sounding in her voice.

“I just hope they're friendly. I'd hate to get us into a feudal war,” James surmises. “Wherever we are, it looks like we have a garden outside. We need to see what we have and fix some breakfast. Then we can figure something out.”

James and Amanda pick their rumpled clothes off the floor and shake them out before putting them on. Opening the door, James looks around before stepping outside. “Apparently we're alone out here. I don't see anyone around. Let's see what we can find to eat.”

There's a variety of vegetables in the garden. Some are above ground, the others look to be root vegetables. She recognizes the turnips growing at the far side. They have them at their own cabin. Seeing a spade leaning against a tree, she walks over to retrieve it. James finds some carrots and pulls a few from the ground. Digging up six turnips, Amanda sets them by the carrots. Discovering some peas, James snaps some pods from their stalks. It's not what he would like for breakfast, but it will get the job done.

They carry the vegetables to the well and James pulls a bucket of water up that has clear water in it. After washing the vegetables, they carry them inside. Finding a crude pot, James takes it to the well to fill it with water. Amanda has found a knife that is surprisingly sharp and is cutting their take from the garden. Putting them all in the pot, James hangs it over the fire he has built. Now they just have to wait.

“Well, it's not IHOP, but we won't starve,” James jokes.

“Very funny, Dad,” Amanda says in reproach. “If I have Creative Writing again this year, I'll have something to write about. If we are able to get back where we belong.”

“I hope we do too,” James laments. “But I have no way of knowing when that will be.”

Amanda decides to straighten up the hut a bit. Nothing major, she just wants it to look somewhat better. The sound of a wagon sounds outside and she goes to the window to look out. It's not a wagon but a cart drawn by a lone horse.

“Dad? Someone's here I think,” Amanda calls to her dad.

“I'll go out and see what they want. Hopefully it's not whoever lives here,” James tells her, with nervous trepidation.

Stepping outside, James waits for the cart to draw near. Not sure what to say, he just goes with his gut, “Welcome.”

“Thank you. You wouldn't be able to spare a meal, would you? I have some mead to offer if you can,” the stranger says.

“Yes, we can share what we've got,” James says.

The stranger reaches into the back of the cart to retrieve a jug of his mead and brings it to the door. “I'm very thankful. I didn't know anyone lived out this way any more. Not since the castle was abandoned anyway. I'm Geoffrey,” the stranger says by way of introduction.

“Our breakfast should be about ready, so come on in,” James offers, leading the man inside. “We haven't been here very long. For now it's our home. This is my daughter Amanda.”

Geoffrey nods his head and passes her the jug of mead. Amanda takes it, setting it on the table. Looking through the sideboard, she finds some cups and places them by the mead. While she ladles food into wooden bowls, Geoffrey pours three cups of mead.

They sit around a sturdy table and begin to eat the food she has prepared. After a moment, she picks up the cup and sniffs its contents. She's never had anything like mead before. Looking to her father, who just nods his head, she takes a small sip. Her nose wrinkles up and she shakes her head. How do they drink this stuff? James stifles a laugh when he sees her face.

James tries his and offers her the same face. He's had mead, but nothing like this. Amanda gives him a knowing smile.

Turning to Geoffrey, James asks, “We don't get around much, are there other abandoned castles like this?”

“There's a few,” Geoffrey says. “They are in bad shape and the Lords don't want to come off the pennies to repair them. So they have been abandoned instead. I guess you don't need too many of them after all.”

“I can understand that, I guess. This one looks like it was majestic in its day,” James says, thoughtfully.

“It was, from what I can remember of it. I haven't been this way in a good many years,” Geoffrey tells them. He sits back, patting his stomach. “That was good m'Lady. It did the job of filling the space inside me. I have to be heading on. I've got a ways to go to reach Donnington Castle by nightfall. I'm much obliged. I'll leave the mead with ya in thanks.”

“Well thank you Geoffrey. You can stop by anytime,” James replies, as Amanda takes another drink of the mead. She's not having as much trouble drinking it now.

Geoffrey ducks his head as he steps out from the hut. Amanda can hear the creaking of the cart as he climbs onto it. She looks to James with a grin and a giggle. “This is pretty good once you get used to it,” she says, raising her cup up to her mouth.

“You might want to take it easy on that. It's pretty potent,” James warns.

Amanda giggles again before taking another drink. Sweat forms on her forehead. Warmth continues to flow through her body. She looks up from the mead and Smiles at James with longing forming in her eyes.

“You are looking really good James, “ Amanda says.

Did his daughter just call him James? Where did that come from? “James?” he asks. “Since when did you start calling me James?”

Amanda giggles again and says, “Don't lovers call each other by their names? I like your name. You are pretty sexy.”

“I think I like Dad or Daddy better. I am your father after all,” he responds.

“Okay. I'll just call you Daddy,” Amanda says quietly, her words slurring some. “This mead stuff is good, but it's making me horny.”

“You mean more than usual?” James asks, chuckling.

“I guess so. Will you fuck me? Can I suck your dick?” Amanda pleads, her words slurring more.

“I've never taken advantage of a drunk girl. I don't think I should now either,” James explains.

“But I'm really horny Daddy. You have to help me!” Amanda's pleas growing stronger. “Pleeeeeease?”

James stands and steps over to Amanda, lifting her from her chair. He carries her to the bed and gently sets her down. Fumbling with the buttons, the blouse is soon on the floor. Amanda falls back on the bed and James loosens the tight jeans his daughter is wearing. Working the jeans down her long slender legs, they soon join the blouse on the floor. Pushing her legs apart James moves between them. His breath is hot on the girls pussy. Her over excited cunt is hot and wet.

“I'll help you this time, but don't go to thinking you have to get drunk for my affection,” James says sternly.

“But I didn't know what mead was, Daddy. I didn't know it'd make me horny. And you let me drink it,” Amanda says with drunk reasoning.

“I didn't think you'd actually drink it,” James adds. “Because of that, I'll help you.”

“Hurry up then. I want your dick and your tongue in my pussy. You have to fuck me.” Amanda's admonishes, playfully.

“It seems to give you a potty mouth as well as make you horny,” her father says, chuckling.

James kisses the insides of Amanda's thighs. Her talking ceases as moans replace her words. With two fingers, he spreads her cunt lips apart exposing the hot little hole to the cool air. His tongue slides slowly through her wet slit, sending electric shock waves throughout her body. Amanda grabs the back of her dad's neck pulling him tight to her crotch. One of her legs ends up wrapped around his back. She's unsure of where her other leg is. But she's pretty sure it's still attached to her. Maybe drunk isn't so good after all. James slides a finger into the cunt laid out before him. Amanda's slick cunt has no problem taking the intruder in. She feels it sinking in and then begin to fuck her. Her senses are hyper excited. A second finger joins the first. James quickly flicks his tongue across her clit, her jolting body crying out for more.

Secretions flow from Amanda's pussy as James works her to a frenzy. His fingers fuck her toward a climax, then slowly let her come down before going over the edge. The pearl white of her juices are lapped up before returning to flick her love button. Amanda whimpers her desire. The need inside grows ever stronger as her father lavishes her with his experienced tongue. The fourteen year old rolls from side to side as the pentacle increases. The mead has made her horny, but she has not lost her awareness. A finger of his other hand finds her rear entrance. It works its way inside past her sphincter muscle, the first knuckle popping through.

James finger fucks her pussy and beautiful ass in tandem while licking her clit. Determined not to be denied again of a glorious climax, Amanda tries to show no signs of her building rapture. In her drunken state, James can easily see it. But he decides to show her mercy. Amanda groans as her impending climax builds to new heights.

“Ohhhhh,” Amanda groans. The sloppy sounds from the finger fucking is getting to her. Her father is the one doing this to her. “Daddy,” she whimpers.

With a sudden fury, Amanda screams as her body succumbs to her climax. Her body jolts and thrashes as the powerful orgasm takes control. Hands pull James' head tighter. Her ass pushes up against his face. A second scream escapes her when another orgasm overtakes her before the first has ended. Holding her breath, Amanda rides it out. Her face contorts in ecstasy. Gasping for breath, Amanda pants rapidly as the peak of the orgasm subsides. Falling to the bed, she lays there, her body still twitching.

Amanda lays there quietly, her head spinning from the mead and the climax. The young teen's body has been well used by her father for several days now. Days? Years? They've been from spaceship to medieval, so who knows?

James lays beside Amanda, drawing her near. Her body drained, she just wants to rest a minute. Then she'll get her dad to fuck her.

The early morning sunlight shining in her eyes through the open shutters, wakes Amanda from her sleep. When she starts to raise her head, she suddenly decides against it. Her head doesn't hurt, but it feels abnormally heavy. Feeling James beside her she slowly turns to face him. He looks so peaceful laying there asleep. Confusion clouds her mind when she tries to recall the night before. Morning sun? Did she sleep the whole day and night too? Remembering the orgasm her dad had given her brings a smile to her face. That was amazing, but they all have been great. Looking down her father's body, she sees that he is naked and has a nice hard-on. It's standing proud waiting for her.

Amanda moves slowly, not wanting to jar her head. Moving closer, she kisses the tip of his magnificent cock. She giggles inwardly when it twitches. Holding it in one hand she licks the underside of her dad. Another kiss and she opens her mouth, taking in the purple bulbous head. She closes her mouth around it and gently sucks. He must have been dreaming of her when she tastes the drop of precum leaking from the slit. James stirs slightly, her head starting to bob on the phallic member. She spits on the tip before taking him in again. The head of the cock pushes at the back of her throat as Amanda swallows more into her eager mouth. She had passed out before getting to him yesterday, and she's not finished with him yet.

She turns to look at her dad's face when his hand rested on her head. She tries smiling at him while she continues to suck. Feeling better now, her head bobs faster on her father's dick. There's no doubt in her mind that he is enjoying her. James smiles at her, her heart flutters. Drool escapes her lips each time her head comes up. Removing the cock from her mouth, she smiles at her dad. “Your turn,” Amanda says, playfully before swallowing him in again.

“Good morning, Baby,” James says. “I take it you're still horny? How do you feel?”

“I feel fine now,” Amanda says, after taking the cock from her mouth. “I am still horny. I didn't get any cum from you. And now I'm going to.” She engulfs his cock again with passion. The feel and taste of it is exquisite in the early morning. Her dad's cock feels even harder now that he's awake. Her pride tells her that she's the reason for it getting harder. It seems fair enough. He makes her wetter than she ever had been before. Since taking her innocence, Amanda has been willing to share herself with her father anytime, anyplace. And that's a gift she wishes she could give him over and over again. She swirls her tongue around the head and wants to giggle as her father moans grow louder. Precum leaks onto her tongue. She pushes his foreskin over the head and sticks her tongue inside the newly formed hideaway. Taking him in, she strokes with her mouth and hand. James is leaking copious amounts of the sweet tasting precum for her. He must be getting really excited. Amanda is looking forward to this special breakfast. She wanted it yesterday and is hell bent on getting it this morning.

“Well I was pretty excited myself when you passed out, so you better be ready. I'm not going to last long if you keep sucking my cock,” James tells Amanda.

“Good. I want you to feel good,” Amanda says, smiling.

Caressing her dad's balls with one small hand, she grips his cock with the other, stroking him up and down. Hearing her father's moans spurs her on. “Do you like this Daddy?” she asks, playfully. Amanda swallows James' dick again and sucks him harder. It feels at home in her mouth. Another sweet drop of precum leaks onto her tongue for her to enjoy. Her head bobs up and down on his cock with each stroke touching the back of her throat. James' groans grow louder. Amanda's low guttural moan adds a new element of erotic pleasure as the sound resonates across the head of his cock. James lays his hand on the top of her head once again. Amanda loves the feel of his gentle touch while she works the hard flesh in and out of her mouth.

“Amy,” James softly says with a drawn out groan. Amanda bobs her head faster, bringing her father closer to his release. The balls in her hand tighten and the head begins to swell. Reaching the point of no return, the cock erupts into her mouth. Hot thick sperm quickly fills her mouth. Amanda swallows just as another spurt spews out. It's all Amanda can do to keep up. After three huge spurts and two smaller ones, James is spent. Only a few dribbles coat her tongue. Satisfied she has gotten all she's going to get for now, she swallows the last of the cum.

“Now you're all better too, Daddy,” Amanda states, cheerfully. “I'm sorry I didn't take care of you before.”

“God, that was good, Amy,” James praises. “You're a true cock sucker.”

Amanda beams with joy with the praise from her father. She is happy that she can please him like this. Even him calling her a cock sucker pleases her.

“Drinking the mead was fun, but it makes me really tired,” Amanda says. “I don't think I'll drink so much next time.”

Amanda lays on the bed beside her father. James takes her in one arm, drawing her near. Her head doesn't hurt, but it has left her brain feeling muddled. Maybe a nap will clear her head. Laying her head against James' chest, she closes her eyes. Yeah, just enough time for a nap. But what is time?

  • * *

Amanda stirs awake feeling refreshed. It doesn't mean she wants to move though. Placing a hand on James' chest, she pushes herself to a sitting position. Looking around, everything seems normal. Then it dawns on her. Normal. They're in their cabin in New Hampshire. But are they where they're supposed to be? Getting off the bed, she crosses to the window. Her lithe young body feeling relaxed. Looking out the window, she can see the other cabins in the distance. Right where they're supposed to be. It must be over. Whatever 'it' was.

“Daddy!” Amanda exclaims. “Come quick. We're back.”

James opens his eyes and sees his naked daughter by the window. He rolls to the side of the bed and stands. Strolling to join her at the window, his flaccid cock sways.

“We need to get dressed and get outside and look around. But it does seem we're back to normal,” James says.

Each opting for a fresh clothes, they both dress quickly. Amanda dons another pair of tight jeans and a halter top. James goes for jeans and tee shirt. With shoes tied, they step out of their cabin and into the yard.

“I don't know what happened, but it looks sure enough we're back,” James says.

Was it a dream? Did they go through different times? Did he really fuck Amanda? She was naked and unashamed just a moment ago. That part must have been real.

“Amy? I...”

“Yes Daddy. We really fucked. I can still feel it,” Amanda says, interrupting her dad. She had been having the same thought, so she knew what he was about to say. “Please don't stop. I want to do it with you many more times. I don't want to go through time again, but I really want you in me more.”

“I was afraid that had been a dream,” James says, softly. “I don't see why we can't continue. We have grown so close. It would hurt to have to end it all.”

Amanda turns to James and places her arms around her dad. Hugging him tight, she whispers, “Yes. It would hurt me if we couldn't do that anymore. I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, kiddo,” James says honestly. “Let's sit on the deck and enjoy being back where we belong.”

Sitting on the deck, James reaches into the cooler and produces a beer for himself. Unscrewing the lid, he takes a long swig of his favorite beer. It goes down smoothly.

“Can I have one?” Amanda asks hopefully.

“With everything we've been through, I don't see why not,” James tells her. “Hopefully it's better than that mead.”

Amanda takes the beer offered to her and twists the top. She sniffs the open bottle before taking a sip. “It is much better,” She professes, after swallowing. “I can get used to this.”

“Don't get too used to it. I'm not letting you have too many of them,” James warns.

“I didn't think so. But I can have one sometimes,” Amanda says cautiously. “I'm glad it's over. Do you want me to fix us dinner? I'm hungry and it looks like the sun is going down now.”

“Excellent idea. I think even simple old burgers are going to taste like gourmet after all that,” James says, standing to go into the cabin. It's been a summer vacation they'll never forget.

Retrieving his phone, he taps it to see the time. With no signal, it's just an expensive clock out here. The time is just after four in the afternoon.

But what is time?