Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Diya purpose/Mary/Check/Diya?/Diya/And more

From All The Fallen Stories
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Well, they both admitted to liking the idea of marrying you, and it would probably be the fastest way to get Mary out of her house. However, you are not just going to leave it at that.

"Alright, I will help you girls out. But first, does Mary have any brothers or sisters?"

"Umm... she has a bunch of younger sisters. She's the oldest." Diya volunteers.

"Is your mother nasty like that with them too?" You direct your question at Mary specifically this time.

"Yeah, she is." She responds and then avoids your gaze.

"I would like to find a way to try and help them as well. If you really want to get married though, that could be a way to get you out of your parents' house as soon as today, you won't have to go home after school if we go with that plan. So, what do you want to do? Do you still want to get married? I will definitely see what I can do to get you out of your mother's house even if you don't want to."

"Mmm..." Mary whimpers and then nods her head without ever looking at you. "Y... yeah! I want to get married!"

"Are you sure? You know this is going to mean you will have to have sex with me too. That's just what husbands do with their wives."

"Sex? That's... Ok, yeah! That's fine. I'll have to do it if I was marrying anyone else, right? And, Diya says it feels good if you do it with a nice man." She starts to turn bright red at this and seems like she is trying to hide inside her own shoulders. However, she definitely has a very big grin on her face.

Well then... The only question now is whether or not you are marrying Diya too. Even if you are not, she wanted to have sex with you and missing the start of class was meant to be her excuse to get fixed with that punishment.