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Please feel free to give feedback on the site here.
=Main Page Revamp=
I am planning to redesign the main page, and would like the community contribute their ideas of what they would want the main page to be, and do.  Here are some ideas that I'm toying with:
* Top Links remain, but are turned into buttons, and prettied up a bit.
* A "News" section to alert visitors about current stories being written, changes to the wiki, etc.
* Possibly a seasonal story competition . . . I could afford to give out an award four time a year without any issues.  Would this be fun?
* The normal sections on wiki use and story formatting, cleaned up and made pretty.
*  Maybe a section specifically for writing guides?
Anyone have any other ideas, or feedback on the ones I just posited?
: --[[User:Elerneron|Elerneron]] ([[User talk:Elerneron|talk]]) 10:47, 30 June 2021 (UTC)
Since I imagine most of the users on this wiki being readers rather than writers (and fellow writers also being readers in their own right) I'd say that anything that helps users find new stories to read easier is a plus. "News" section would therefore be a nice addition to main page, perhaps to replace "basic formatting rules", "advanced formatting" etc. They're all already [[Format_Rules|here]] so a big, noticeable link on a main page to potential contributiors should be enough? Competitions might also be fun to try, maybe start with one to see how much interest there is, and also to get more content on the site. Maybe have a section of their own for them? I don't really have any ideas of my own, but there's my two cents on sugestions above. [[User:Innocent Ruin|Innocent Ruin]] ([[User talk:Innocent Ruin|talk]]) 14:51, 1 July 2021 (UTC)
Revamping the main page is going to be great for navigation. I like the seasonal story idea as well. I don't know if it's possible, but maybe some general polls for fun on the main page could help with user participation and activity. --[[User:Green|Green]] ([[User talk:Green|talk]]) 04:22, 20 August 2021 (UTC)

== Winter Coding ==
Also, if you need any help with that or css I can do a little. An example of CSS I've done is [[Alexander the Babysitter/Ling Morin at the Arcade|here]] compared to the original [[Alexander_the_Babysitter/Ling_Morin|here]]. --[[User:Green|Green]] ([[User talk:Green|talk]]) 04:29, 20 August 2021 (UTC)
Hey, I have looked through the coding Wiki in order to try and figure out how to use flags and conditional statements. I can't make heads or tails of it. If anyone manages to figure it out, please share. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 03:46, 20 October 2015 (CEST)

Yes, Winter coding is not working currently. Iratu was looking at the problem, and hasn't gotten back to me yet. It may have to wait until the original creators update the software to the current version of MediaWiki. --[[User:Elerneron|Elerneron]] ([[User talk:Elerneron|talk]]) 06:48, 20 October 2015 (CEST)
Another idea could be raffling off branches of old or existing stories. What I mean is there are quite a few pending requests that users want to read, but nobody is currently writing them either due to author not being available or even just lack of awareness (some branches are difficult to get to and get back to). We could maybe have a featured story and authors could submit their versions of the page in, say, the discussion page or another page entirely. Then, users could vote on their favorite, which would then get featured on the page. (Logistically, I think like a cutoff date for entry, say a month, then open voting for 1-2 weeks.) This would be more work, for sure, and I don't know how high participation would be. Just a thought. Edit: This is more frivolous, and I know this isn't the forums, but maybe every user could get 1 "favorite" button a month and use it on their favorite page. Also, maybe a template for the user page for "top 3 favorite stories" can help interaction or at least let other people see who the user is. --[[User:Green|Green]] ([[User talk:Green|talk]]) 16:16, 25 August 2021 (UTC)

== Suggestion: Common Areas ==

Hello, I'm new here so I'm not sure how things work but I see that there are several interesting stories around that haven't been updated for 2 years or more, their authors haven't logged in during all that time either, I have no idea what most of the stories is about and I guess the hotcodes are enough for people who just want to read the sex scenes but there's a lot of information that is missing and would be nice to know.
I thought I’d try to resurrect the conversation about revamping the homepage a bit. I like some of the ideas. Featuring a writer every month could be cool... I think I just got a vauge idea, but I want to mock it up in the sandbox and get feedback. --[[User:Hgcollins|Hgcollins]] ([[User talk:Hgcollins|talk]]) 19:28, 26 June 2023 (UTC)

I don't have the references here but some people have done statistical analysis on user retention at Wikipedia (with an automated bot checking millions of users over a few years) and they found out that the best predictor (out of everything they analyzed) of whether or not an user will still be active 30 days after joining is receiving a welcome message, even if automated, community interaction basically.

Now, I know [[User:Elerneron|Elerneron]] has been sending welcome messages for years but, after those first 30 days, users here create stories, pours hours trying to make something people will like and yet for most of them there's no feedback whatsoever. I haven't been through it yet but I imagine it feels like producing in a vacuum. I imagine it's natural that over time they'll just wear out and stop, which is what seems to have gone on with many of the stories I've read so far.
== How to create stories ==

What I'd like to propose is a bit like the existing Stories pages (Loli, Shota, Furry, Meta) but less rulefied, a discussion page of sorts, not to replace those but where Users who feel like it can post a short summary of their stories (or others can write them for existing ones), and others might be able to give short reviews below each entry. If the summaries page ends up becoming a popular way to find interesting works then Authors will have an incentive to write their blurbs there and, whilst at it, will come into contact with the work of others and might leave a feedback or two at that, whereas that is currently not being done.
I can edit them but how do i create new ones? Pls help

Other ideas that could be implemented if there is enough interest would be Writing Groups and Reading Groups. The [[A Guide to Writing Interactive Erotica|Writing Guide]] is nice but can't really give "professional" feedback before a story is finished, won't help you end a chapter you've been labouring on for for days on end, won't give you new ideas or a twist you might be looking for, etc. Reading Groups, I imagine, would be the less used and unless readership raises a little would end up scratched but I don't think that's bad per se. Eventually, as those groups grow, different groups might be used at once: a Writing Group for Loli writers, one for Shota, another for Interactive Games or Furries, etc.
== Sidebar "NSFW" ==

PS: Requesting the opinion of all Users active on the last 30 days.
Why is "ATF Booru" in the sidebar listed as "NSFW"? This is an NSFW site, and "All the Fallen" is also NSFW. --[[User:Cum Girl|Cum Girl]] ([[User talk:Cum Girl|talk]]) 07:05, 25 January 2022 (CET)

-- [[User:Imperial|Imperial]] ([[User talk:Imperial|talk]]) 06:12, 11 June 2019 (CEST)
== Copyrights page ==

Will the page [[All_The_Fallen_Stories:Copyrights]] ever be created? It seems like a good idea to have some copyright information about how stories are available on this site. --[[User:Cum Girl|Cum Girl]] ([[User talk:Cum Girl|talk]]) 07:11, 30 March 2022 (CEST)

== Suggestion ==

There is a section on the main ATF site, that is to say on the forum, which is specifically deducted to discussion of these and other stories written by members of our community. Your suggestion while welcome in the spirit in which it was intended, is unnecessary in my personal opinion. On behalf of myself and the others here, thank you for your concern.
Maybe it should be encouraged (or even required for new stories) to list story codes and edit permissions at the top of the first page. My reasoning is that many people, like myself, probably keep an eye on recent changes, and sometimes discover stories that way instead of from the index. And it can be difficult to go back and find the story in the index, assuming the author even remembered to list it, so this would make that information more accessible. --[[User:BraveNudeWorld|BraveNudeWorld]] ([[User talk:BraveNudeWorld|talk]]) 11:47, 6 June 2022 (CEST)

[[User:Claws61821|Claws61821]] ([[User talk:Claws61821|talk]]) 09:17, 11 June 2019 (CEST)
If there was a template that made that look good and convenient and it was added to the instructions then I think that is a good idea. --[[User:Cum Girl|Cum Girl]] ([[User talk:Cum Girl|talk]]) 14:40, 6 June 2022 (CEST)

I'll think about the issue. At this point, a total revamp would be...cumbersome, but I understand the difficulty. --[[User:Elerneron|Elerneron]] ([[User talk:Elerneron|talk]]) 16:08, 6 June 2022 (CEST)

I facepalmed so hard when reading this, guess I should lurk more before trying to do this kind of stuff... My experience with the forums was restricted to pressing F5 on the RP section, I wasn't aware the Authors here were using it.
Create a page with the synopsis of the story, and also have the tags displayed on it. Then, you can add just that page to a specific category "Category:RandomMeta"... with that category, when you click the "Rando meta story", it would give you a random story from the "Meta Stories" category and you can read the synopsis and see if the tags are to your liking.

Still, I just took a quick glance there and it seems many, if not most, current writers here aren't making use of it, which means they probably aren't getting any feedback either which, statistically speaking, doesn't bode well for retention. But if the forums can be used for this kind of thing then yeah, probably better to continue with them rather than duplicate the functionality here from scratch. Thanks. -- [[User:Imperial|Imperial]] ([[User talk:Imperial|talk]]) 12:22, 11 June 2019 (CEST)
You'd also have to add a second category "Random Story", that way, you would be given a random story chosen from all the categories (Straight/Yuri, Yaoi, Fury and Meta) And again, if you don't like to gist of said story, just click the button again.

An example, would be [[Special:RandomInCategory/2T4U|Random page from 2T4U]]

I tend to not use the actual site to be honest, the content and authors I like are here.--[[User:Nervous|Nervous]] ([[User talk:Nervous|talk]]) 16:01, 11 June 2019 (CEST)
--[[User:MrPib|MrPib]] ([[User talk:MrPib|talk]]) 22:40, 6 June 2022 (CEST)

== Spoilers ==

I'm wondering if this Wiki already has a way (other than collapsible elements) to handle spoilers, preferably by blacking out the text (and possibly even images as a bonus) until it was selected/clicked on. I'm not sure if it's compatible with this MW version, but there is an extension for it at
[[User:Dotty|Dotty]] ([[User talk:Dotty|talk]]) 18:45, 21 May 2023 (UTC)
:I made a [[Template:Spoiler|spoiler template]]. It doesn't do images, but other that it works. Hover to reveal, or tap on mobile. {{spoiler|Super secret message.}} I'll put this on your talk page to make sure you see it, but I figured I might as well leave it here as well in case anyone else is interested. --[[User:BraveNudeWorld|BraveNudeWorld]] ([[User talk:BraveNudeWorld|talk]]) 05:25, 22 May 2023 (UTC)
In the list of story categories at the very top of the page, the different links are very close to eachother, and it looks like #-CD-GH-KL-OP-ST-WX-Z is all one link! This could be confusing for some people if they want to find a story and click the wrong spot because they thought it was the same link. It is an easy fix, just add a an extra div, so that it might look like:

Either way, one thing that I suspect won't ever help with user retention is making it harder or impossible to track down new actual content submissions via the Recent Changes page by spamming over 100 separate users' Talk pages with "Come read my suggestion!" in under 24 hours, as possibly blunt as it is for me to say it... Not as frustrating as several hundred combined typographical correction submissions, page blanks, deletions, and moves in the same timespan, though... and I'm probably going to make quite a few people pissy with me for griping about the last 48 or so hours like this. Point I'm trying to get across is to be mindful of how it will impact those other users you're interested in retaining when you consider making any category of bulk quantity submissions to the wiki.--
<div style="width: 100%; display: flex; text-align: center;">
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em; display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
    <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories|Straight and Lesbian Stories]]</div>
    <div style="flex: 1 1; display: flex;">
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/Number - C|#-C]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/D - G|D-G]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/H - K|H-K]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/L - O|L-O]]</div>
    <div style="flex: 1 1; display: flex;">
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/P - S|P-S]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/T - W|T-W]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/X - Z|X-Z]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em;">[[Gay Stories|Gay Male Stories]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em;">[[Furry Stories]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em; display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
    <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories|Meta Stories]]</div>
    <div style="flex: 1 1; display: flex;">
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/Number - C|#-C]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/D - G|D-G]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/H - K|H-K]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/L - O|L-O]]</div>
    <div style="flex: 1 1; display: flex;">
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/P - S|P-S]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/T - W|T-W]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/X - Z|X-Z]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em;">[[Non-English Stories]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em;">[[Nepi Club Directory]]</div>

[[User:Claws61821|Claws61821]] ([[User talk:Claws61821|talk]]) 17:04, 11 June 2019 (CEST)
Instead of:

Boohoo, someone new tried to engage life in a ghost town of content(no disrespect to those cranking things out, there’s just so few), and now I have a problem I can solve by pressing a single button.--[[User:Nervous|Nervous]] ([[User talk:Nervous|talk]]) 19:30, 11 June 2019 (CEST)
<div style="width: 100%; display: flex; text-align: center;">
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em; display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
    <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories|Straight and Lesbian Stories]]</div>
    <div style="flex: 1 1; display: flex;">
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/Number - C|#-C]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/D - G|D-G]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/H - K|H-K]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/L - O|L-O]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/P - S|P-S]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/T - W|T-W]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Straight Stories/X - Z|X-Z]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em;">[[Gay Stories|Gay Male Stories]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em;">[[Furry Stories]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em; display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
    <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories|Meta Stories]]</div>
    <div style="flex: 1 1; display: flex;">
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/Number - C|#-C]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/D - G|D-G]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/H - K|H-K]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/L - O|L-O]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/P - S|P-S]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/T - W|T-W]]</div>
        <div style="flex: 1 1;">[[Meta Stories/X - Z|X-Z]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em;">[[Non-English Stories]]</div>
<div style="flex: 1 1; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: .6em; padding: .4em; margin: .2em;">[[Nepi Club Directory]]</div>

Wow, Nervous, and I thought MY last post was ridiculously spiteful and out of line for rubbing people's faces into specific behavior. Impressive one-upsmanship! For the record, that button has limited remedial practicality that was all but nullified by the chronologically earlier set of bulk submissions which fueled my furor at the spam submissions that ensued; unless you're referencing some button besides that meant to expand the list of results in the Recent Changes page. I'm so sorry for actually having the combination of balls and respect-for-others to bring people's attention to their own beaches of etiquette without insulting them while admitting to my own in the process.
It is still a little squished, but at least the links look like separate links, (and, I did the code for you, so no effort is needed on your part, just copy and past) --[[User:RonaldMcDonald|<span style="background:yellow"><span style="color:red">Ronald</span></span><span style="background:red"><span style="color:yellow">McDonald</span>]]</span><span style="background:black"><span style="color:white">—</span>[[User talk:RonaldMcDonald|<span style="color:lime">talk</span>]]</span> 10:22, 15 July 2022 (CEST)

Imperial, don't take what I said yesterday personally. Everyone fucks up sometimes and most don't even notice it themselves until someone else tells them. That I was enough of a whiny bitch about bringing it up to call myself out in the same message should reinforce the idea. Just don't be like Nervous above and try not to be too much like my irritable fucking ass and you should be fine.-- [[User:Claws61821|Claws61821]] ([[User talk:Claws61821|talk]]) 18:16, 12 June 2019 (CEST)

You’re right, I’m a dumbass. I skimmed through and saw you jumping on someone and just saw red. Sorry.--[[User:Nervous|Nervous]] ([[User talk:Nervous|talk]]) 18:41, 12 June 2019 (CEST)
==Featured Stories==

I liked the idea of having a "featured stories" section where readers can hopefully discover the best of ATF Stories, particularly with some of the fantastic new addition's we've had lately. I was originally thinking it could live on the main page, but that comes with its own set of challenges. Instead, I'm thinking a section that links to the "Featured Stories" page would be great and provides some flexibility to perhaps feature authors and add a few fancier elements that wouldn't work on the main page. I am certainly open to suggestions. --[[User:Hgcollins|Hgcollins]] ([[User talk:Hgcollins|talk]]) 07:31, 27 June 2023 (UTC)

Hey guys, let's not fight it out, that's exactly the opposite of what I was hoping for with this.

Claws, I don't think users will stop reading stories because of Recent Changes being full one day, if they do then they were already close to leaving and if this proposal had motivated any actual improvements then the benefits would outweigh the drawbacks. That said, sorry for making it harder to find your stories, it won't happen again.
==Featured Writers==

Nervous, thanks for the help. -- [[User:Imperial|Imperial]] ([[User talk:Imperial|talk]]) 23:26, 12 June 2019 (CEST)
I’ve come to the realization that we desperately need to have a section of featured writers. Now that we have multiple writers from Asstr and now from Lolicit, we need a place where readers can easily find their favorites. So this is now on my to-do list. We will need to have some pre-requisites for becoming a featured writer. They’ll need to have an author page with links to their stories (obviously), so that will be a big one. But maybe that’s the only hard requirement. Should I make this an admin only page or allow people to add themselves? That one is a toss-up for me. If anyone has any thoughts, let me know.--[[User:Hgcollins|Hgcollins]] ([[User talk:Hgcollins|talk]]) 16:29, 6 September 2023 (UTC)

You're not a dumbass, Nervous; just overenthusiastic in this instance. I'm sorry for biting your head off in return. Thanks for the apology.
Featured Writers is a great idea. We can start with open edit and lock to admin if it becomes spammed or after it's established. [[User:Cum Girl|Cum Girl]] ([[User talk:Cum Girl|talk]]) 06:03, 18 September 2023 (UTC)

Imperial, as I was trying to explain to Nervous above, I probably wouldn't have been as harsh on you if it hadn't come right in the wake of that other flood of widespread minor submissions. That said "The end justifies any means" is rarely ever a good attitude to hold, and I've seen people banned from other wikis for spamming pages that way even with the best of intentions. If I were you I'd just be thankful I'd only gotten my nose rubbed in it instead of gotten reported to a mod or something and subsequently endeavor to avoid similar behavior on any communal website in the future.
== Date and Time preferences ==

Good Lord but I've been long-winded about the most random bullshit this week... -- [[User:Claws61821|Claws61821]] ([[User talk:Claws61821|talk]]) 07:47, 13 June 2019 (CEST)
Can we get a date and time section added to the user preferences? I'm in a significantly different time zone from the host server, making it very confusing when looking at the recent changes page...
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] ([[User talk:Durzan|talk]]) 22:52, 15 September 2024 (UTC)
Claws, I tried being nice but you won't ever forgive me will you? In respect to you and hoping that despite everything that had transpired we could still have a good relationship from then on I decided to apologize and to refrain from ever doing such a thing again but, if no matter what I do, you're just going to stay aggressive and confrontational about a minor nuisance that happened 1 day of your life, then I'm not going to incentivize this sort of behavior any longer.
I take back everything I said in my previous post, if I see the need for such an action again then I'll no longer refrain from it in respect to someone who won't afford me any. I won't bother replying to your next reply but, in the far future, if you ever feel like becoming a contributor instead of a whiner then send me a message and we might be able to work on somehing. Goodbye.
-- [[User:Imperial|Imperial]] ([[User talk:Imperial|talk]]) 21:21, 13 June 2019 (CEST)
*Scratches head in confusion.* I'll never understand how people take me explaining myself and offering neutral advice as confrontational... -- [[User:Claws61821|Claws61821]] ([[User talk:Claws61821|talk]]) 05:44, 14 June 2019 (CEST)
==MediaWiki has been updated==
If you're on mobile, tick the '''Request Desktop Site''' box in your browser settings. And yeah, the ''recent changes'' page is a tad slow and will take some getting used to. Also, go into the ''user settings: appearance'' and untick '''use responsive layout'':--[[User:MrPib|MrPib]] ([[User talk:MrPib|talk]]) 20:52, 6 January 2020 (CET)

Latest revision as of 22:52, 15 September 2024

Main Page Revamp

I am planning to redesign the main page, and would like the community contribute their ideas of what they would want the main page to be, and do. Here are some ideas that I'm toying with:

  • Top Links remain, but are turned into buttons, and prettied up a bit.
  • A "News" section to alert visitors about current stories being written, changes to the wiki, etc.
  • Possibly a seasonal story competition . . . I could afford to give out an award four time a year without any issues. Would this be fun?
  • The normal sections on wiki use and story formatting, cleaned up and made pretty.
  • Maybe a section specifically for writing guides?

Anyone have any other ideas, or feedback on the ones I just posited?

--Elerneron (talk) 10:47, 30 June 2021 (UTC)

Since I imagine most of the users on this wiki being readers rather than writers (and fellow writers also being readers in their own right) I'd say that anything that helps users find new stories to read easier is a plus. "News" section would therefore be a nice addition to main page, perhaps to replace "basic formatting rules", "advanced formatting" etc. They're all already here so a big, noticeable link on a main page to potential contributiors should be enough? Competitions might also be fun to try, maybe start with one to see how much interest there is, and also to get more content on the site. Maybe have a section of their own for them? I don't really have any ideas of my own, but there's my two cents on sugestions above. Innocent Ruin (talk) 14:51, 1 July 2021 (UTC)

Revamping the main page is going to be great for navigation. I like the seasonal story idea as well. I don't know if it's possible, but maybe some general polls for fun on the main page could help with user participation and activity. --Green (talk) 04:22, 20 August 2021 (UTC)

Also, if you need any help with that or css I can do a little. An example of CSS I've done is here compared to the original here. --Green (talk) 04:29, 20 August 2021 (UTC)

Another idea could be raffling off branches of old or existing stories. What I mean is there are quite a few pending requests that users want to read, but nobody is currently writing them either due to author not being available or even just lack of awareness (some branches are difficult to get to and get back to). We could maybe have a featured story and authors could submit their versions of the page in, say, the discussion page or another page entirely. Then, users could vote on their favorite, which would then get featured on the page. (Logistically, I think like a cutoff date for entry, say a month, then open voting for 1-2 weeks.) This would be more work, for sure, and I don't know how high participation would be. Just a thought. Edit: This is more frivolous, and I know this isn't the forums, but maybe every user could get 1 "favorite" button a month and use it on their favorite page. Also, maybe a template for the user page for "top 3 favorite stories" can help interaction or at least let other people see who the user is. --Green (talk) 16:16, 25 August 2021 (UTC)

I thought I’d try to resurrect the conversation about revamping the homepage a bit. I like some of the ideas. Featuring a writer every month could be cool... I think I just got a vauge idea, but I want to mock it up in the sandbox and get feedback. --Hgcollins (talk) 19:28, 26 June 2023 (UTC)

How to create stories

I can edit them but how do i create new ones? Pls help

Sidebar "NSFW"

Why is "ATF Booru" in the sidebar listed as "NSFW"? This is an NSFW site, and "All the Fallen" is also NSFW. --Cum Girl (talk) 07:05, 25 January 2022 (CET)

Copyrights page

Will the page All_The_Fallen_Stories:Copyrights ever be created? It seems like a good idea to have some copyright information about how stories are available on this site. --Cum Girl (talk) 07:11, 30 March 2022 (CEST)


Maybe it should be encouraged (or even required for new stories) to list story codes and edit permissions at the top of the first page. My reasoning is that many people, like myself, probably keep an eye on recent changes, and sometimes discover stories that way instead of from the index. And it can be difficult to go back and find the story in the index, assuming the author even remembered to list it, so this would make that information more accessible. --BraveNudeWorld (talk) 11:47, 6 June 2022 (CEST)

If there was a template that made that look good and convenient and it was added to the instructions then I think that is a good idea. --Cum Girl (talk) 14:40, 6 June 2022 (CEST)

I'll think about the issue. At this point, a total revamp would be...cumbersome, but I understand the difficulty. --Elerneron (talk) 16:08, 6 June 2022 (CEST)

Create a page with the synopsis of the story, and also have the tags displayed on it. Then, you can add just that page to a specific category "Category:RandomMeta"... with that category, when you click the "Rando meta story", it would give you a random story from the "Meta Stories" category and you can read the synopsis and see if the tags are to your liking.

You'd also have to add a second category "Random Story", that way, you would be given a random story chosen from all the categories (Straight/Yuri, Yaoi, Fury and Meta) And again, if you don't like to gist of said story, just click the button again.

An example, would be Random page from 2T4U

--MrPib (talk) 22:40, 6 June 2022 (CEST)


I'm wondering if this Wiki already has a way (other than collapsible elements) to handle spoilers, preferably by blacking out the text (and possibly even images as a bonus) until it was selected/clicked on. I'm not sure if it's compatible with this MW version, but there is an extension for it at Dotty (talk) 18:45, 21 May 2023 (UTC)

I made a spoiler template. It doesn't do images, but other that it works. Hover to reveal, or tap on mobile. Super secret message. I'll put this on your talk page to make sure you see it, but I figured I might as well leave it here as well in case anyone else is interested. --BraveNudeWorld (talk) 05:25, 22 May 2023 (UTC)

In the list of story categories at the very top of the page, the different links are very close to eachother, and it looks like #-CD-GH-KL-OP-ST-WX-Z is all one link! This could be confusing for some people if they want to find a story and click the wrong spot because they thought it was the same link. It is an easy fix, just add a an extra div, so that it might look like:

Instead of:

It is still a little squished, but at least the links look like separate links, (and, I did the code for you, so no effort is needed on your part, just copy and past) --RonaldMcDonaldtalk 10:22, 15 July 2022 (CEST)

Featured Stories

I liked the idea of having a "featured stories" section where readers can hopefully discover the best of ATF Stories, particularly with some of the fantastic new addition's we've had lately. I was originally thinking it could live on the main page, but that comes with its own set of challenges. Instead, I'm thinking a section that links to the "Featured Stories" page would be great and provides some flexibility to perhaps feature authors and add a few fancier elements that wouldn't work on the main page. I am certainly open to suggestions. --Hgcollins (talk) 07:31, 27 June 2023 (UTC)

Featured Writers

I’ve come to the realization that we desperately need to have a section of featured writers. Now that we have multiple writers from Asstr and now from Lolicit, we need a place where readers can easily find their favorites. So this is now on my to-do list. We will need to have some pre-requisites for becoming a featured writer. They’ll need to have an author page with links to their stories (obviously), so that will be a big one. But maybe that’s the only hard requirement. Should I make this an admin only page or allow people to add themselves? That one is a toss-up for me. If anyone has any thoughts, let me know.--Hgcollins (talk) 16:29, 6 September 2023 (UTC)

Featured Writers is a great idea. We can start with open edit and lock to admin if it becomes spammed or after it's established. Cum Girl (talk) 06:03, 18 September 2023 (UTC)

Date and Time preferences

Can we get a date and time section added to the user preferences? I'm in a significantly different time zone from the host server, making it very confusing when looking at the recent changes page... --Durzan (talk) 22:52, 15 September 2024 (UTC)