A World of Cubby Sex/Male cub/Lion/Red

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You're frozen in place, what stares at you from the limo is a beautiful maiden, her fur is a beautiful red and an onyx black. She's gazing at you with her icicle blue eyes. She seems to be scanning you, though you can tell she has no hostile intent, "Hi... i am a friend of your mothers... I-I didn't want to believe it, but she said I could find you here... please, get in." Enamored by her beauty, you get in, drooling slightly. She chuckles at you as your erection is showing. She slides over and tucks it away, "I cant imagine why you family would do such a thing to you, you are just so damn cute, I know your temper, I was your wet nurse after all... You know what, fuck that bitch, do you want to live with me?"