The Last Horcrux/Hogwarts/The Great Hall

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By the time the boats have crossed the lake, the sun has set, and Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry becomes illuminated from hundreds of little lights and windows.

Your heart is beating, and you still feel a little stunned by what you saw in the monster’s memory. Any time you move away from the Potter boy, you feel it’s hold on you tightening, and any time you or he move a little closer to one another, you feel the monster slithering back under its rock. So long as the monster is hiding, you are temporarily free of him. It occurs to you that if anyone could help to free you from the monster, it would be Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts. You don’t dare ask him for help though, fearing the revenge that you know the Dark Lord would take.

Lily asks if you are ok, and you manage to smile weakly at her. The first years are led up from the boats and into Hogwarts itself, entering a courtyard and up some stairs, in through a grand doorway, and entering the school itself.

You feel someone take hold of your arm. It is Lavender Brown, who starts excitedly gossiping with you.

“You didn’t say your cousin was so handsome!” Lavender whispers excitedly in your ear.

“Who?” You reply less quietly, “Draco?”

“No!” Lavender whispers back fiercely, “Blaise! Is he a Pureblood Zambini?”

“Of course…” you reply, struggling to keep up and feeling the blood pounding in your temples a little from the earlier pain.

“He’s lovely,” Lavender says, dreamily.

You nod, then look around for Lily, who has fallen behind a little. You reach out for her and she hurries after you, taking your hand.

You are then greeted by a small troop of House-Elves, who take luggage and coats from you, levitating them away with their own magic. Lily and Lavender are pleased to have them take their luggage away, but you have nothing to give them.

“Does Mistress have anything she needs to unburden herself from?” Asks one of the House-Elves, with formal politeness.

Only a monster lurking in my soul, you think to yourself.

You hold on to Lily and Lavender. This was not the way you expected arriving at Hogwarts to go, but at least you are entering with friends. Before another thought can pass through your mind, the doors to the Hogwarts Great Hall swing open, and you and the other first years are led in to the booming applause of the whole rest of the school.


File:Great Hall Stained Glass Window.jpeg
The Hogwarts Great Hall is visually stunning

Dumbledore image

Spell choices

Sorting hat choices

What do you do next?

You will need to investigate quickly, because the House Sorting Ceremony is due to begin shortly:

Emily Lestrange
Ethnicity: Pureblood Witch English/French/Italian
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 92 lbs.
Build: Slender
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Spells in effect
1: Protego Corpus
2: Protego Psyche
3: Protego Anima
4: Protego Animus
5: Psyche Obfuscatus
6: Obscurus Anima
7: Obscurus Magicae
8: None
Soul Fragments
2: Hufflepuff’s Cup (in Gringott’s Vault No.51)
3: Ravenclaw's Diadem? (Hogwarts?)
4: Slytherin's Locket? (Cave?)
5: Gaunt's Ring?
6: Gryffindor's Sword?
7: Unknown
8: Unknown
Emily (vessel)
Magic Items
Mother’s wand, Broken Time Turner, Bellatrix’ Locket, Shadow Cloak, Extended Luggage Suite, Ring of Protection
Other Items
Hastur snake familiar, Tailored clothes in black and dark emerald green, black leather knee high boots, purse with currency

Inside Extended Luggage Suite

Books Life Magick of the Celts and ancient Britons, Wiccan Blood Rituals, A Primer of Magickes of Imperial China, The Fragmented Soul, Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts, Love Potions, Sexus, Serpentes et Magicae Voluptatis, The Daughters of Hecate, A Secret Guide to Hogwarts, Tom Riddle’s Diary (Horcrux).

Magic Items Sofia Lestrange’s Pensieve, Enchanted Tarot, Guardian Statue, Self-Writing Quill, Wizard’s Chess Set, Mother’s Broomstick, several sets of shirts, skirts and underwear with protection from minor charms, jinxes and hexes.

Other Items

Clothes, text books, blankets, towels, food, medicines and various supplies