User talk:Elerneron

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 20:13, 9 October 2016 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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Yet again, you come up with another incredibly enticing subject to write for. I'll probably dip my hand in to this Life Hacks story at some later time once you have flush it out a little more first. Eager to see where that goes. The OP is always able to do that job better. (as you have probably seen, my own stories tend to go a lot slower toward sex scenes when I am the OP Vs. when I write for someone else's story.) Jemini (talk) 19:56, 25 September 2016 (CEST)

I have to agree, you have some great starts to stories, and it's a shame when they get abandoned. I like the premise of Life Hack, but I also really like TWAWKI and Generations. Unfortunately, about the best I can do for contributions is request story paths I'd like to read. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 16:40, 26 September 2016 (CEST)

Yeah, I don't like giant freak outs either. Some movies like to over-state reactions for the sake of theatrics, but that is not in any way realistic. You would think writing is a place where they can try for a more realistic reaction, but some poorer writers think less about what is realistic and more about imitating what they see in movies, and it winds up just sounding even more dorky in writing where it just manages to pass in movies. Personally, I try to imitate life rather than art. (Oh, and same to you about deleting from the conversation. It would help me though to keep the most recent paragraph, it just helps my mind to re-focus. Jemini (talk) 12:51, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

Made one more tweak to the attributes. Added "fertility" as a physical attribute. What can be more interesting than the fact that maxing it out has now given him super sperm that can probably impregnate every girl in a swimming pool if he ejaculates into it (probably not, but point is he has verile sperm,) what can be more interesting about this is the prospect of altering a girl's fertility with the mod. Jemini (talk) 16:38, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

For Fear/Trust, I think that is a valuable stat, the only detriment I see is it crowding the windows. I just took a look, it does indeed look a little crowded now. 3 is a perfect number, 4 starts to look crowded, but I think I agree that the benefit outweighs the detriment. As for things like how I put eyesight and fertility in attributes, I figure attributes determines the base potential for those features where traits add additional features, kind of like how I mentioned in there that Xander's eyesight attribute would increase the neural proliferation of rods and cones in his retina witch would allow him to make out sharper detail, but it did nothing to fix his nearsightedness because that is a structural problem with another part of his eye that is governed by traits.

I also figure, with the character write-up, that his mother has a VERY high fertility stat (around 150 or higher) herself, and probably still does right now, but similar to Xander's nearsightedness the fact that she has her tubes tied prevents this from being realized. For male fertility, it would probably raise the motility (swimming speed) and viability (life-span) of sperm, as well as spermatoblast proliferation of the testicals. It would not, however, increase the size of the testicals. (doing so by adjusting traits would have a multiplying factor on sperm production together with the high fertility trait.) I figure 100 is average, and there is probably a multiplying factor as it gets further out toward the edges. The average is 3 day life span for sperm, and 3 days to reach the falopian tubes. Xander's sperm at 200 probably have 1 day to reaching the falopian tubes and somewhere between a 6-12 day life span, meaning his semen would only need to be in contact with the moist outside of a girl's slit in order to get her pregnant assuming she is ovulating. For females, it would determine implantation viability and rate of miscarriages. In other words, how hospitable the uterus is to a fertilized egg cell (or, at the really low ends, if she ovulates at all.) Obviously, Inga's womb is extremely hospitable beings it had a successful implatation despite the use of birth control (witch I assume she did use properly beings she was the one who took issue with getting pregnant.) So, the effect of women having a higher fertility stat is that birth control doesn't work for them. Other things like percocious puberty and twinning rates (that is probably a good term for it) would be determined by traits. (So, Xander could set Kizzie's fertility to max but she would not get pregnant if the precocious puberty trait is not also turned on, assuming that is even viable.) Jemini (talk) 22:13, 9 October 2016 (CEST)